
Chapter Thirty Four: Plans

Disclaimer: I own nothing here, and I'd be much too frightened to tease a senator.

AN: I simply MUST give a shoutout to my current favorite youtubers, Girls With Sabers (Emrys and Luthien) for pointing out the possible connection between Reylo and that Rumi poem about the field, it is something this chapter was heavily influenced by. If you haven't heard about it, just google "Rumi field poem Reylo". (And then go give Girls With Sabers a listen, they are awesome!)

Also, also! There will be major spoilers for Star Wars Rebels in Chapter 35, so if you don't want to be spoiled, go finish Rebels now! You have been warned a month in advance!

Anyway, enjoy chapter 34! Chapter 35 is not finished, but will hopefully be up 9-7-19.








