
Chapter no.242 Drama

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"Um, excuse me, sir, but they are in the middle of a very important match. Ash is attempting to win a Soul Badge from the gym leader," Yellow said out loud.

"That is not the gym leader of Fuchsia City," the man stated, earning a gasp of surprise from yellow. "That is my daughter, Janine."

Koga raised an eyebrow as he saw Austin's calm face.

"So you aren't the gym leader?" Yellow asked the ninja girl.

"I apologize for tricking you, Ash. I was just so eager to have a real gym match with an opponent," Janine answered as she continued to look at the floor.

Upon hearing this, Yellow instantly got an annoyed expression on her face and slid over to Janine.

"So you weren't the gym leader, yet you decided to raise the stakes by saying Ash had to go on a date with you if he lost. What were you planning on doing if he won, considering you aren't the gym leader?" she asked in a sassy tone with her hands on her hips, Pikachu mimicking her motions.

Haunter and Austin looked at one another before they took a step back.

They were going to enjoy the drama.

"I didn't get that far because I wasn't planning on losing," Janine said as she twiddled her thumbs and avoided eye contact with Yellow.

Yellow smiled triumphantly at being able to bring this ninja girl off of her pedestal until Janine said her next sentence.

"Hey. What are you supposed to be? Ash's girlfriend or something?" Janine asked.

Yellow instantly blushed and looked away. "Ash isn't my boyfriend…," she muttered sheepishly as she fiddled with her fingers.

Janine smirked now that she found a weak spot. "Then why are you so concerned that I want to go on a date with Ash?"

Yellow took a while to answer as she continued to look away. She turned towards Austin and saw him and Haunter eating popcorn while watching the two of them.

' Where did he get the popcorn?'

Yellow wondered before a cough from Janine caused her to turn back. This caused Yellow to turn even redder than she already was.

"I just care a lot about Ash so I care about who he goes on a date with," she said lamely.

"So you like him, don't you?" Janine smiled deviously.

"N...No." Yellow silently whispered as her face turned bright tomato red.

"That's enough, Janine," the new man scolded as he went over to her.

Janine turned and bowed to the man. "I apologize, father," she said formally.

Janine's father then turned to Austin who was still enjoying his popcorn alongside Haunter who had drizzled the hot sauce on her popcorn. "Young man, the true gym leader of Fuchsia City whom you seek is me. My name is Koga. My daughter Janine is a gym leader in training."

" Ah, so you're the real gym leader," Austin said as he realized that the drama was over but on a side note, he never knew Yellow had such a feisty node. Maybe some of Misty's tendencies were rubbing off on Yellow.

"Indeed I am," Koga confirmed.

"In that case, I would like to challenge you to a gym battle so I can win a Soul Badge," Ash declared.

"I will accept your challenge, young man. I can see you are a very capable battler," Koga replied with a nod as he continued," But would you mind telling your friend to show himself ?"

Austin and Yellow tilted their heads in confusion a flash of blue appeared beside Austin.

Seeing Lucario beside him shocked Austin as Lucario grabbed his popcorn.

" I love the future." Lucario's voice only permeated to Austin who just rolled his eyes.

Koga and Janine meanwhile were shocked by Lucario's appearance.

' What kind of pokemon is that ?' Janine thought Koga's indifferent face didn't show how much he was shocked to see a Lucario with a young trainer like Austin.

"Janine, will you be the judge of the battle?" Koga asked his daughter.

"Yes, father," Janine replied with a bow before hurrying away from Yellow to the other side of the room.

" Since you have already used one of your Pokemon against Janine, we shall have a two-on-two battle rather than three. Is that acceptable?" Koga asked.

"That's fine with me." Austin calmly said as looked at the popcorn bag that Lucario handed.

It was empty.

Austin glared at Lucario who just smirked.

Koga smirked once more. "Pokemon are not merely about brute force! You shall see soon enough! Venomoth! I choose you!" he said as he released his first Pokemon.

A large, purple moth-like Pokemon appeared from the Pokeball. It had large eyes and scaly wings.

"Venomoth!" it cried.

"A Venomoth," Yellow muttered as she scanned it with her Pokedex.

"Venomoth, the moth Pokemon and the evolved form of Venonat. The dust-like scales covering its wins are color-coated to indicate which poison it has," said the Pokedex.

Austin took a Pokeball before sending out a pokemon that caused Janine to have sparkles in her eyes as she always dreamed of owning one.

" Ninja !" Ninjask appeared on the battlefield as he did multiple backflips in the air.

Just as he was about to hit the ground, Ninjask opened his wings and hovered.

Ninjask pointed at Venonat with his claw before moving it back and forth as if he was saying ' Come at me.'

Koga sweatdropped at the Ninjask's actions as he was the most expressive Ninjask he had ever seen.

" The match shall now begin!" Janine declared.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Weepinbell acid is a remarkably corrosive substance, which dissolves many materials with such speed and effectiveness that it is used throughout the pokemon world as an alternative to dynamite. Developed as a means of killing and digesting prey such as Rattata or Caterpie, it is capable of dissolving even Onix and other rocks. Weepinbell leak acid from their eyes frequently, in a process that has evolved like a Growlithe puppy's eyes to elicit sympathy from humans, and this acid frequently seeps deep into the earth's crust.

This acid has thankfully not been effectively weaponized, for no container has been found which can both hold the acid and not cause it to lose potency, save for the Weepinbell themselves. And Weepinbell is not an especially powerful pokemon; they can only throw their acid a short distance, are easily knocked out, and humans and larger pokemon require the continuous application of this acid to be killed in the first place.

This is not to say that living creatures are immune. Although Weepinbell themselves produce a neutralizing fluid, it is an imperfect one, and they produce less and less as they age. If they are unable to evolve soon enough into Victreebel, a Weepinbell will die from its acid, being dissolved from the inside out.
