
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · アニメ·コミックス
322 Chs

Chapter 223

I don't know how the navy is raging, how Titch is troubled, Lin Bei and the Straw Hats are quite quiet and peaceful.

two or three days of sailing made Lin Bei's physique a lot stronger.

before his physique could only be regarded as the level of major general of individual art specialization, but now, he is gradually approaching the lieutenant general of physical skill specialization.

I have to say that once the ability of the Liuku Immortal Thief is fully fired, it will become stronger very quickly!

which is a bit of a trick and a sanji.

In the past two days, Sanji has seen Choba several times in a row, saying that his wrist is upside down.

Solon, who heard about this, immediately put down the barbell in his hand and ran to Joba's infirmary, where he stood and ridiculed

"You simply practice the kung fu in your hands, such as carrying a spatula and fighting people."

you have more power in your hands than on your feet, plus your superpowers.

hey~ or you learn the knife with me! "

Solon's ridiculous tone made Yamaji burst into tears, and immediately replied

"Okay, I will chop people with a kitchen knife during the day, and use a kitchen knife to cut vegetables for you at night, you can savor the sweetness of human flesh and hair."

Solon was speechless for the first time by Yamaji.

he remembered that Sanji was a cook.

Although Yamaji has an extremely professional ethic and will not do anything to meals, it is not impossible for him to break through the work ethic occasionally.

so after that, Solon never teased Yamaji about it, for fear that his meals would have more things that should not appear.

Today, early in the morning.

This is the fifth day after leaving the iceberg sea, Lin Bei got up as usual to go to the deck to wash, and by the way to see today's superpower.

< p idx="18"> [Today's superpower: Mad Dave] [Ability introduction: Crooked Bab]

[Today's mission: Get stealth fruit]

What the hell!

is this widowhood system show funny?

Introduction to the ability Why is it Crooked Bab?

Lin Bei, who was brushing his teeth, twitched the corners of his eyes, but even if he didn't look at the ability introduction, according to his understanding of Dave, this ability was nothing more than plants or zombies.

yo~ This would be fun if it were a zombie!

Zombie Edition Pirate World!

but unless he deliberately spreads, the zombie virus is either strong or useless.

first of all, the strong thing is that the zombie virus can infect the sea king, then the world can directly announce GG.

if it is weak, it cannot infect the sea kings, and if there is no problem with the sea, the zombies can only be trapped on the island and cannot get out.

After all, the pirate world is a continent with many islands, not a connected continent, so it is difficult to spread.

Unfortunately, Lin Bei confirmed that this ability has nothing to do with zombies.

otherwise it's really like looking at what the zombie general Red Inu is like, the justice of eating all human brains?

and since it is determined that it has nothing to do with zombies, it is a plant.

Lin Bei set his evil gaze on Nami's orange tree, looked left and right to see no one, and stepped forward to put his hand on the orange and released his superpower.

in the next second, the orange tree that was touched by Lin Bei stretched itself and became an orange tree man!

it turned out to be given life!

which is slightly similar to the ability to anthropomorphize, but this ability can only point plants, and there should be no limit.

just when Lin Bei was interested in wanting to see what abilities the orange tree man had, he suddenly felt a vicious wind behind him!


gently awaken the sleeping mind!

Nami slammed a fist on Lin Bei's head and punched out a big bag

"What did you do to my orange tree!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Bei could not explain when he saw the orange tree man angry.

Plants that are dotted automatically protect their owners, even if it was Nami who took care of them before to prevent them from being eaten by Luffy, but the orange tree man was not soft at all when he hit Nami.

Orange Tree Man's attack method is very interesting, that is, throw oranges!

each orange can produce the power of a high-explosive grenade, and an orange is thrown at Nami's side, and Nami is blown away without reacting.

thanks to the law that there is no harm in the interior of the ship, otherwise Nami would have to walk in a wheelchair in the future.

Nami, who slowly got up, was blinded by the explosion, and looked at Lin Bei

incredulously "You let it up!?"

Lin Bei quickly waved his hand

"This has nothing to do with me, he threw it himself, I didn't teach him!"

After Lin Bei finished speaking, he saw the little orange tree man standing in front of Lin Bei, looking like no one could do anything to my master.

two orange grenades are ready to be thrown.

Nami's tears came down

"My orange tree, take the orange and fry me!"

the explosion just now woke everyone up, and after discovering that it was Lin Bei's super power, they all relaxed and went up one by one to start stroking the orange trees.

except Yamaji, no one cares about Nami who is crying and aggrieved.

but soon Yamaji was also attracted to the orange tree man.

as a professional chef, he smells a smell that will drive him crazy!

taste comes from the orange grenade after the explosion!

although it will be fried, the smell after frying makes Yamaji, who is a chef, taste a little and can't stop it.

Nami's orange tree is known to be sour, but the orange that was fried on the ground is simply the peak of the taste of oranges!

Yamaji quickly asked Lin Bei to help pick one, wanting to try cooking, but as a result, it exploded unexpectedly.

Yamaji thought for a moment, so he asked Usopp to help make a pot.

how familiar Lin Bei looks, on Earth, this thing should be the explosion-proof pot next to the subway station.

Yamaji threw the fruit inside, and after a bang, opened the lid, Yamaji tasted the jam after the explosion, and his soul almost ascended to heaven.

it tastes so good!

after tasting a few mouthfuls for everyone, everyone also ascended to heaven.

then the Orange Tree Man saw a group of humans with red-eye effects surrounding him.

the orange tree man panicked and wanted to ask the owner for help, but found that the owner had caught him an orange.

< p idx="71"> that is, the orange tree man will not speak, otherwise he will definitely shout

at this time "hentai~yada~"

> a minute later, the orange tree man sat weakly on the ground, and he already had not a single orange on his body.

while its own master and the group of perverted humans are taking its fruit and throwing it into a pot and popping it and tasting it.

this scene has caused a shadow in the heart of a small tree man who is not yet an adult, who knows.

At this time, Nami gently lifted it up and replanted it….