
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

One day he suddenly found himself in hell. All he had was faith in God and a desire to live. From the first to the ninth thousand circles of hell, he absorbed dozens, hundreds of thousands of demons. Even the seven great dukes of hell bowed down before him. – Why would you go back? Don’t you have everything that’s in Hell? – Do what you have to do. There’s no food or entertainment. All there is in Hell are deserted plains and terrible demons. “I want to go back home…” And he decided to return to Earth ten thousand years later. **NOT MY NOVEL, JUST SAD IT WASN'T ON HERE.** **Chapters 121 and up will be translated and Proofread by me.**

AnimeAura · アクション
79 Chs

Chapter 33: I Told You, I’m Stronger than You Think (Part 1)

Editor: Cherish

— I agree.

When Chae Young-Ju heard Kang Yu's answer, her face lit up and she exhaled loudly as if saying, 'I told you so.'

— That's a good decision.

— When will you tell me what the request is? — Kang Yu asked with an arrogant tone, his lips curled to a smirk.

— When the time comes. You don't have the strength for that right now.

— Hm. — The guy exhaled silently and looked at Young-ju.

'What is she going to ask for?'

Actually, it was true that there were many things he couldn't do right now.

But she didn't even know it. She had no idea who she was actually talking to.

Chae Young-ju only knew that he was a gifted player who received his ID two weeks ago.

— You're mistaken.

— What?

— I'm stronger than you think.

Young-ju just smiled without saying a word.

Of course, for her, who was known as one of the best Players in the country, to hear something like that from a Player who started his journey two weeks ago is funny.

— Ha, yeah, yeah. Got it. But I can't tell you about the request yet, not just because you're inexperienced.

— And because of what?

— I don't have enough proof yet. It's not something you can talk about without precise grounds and evidence.

Kang Yu had a hard time understanding what she was talking about.

He looked at the evasive girl one more time and shrugged his shoulders.

'There's no need to find out right now.' She probably had a reason to say this.

Besides, if he didn't want to accept the request, he would just refuse later anyway. And until then, there's no need to worry about it.

— Here's my number, write it down.

— Always a pleasure to have a beautiful girl's number.

— Aren't you a little late to start flattering me? — Young-ju jokingly replied to him while laughing.

She thought Kang Yu was joking with her.

'But I'm serious.' Kang Yu grinned and wrote down the girl's phone number.

She was no match for Han Sol, but it was still nice to get a pretty girl's number.

Kang Yu really wasn't just flattering her.

Compared to Lilith, who tried to get him into her bed every night, all the girls on Earth seemed to be angelic.

— When will I be able to get equipment? — What Kang Yu was most interested in was free equipment.

'I wonder how much items and equipment will help in a battle.' He thought that with 666 Powers, the equipment shouldn't help much in a battle.

As long as he had a sufficient amount of Magi, even without the use of equipment he could powerfully attack the enemy and successfully avoid attacks to defend himself.

So wearing Player equipment hadn't seemed necessary to him thus far.

'But if it helps save Magi, why not try?' If the equipment could help him in battle, that would mean he'd have more Magi left to fight.

Since he doesn't have an unlimited amount of Magi like he did in Hell at the moment, conserving his Magi was a great idea.

'Using Power eats too much Magi.'

After reaching 30 levels and 3 ranks, Kang Yu's Magi had grown even larger, but not so much that it can be wasted on a whim.

— If you want, we can go right now.

— That's great.

— In that case, follow me. We'll go to our office.

— Where is it?

— At Seoul Station.

The same station where the Player Control Office was.

Kang Yu nodded and followed the girl.

As he did, he noticed a fancy car parked nearby.

— Look at that!

— Isn't that a Porsche 918 Spyder?

— It's crazy…

People passing by were turning their heads to look at the expensive imported car.

Chae Young-ju, who swiftly walked through the crowd, took out the keys and deactivated the car's alarm system.

— Get in.

— Woah! — Kang Yu's admiration sounded as soon as the girl opened the door.

'Is this really the same girl in the sportswear and the cap from PC Bang?' — She looked so cool now that the guy was really wondering if it was the same person in front of him.

'The car creates a totally different image.'

Even just getting behind the wheel, she looked completely different.

Kang Yu wasn't interested in foreign cars before, since he couldn't even afford domestic ones. So now, watching one of the strongest players sit behind the wheel of a luxury car, he experienced a real shock.

— What are you doing? Hurry up and sit down, — said the girl, putting her hands on the steering wheel while looking at Kang Yu., who was just standing there ridiculously.

He nodded a little and sat down in the front seat.

'I'm done…' He thought about how not to melt away in such a chic chair.

— How much is it worth?

— I'm not sure. When I bought it, I didn't look at the price. Probably about a billion won.

The amount was so high that Kang Yu involuntarily opened his mouth.

It was even more expensive than a decent apartment.

Chae Young-ju pressed down on the gas pedal.

The Porsche rolled along the road like sliding on smooth ice.

— As expected of an expensive car. It doesn't just go, it floats.

— Should I find one for you too? — Young-ju was so casual asking this, as if she was going to order a cup of coffee from the coffee shop.

Of course, Kang Yu's eyes were shining.

— Really?

— It's part of our agreement.

— Noona…

(P.P.: Noona — a guy's address to a girl older than him. Closer, friendlier and cuter.)

— What?

— I'll call you Young-ju-noona.

When she heard that statement, the girl's face turned to one of disgust, and her expression looked as if she'd chewed and swallowed a bug by mistake.

That was the second time in the last half an hour that he'd made her look so disgusted.

— I would just appreciate it if you buy a car like that. — Kang Yu wasn't obligated to receive such a fancy car, but he didn't see any reason to give up the gift.

— But if you refuse my request, I'll take it back right away.

— So you're actually a stingy person.

— There are too many hungry mouths in my entourage.

Kang Yu grinned at her evasive answer.

— This is our office.

— It's huge…

She stopped the car in front of the building with over 20 stories.

It looked brand new, decorated with an elegant rose.

'So this is the power of a large guild.' A large guild was on the same level as a large corporation.

Kang Yu thought it was a good idea to make connections with people like that, so he followed Young-ju inside the building.

As soon as they went inside, a guy with glasses and a black cape came up to them.

Directing his gaze from Young-ju to Kang Yu, he said:

— Our guild leader has told us about you. It's nice to meet you. I'm Park Hyun Woo, the head of Red Rose's Human Resources department. And this is Moon Yeon Ho, the task force chief.

— Oh Kang Yu.

Unlike the respectful Park Hyun Woo, Moon Yeon Ho looked closely at Kang Yu from head to toe.

— I suppose your conversation with the head was a success, since you're here.

— With those conditions, who would dare to refuse? Especially considering you guys are the Red Rose… refusing would be the same as swallowing poison to die.

— Ha-ha-ha, we aren't that vicious. — Hyun Woo smiled a little and turned to Yeon Ho.

— Can we go straight to the warehouse with equipment?

— I'll take him myself, Hyun Woo. You've got a lot to do.

— Thank you.

— Then I'll go with you, — said Moon Yeon Ho, still looking analytically at Kang Yu.

— What for?

— I want to get to know this person better, to see his abilities.

— Hmm… Well, okay. It's better to get to know this person now that we'll have to work together. Come on, let's go.

She headed towards the elevator, waving her hand to gesture for the guys to follow her.

The elevator with Young-ju, Kang Yu and Yeon Ho stopped at the 15th floor.

— This is our inventory warehouse.

Each of the items were stored in a separate, crystal clear case.

— Ho-ho!

— You can choose something from here. If you decide to take high-class uniforms, you'll have to pay a deposit. — She pointed out to the side where ten sets were lying.

It was clear with a glance that the quality of high-class uniforms was much better than normal ones.

Kang Yu looked around.

— What's the cost for a high-class outfit?

— 50 million won per piece. It's quite cheap.

Kang Yu didn't say anything. He's heard, of course, that the outfits are expensive, but to this extent…

'I don't even have that kind of money now.' Because he mainly turns the mana stones he earns into Magi, he hadn't exchanged enough for that much money. 'Even if I sold all the mana stones I'd gotten, I doubt I'd have enough.'

It's too expensive.

'Too bad.' Because just looking at the equipment was enough to tell the difference.

Kang Yu turned away from the higher-class uniforms:

— Then I'd like to see these…

At that moment, a deafening sound flew through the warehouse.

Kang Yu turned his head to the sound source.

Moon Yeon Ho was standing there, drilling Kang Yu with a disgruntled look.

— Speak politely!

— Huh?

— Speak politely to the head of the guild! — Yeon Ho spoke with anger.

Kang Yu looked at him and smiled.

— What if I don't want to?