
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · アニメ·コミックス
322 Chs

Chapter 18

"Hahaha~ The hot pot is really great!"

Luffy feasts on Bucky's pirate ship.

Solon's knife skills are very good, just as he is a slicer, and the slices of meat he cuts are as thin as cicada wings, and they can be cooked with a light blanch.

It's just that he himself is not very satisfied with this identity, and even said that he didn't even have swordsmanship to cut meat!

Fortunately, Lin Bei flickered, no, there is a hand in appeasing the crew.

Tell him directly that this is also a kind of cultivation.

His strength is indeed very powerful, but the level of detail is completely insufficient.

Repeated slices of tender meat can exercise the precision of a swordsman.

Think about it, when you can cut slices of meat as thin as cicada wings even blindfolded, who you want to cut and how large you cut, is not up to you.

Solon was persuaded (suddenly) that he had succeeded.

One meal helped cut a lot of fish, sheep and lion.

Eat, everyone is very happy to eat, but it's a pity that the pirate ship that Lin Bei fancy Bucky still failed to sail in the end.

It is also simple for Lin Bei to think, even if there is a power comparable to Warcraft like Solon on the Luffy ship, and a genius navigator like Nami.

However, a huge sea ship like the Baki Pirate Ship cannot be driven by two or three people.

So, there is no way, everything has been moved to Bucky's pirate ship, and a small banquet can only be held on this ship first.

When you have eaten and drunk, it is almost dark.

Lin Bei was drunk and slept with Luffy on the deck by moonlight.

As for Solon and Nami, the two of them did drink, but at 12 o'clock in the evening, they got off the boat very vigilantly and stayed away from Lin Bei for a full ten minutes.

Realizing that there was no movement on the boat, he re-boarded the boat and began to sleep.

No way, I was afraid of Lin Beikeng.

This guy said that he changes his abilities every day, and he can't control his abilities when he is drunk and asleep.

It wasn't twelve o'clock at night, and this guy was a time bomb!

The devil knows what kind of ability he will have at random!

Fortunately, today's Lin Bei does not seem to have made anything.

Early the next morning, Lin Bei woke up.

Solon immediately asked

, "What is your ability today?"

Lin Bei shook his hangover braincase, not hearing clearly what Solon said.

I was just thinking in my heart, the wine color turned out to be so haggard, two nights of drunkenness, this is not good, not good!

So, from today, quit drinking!

"Hey, aren't you awake yet?"

Solon simply shook Lin Bei's head

with his hand: "Ah, wake up, wake up, don't shake, don't shake, I'm going to vomit!"


After a rainbow spray, Solon, who was caught off guard, was hung with rainbows.

Solon was stunned for half a second, and then turned into a shark tooth face

, "Bastard, is this your ability today?"

I'm going to cut you!!! Lin

Bei sobered up now, pulled his legs and ran, Luffy was over there watching Lin Bei being chased and killed, laughing.

For Luffy, a good day began when Lin Bei was hunted down.

This is the adventure of longing.

Lin Bei was eventually caught up by Solon and K, but this also made him sure that today's ability was not vomiting.

Otherwise, he himself would not have been able to accept this result.

His real superpower today is, white eyes!

That's right, it's the ancestral eye disease of the cataract family in the fire shadow next door to One Piece.

The first time Lin Bei used it was when Solon K him, he directly burst out white eyes, and his temples on both sides became fierce.

Directly scared Solon, such a fight is just a joke, but if it is broken, then something will happen.

Solon hurriedly asked Lin Bei at that time, is it okay.

Lin Bei naturally replied that it was okay, there was nothing uncomfortable.

Of course, Solon didn't believe it, and the white eyes were all shot out of the child, it was he who hit too hard.

Lin Bei explained that this was his superpower, like an X-ray, he could see the internal structure of Solon's body.

When Lin Bei told the dark wound on Solon's body and clicked the part of his dark wound with his hand accurately, Solon hurt and immediately understood that what Lin Bei said was true.

"You guy, it's really peculiar."

"Having said that, I am an undefinable man, and every day I change.

These dark injuries on your body, I said, you write them down yourself, and let him help you treat them after finding a reliable doctor.

Don't underestimate these dark wounds, now you are young, and when you get older in the future, these dark injuries will become flaws that will kill you.

Upon hearing this, Solon nodded again and again and recorded the location of all the dark injuries on his body.

Seeing this, Luffy and Nami also came together.

Nami: "So today you gained doctor-like abilities?"

Help me see it too. "

I have been hurt a lot since I was a kid stealing things.

Lin Beigang wanted to explain that his ability was not used to see a doctor, so he saw the two…

Lin Bei immediately chose to shut up, staring at Nami

with a serious expression, "Hey, hiss ~ how come!"

Nami saw that Lin Bei had been staring at him for almost half an hour, and her expression was serious, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.

Could it be that his life will not be long in coming?

At this time, Solon walked past

her, "Lin Bei said that his ability can see through the body."

Nami was stunned for a moment, brushed over, and the whole person seemed to be a volcano erupting!

Transformed into a shark face and directly gave Lin Bei, who was staring at her, an upper hook.

Nami's SSS-level talent, when she uses force against her teammates, she is full of domineering weapons!

How could Lin Bei have imagined that Nami, who looked so delicate, could actually knock him out of a parabola…

"Fuck it, bastard!"

Lin Bei grabbed the ground with his head, and an upside-down green onion was inserted into the deck.

Lin Bei hurriedly pulled himself out, it really deserves to be the world in the comics, this kind of scene can really happen to him.

It is said that this will definitely hurt, at least there will be a scratch on the wooden thorn.

But when Lin Bei pulled himself out, he found that he was not injured at all.

When it's really not a fight, the law of whether there is a fight between the crew or not.

Flicking his hair, Lin Bei sat down on the deck again, looking at Nami, who had left him angrily.

Suddenly remembered the oath he made yesterday, as long as it is a superpower that can be used, it must first depend on what the task is!

The ability of white eyes, to be honest, is very easy to use.

It's a great scouting skill!

After using it, you can get a 360° viewing angle, although the white eyes of the Hyuga family have a visual dead angle that spreads 1° from the spine to the back, but this one in Lin Bei obviously does not exist.

In addition to the perspective without dead ends, the white eye also has a perspective eye that can see the enemy's meridians, acupuncture points, and the flow of human chakra and can see through things, a distant vision and a strong observation eye.

Chakra is used to multiply the eye's ability, allowing the eye to see things within a radius of one kilometer.