Marcus Wilder's P.O.V

I sat on the water edge of the lake that sat behind my small cabin. The waves rippled with the wind and the sun had begun to set behind the pine trees casting rays on the ground. At this hour vampires were allowed to come out to enjoy it while it set in the horizon, giving them the longing of being human once again. In those moments, however, I too enjoyed it as well. I longed to be able to go out in the sunlight, to run wild like never before and to see some girl that I had feelings for, radiate in the sun but I knew from years pasts that in a way, it would never happen. Humans aged compared to vampires. We never get old. Always staying the same after we turned. It takes centuries for one to tame their instinct to attack anyone with a vein. I, However was entirely different, scientists found a way to make vampires. More so pure bloods and I was one of them. A genus pig for their tests. Of course I don't remember much of how things went down. All I knew was that I woke up in a cell with the urge to feed on humans. After they turned me, the scientists put me through a program to tame my animal instincts. 

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard footfalls from behind me. I turned to see Nora and Blake carrying someone who was as limp as a tree. From where I sat it was obvious that there had been an accident because there was blood staining her clothes. "What happened?" I asked them as they approached me.

"Car Crash," Blake mumbled as he laid the body in front of me. "Hit and run by the look of it." The wind had picked up a few seconds ago caused Blake's' hair to sway off his forehead.

"She looks like she could use the hospital," I said to Blake as I reached over to move the girl's brown hair off of her face. "Why did you bring here?" He looked at Blake as he asked the question. 

"She wouldn't have made it if we did take her." Nora was the one to respond. "Even with our speed,"She continued. "It could of been too late." She fell silent after giving me her answer. Nora was always the silent one when it comes to situations like this and in a way in shocked me. What made this girl so special that she had to stand up for her? A howl sounded in the distance which made everyone stop talking. The Remus Pack was here. 

I gave a sigh which told the other two that I was annoyed. "They shouldn't be here,"  I got to my feet and smelled the wind. Of course they were. The Remus Pack was so noisy that sometimes I could rip all of their throats out just for being such a pest.

Blake was amused. "To what do we owe the pleasure of their visit tonight?" His hair had fallen back onto his forehead, giving him the impression of a bad boy, while his eyes started to glow faintly.

"Whatever it is it can't be good." Nora's took a deep breath while her eyes began to glow as well butcher's held a hint of worry. The wind picked up again, causing her silver like hair to rustle in the breeze. 

"Don't concern yourselves with the matter," I told them. "But until I find out what they want, " looked toward the cabin and continued. "I want you to get her inside and down into the cellar and then after we can decide on how to handle this." Both of them nodded and Blake stepped forward to gather the girl into his arms. 

When Blake stopped and turned back to look at me, I gazed back waited for him to speak. "Hurry," was what Blake said loud enough for me to hear and it made me wonder what he meant until he continued. "I am afraid that she may not have much time left." 

My heart would have leaped if I had one and I instantly said, "I won't be long." I made the promise and hoped that whatever the leader wanted from the Pack didn't keep me as long because this girl's life was on the line. I headed for the forest tree line where the Remus pack was waiting.


The Remus pack waited on the edge of the forest for one of the outcasts to show up. It was cold but it didn't bother them. They were hounds after all. All of them smelled blood and needed to consult with them to see what had transpired. There cabin was in view but none of them were in sight. All of them had assumed they were out looking for their next meal until Marcus showed. His golden eyes held a hint of anger and yet a tint of amusement. "No need to fret," Marcus said as he stopped just shy of the tree line. His baritone like voice nearly echoed in the silence. "There was an accident on the road." He told the leader. An owl hooted in the distant void of darkness. "Why are you here Jarvis?" He asked.

Jarvis chuckled lightly and responded. "To check up on the outcasts of course." His eyes gave away his intentions. 

Being pesky isn't one of his strong suits but he tries too hard. Marcus thought but instead replied. "We are fine and so is the human." 

"I am sure you know that without the humans' consent you cannot turn them." Jarvis said has he turned to one of his members and whispered into his ear. Even with the vampire hearing the wolves had their way of making sure that they couldn't hear their conversations which in a way was truly annoying but it wasn't any of my business to eavesdrop. The member only nodded and had the rest of the pack leave.

"I am well aware," Marcus said as he ran his fingers through his hair tousling it even more so than before. "Are we done here because by the look of it all of you are only here to be pests and the human doesn't have much time."

"I see." Jarvis said "Just reminder," he continued. "Consent is what caused all of you to be banned from the vampire clan in the first place."

"You know very well that it wasn't my fault." Marcus defended. "The Leader only needed someone to blame and it so happened to be me and my friends. He hates me for his own reasons"

With that Jarvis turned on his heels and ran into the forest, turning into the wolf that he was leaving Marcus on his own to his seething anger as he relieved the past just for a short moment. He sighed and quickly ran back to the Cabin to try to save the human.
