
Family V

Sky followed her sister into her room as she checked on her daughter Beverly. Sky smiled as she watched her sister...very soon she will become a mom but the only difference will be that she will be unmarried, no matter how rich she becomes, her child will be a child out of wedlock.

Sky leaned forward as she kissed her niece Beverly on the cheek, the baby was 5 months old. Beverly look so much like her mom, her eyes, nose, mouth, the structure of her face.

Brianna quietly led Sky out of her room to her mother's room and when they got in, Sky was surprised to see her grandma sitting on the bed. She ran to hug her. "Grams I miss you so much, why didn't anyone tell me you were around?"

Her grams hugged her and said..."It's a surprise dear, stand up let me look at you." Grams looked at her daughter and smiled, as she thought to herself...'Thank God she's not going to die a virgin, phew...my daughter has nothing to worry about.'

" You look good my child, I hope you are feeding well and avoiding the unnecessary foods and drinks??" She asked as she stroked her grand dauter's back.

Sky couldn't look her grandma in the eyes as she answered her..."Yes grams."

Bemused Brianna looked from her grandmother to her sister. "Grams what are you talking about? She needs to eat all types of food so she doesn't fall sick, she's too selective."

"I know dear." grams replied. "Please just look after your younger sister ok?" Brianna thought her grams was acting weird but nodded anyway..."Yes ma'am I'll always be there for her."

The rest of the day went by with the family talking about their jobs, personal life and teasing eachother. Brianna retired early to her room as she was feeling tired from the days work.

Grams had a smile on her face throughout the day, making the whole family worried. The next day...Sky felt really sick and couldn't get up from bed, her nephew dragged her out of bed with popcorn in his hands pleading with her to watch SpongeBob SquarePants with him and blow bubbles...Sky couldn't refuse the sweetlin. As both of them sat down to blow bubbles, and watch their cartoon...Sky felt better.

Sky was tickling her nephew when her mom walked in....thinking this will be the best opportunity to tell her mom about her pregnancy, she texted her sister telling her to meet them in the study.

After everyone was sitted, Skyler took a deep breath and said....mom, sist, I have something important to tell you...before she could continue, she was interrupted by her mom. "Excuse me dear but can I say something first?" Mrs Onome asked.

Mrs Victoria's greatest fear is that her daughter will never get married and will grow old lonely with just a cat by herself. Mena had always been different...her daughter had refused to bring any man home, not even a boyfriend...although Mena had a lot of male friends, she had never introduced anyone to her mom.

And whenever the issue of marriage was brought up...she shied away from it....now that her daughter was doing well, with this sudden announcement, she was scared Mena was going to tell her not to expect any grand babies from her and not to expect marriage from her and accept her the way she is.

"Go ahead mom." Sky said.

"Well you know my neighbor at the shopping complex, the one who's into cosmetics, hair and the rest?? her son will be returning back from the States soon...he is thinking of settling down and after she told him about you, he has decided to meet you...he is a nice guy, I have heard him on phone several times with his mom."

"He's a sweet boy and the last time he visited his mom, I saw his back view, he looked handsome." Winking at her daughter she smiled. "Just promise me you'll meet him..."

"Moooom." Sky shouted.

Brianna couldn't help but laugh..."When did you turn the matchmaker Mrs Victoria?" she said.

"Well somebody has to intervene Bree or this girl will remain like this forever." Mrs Onome replied her daughter as she eyed Sky.

"Don't worry mom" Brianna said, "I have a few nice guys who she can hook up with."
