Tale of god of machinery For those who care about grammar. issue don't read this novel , don't insult me I'm nothing just a piece of useless shit no great story development , nothing Don't insulted about grammar
Drifting in a plain darkness,the nauseous feeling of my body falling and keep falling,I not pretty sure how long had I been in this kind of situation, years maybe decades
Unto how I ended up here, it happened abruptly when my car sliding through the fences guarding the side of road hill ,then I fall into the valley,I thought it gonna be an instant death but nope and look and behold a complete no where , I don't know where in actual reality did my car gone to and why my body didn't even accelerated by a constant falling
hmmm what's that?
A nova of colourful light could be obverse from a distance , the shape of it akin to a [Galaxy-MaxisB4B1]
a spherical shape thingy drifted through an ocean of stars and landed on the farthest west of the universe