
Pirate Djinn

Nate sail through the waters of the Grandline while wielding the mighty power of the Djinns.. Disclaimer: I don't own Onepiece/Magi or any other anime characters cited in this novel, book cover belongs the artist.

Enryuu_Zahard · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Soma Joichiro

It was quite had for a 8-9 year old to fend by himself in a war torn land, the greatest enemies of the humans were humans.

Then on one fate full day Soma managed to find a weird fruit among the piles of rubble of a recently destroyed house. Being starved for more than week, he swallowed it instantly but to his misery it was the most horrible thing he has ever tasted he wanted to through it up instantly but wasn't able. He hoped that at least it wasn't poisonous and will help him hold up for another week.

He was walking away from the decimated house when a group of people surrounded him, few of them started to search through the broken house and the courtyard while some grabbed Soma and dragged him away, he tried to fight back but he barely had enough energy to walk and wasn't able to even scratch them.

After dragging him to a deserted area those men started to search his body for something and when they where not able to find whatever they were searching for they started to shout and pummel all he could do was curl up and cover his head while crying hoping that they would get bored of him soon. He managed to hear few words like devil fruit, stolen etc.. but he was both mentally and physically worn out to understand anything.

Even after few minutes of torture, it seemed like they didn't plan on letting him go. While he was despairing over his fate, he felt like something burning up within him. It was growing by each passing second and started to flow into his limbs and the rest of his body and within seconds he felt his entire body was filled with lava. After which he felt a loud explosion and he lost his consciousness.

When he regained his consciousness, he found that he was laying on a bed while covered in bandages. He observed his surroundings and saw that he was in a simple room with a bed with no windows, it was then he felt the room rocking and creaking which left him with the realization that he was on a ship. Then the door was opened as an old man walked in with a plate.

"Ah! Your awake lad!!" said the old man he saw Soma sitting upright on his bed. "Come have some soup."

As he said that he gave him the plate which was filled with some kind of soup, while he was scared and wanted to refuse the food his stomach grumbled and the fragrant aroma from the soup just whetted his appetite even more. He couldn't suppress his hunger any longer and he started to guzzle down the soup.

"Wait!!! Take it slow..It's still hot!!" shouted the old man but Soma felt that it was just warm and not too hot. He was in a trance as he finished the soup in seconds following which he felt like he was in pure bliss. It was the most delicious thing he has ever eaten and he felt like he was in heavens.

"Lad!! Is your mouth okay? It was still piping hot." said the old man with some concern while observing Soma.

"T-thanks..for..the soup" said Soma while stuttering "W-what happened to me? Where am I??"

"You are alright lad!! We are on a ship to Gourmet Island." said the old man while smiling "I found unconscious and injured in a crater. You have been asleep for four days now."

"Where are you taking me?!! I have nothing with me?!! Please leave me alone?!!" whimpered Soma while crying still traumatized by the recent incident.

"It's alright lad!! Don't worry..no one is going to hurt you." said the old man sympathetically while ruffling Soma's hair "The island we are going to..Gourmet Island, it's peaceful and safe. You don't need to worry about your safety. Now I will go and get some more of the soup for you as might still be hungry since you haven't eaten for a long time."

After the old man walked out the room to get more soup, Soma was alone in the room. He was scared and the same time hopeful that he could escape from the hell he was in. He hoped whatever the old man said was true but he was also worried that all this was just a dream after all he has experienced the cruelty of humans knew how much of detestable species they where.

Soma spent few weeks on board the ship, first few days where hard as he could barely move his body. He found out that it was a passenger ship and most of the crew and passengers where amiable, the old man though passenger seems to help out as one of the chefs in the ship. His food was highly praised by everyone on the ship and Soma knew why after he tried it. It was beyond delicious and when he felt the burst of flavors he was mind blown by the fact that something could be as delicious.

Later when he asked few of the crew men he came to know that the old man's name was Joichiro and he is one of the most famous chefs in North Blue and runs a famous restaurant in Gourmet Island. Soma was inspired by the fact that cooking could bring about such happiness and wanted to be a part of it, but he felt indebted the old man and thought that it will be preposterous to take advantage of his kindness.

And just like that they reached Gourmet Island, it was their destination and everyone exited the ship. Soma felt lost he didn't know where to go and what to do. Although he escaped from the hell he was in, he was still just a kid he didn't know how to start living in this new town. It was then the old man walked up to Soma and asked him.

"Hey lad!! Why don't you come with me, I could use your help at the restaurant too."

"B-but I don't know anything!! Is it alright?!!" asked Soma with tears in his eyes

"Hahaha!! If you don't know then you can learn..Your still young." said the old man with a kind smile. "My name is Joichiro and since you will be living with me why don't you tell me your name?"

"M-my name is Soma!!"

Hey guys..

Thanks for reading..If u r enjoying feel free to vote..

Any guess on his powers??

1K+ words..Dead tired.. (T-T)

Till next time..

Enryuu_Zahardcreators' thoughts