

Everyone was silent, before the captain called out "Everyone... meet in six... I need to wrap my head around this..." I went over to level six with Wright, now even more confused. I had seen the corpse myself, and it was doubtlessly a member of the ships crew. Me and Wright walked in silence for a few minutes, before Wright said "I swear there was a corpse..." I said "There was. I carried it myself to the recycler..." I was so confused. I touched the corpse myself, felt it, all of that, so how were there twelve of us still?

Me and Wright got to level six, lining up with Lee, one of the miners I don't know, and Smith. The captain was already there, waiting for the rest of the crew to get there. Over the next half hour, everyone arrived, and about an hour after the captain called for everyone the last person had arrived. The captain then called me and Wright up and asked about our claim, and we then told the story, as well as showed a photo Wright had taken for weird unknown reasons. The captain was quiet, before saying "While this would be doubtlessly believable under normal circumstances, we don't have the resources for a large investigation. I want to know what is up, but everything does seem fine..."

Wright and I nodded, both still confused. Everyone dispersed after a while, and Wright started hanging around with me. I went over to level five again, getting the third weapons level, and started to be a bit confused. Why hadn't Lee gotten any of the weapon systems back online? He doubtlessly had the credits to do it, so why hadn't he done anything? I then went down and activated the weapon upgrade station, as well as got a laser rifle for Wright and a flamethrower for me. I also got some power cells to refuel my Hades mech.

I then went to level four, and then noticed something odd. Nobody was there. Normally, at least one person would hang around on level four, mainly the miners wanting drugs for weird miner reasons, and doc would normally stick around and try to stop them. I went over to the upgrade station and reset the first level of medical software and got the medkit blueprint back, which had been removed and reset for some reason. Wright then bought a few medkits, and we continued on. An explosion suddenly rocked the ship, and as Wright grabbed onto my suit for support, the captain called out "Just a space mine! Wonder why there are space mines out here..." through the intercomm.

We kept going, and when we went to level three, I noticed something very odd. Some of the turrets near the elevator were damaged, and one was offline. I pointed it out to Wright, who reacted by looking confused and worried. We went to level two, going straight to the security office, and tried to look at the camera logs. We then discovered that the camera logs had been deleted.

Smith then ran in, locked the door, and just said "Block the floor conduit, quick!" before dashing into a small meeting room connected to the office and putting up some Iturret barricades. He then set up a smart turret, which is a lie as they aren't that smart, and aimed it at the conduit on the floor.

He then ran out, said "Block everything!" and started running around, setting up what seemed to be a literally endless supply of barricades. Wright grabbed him as he ran by us, and said "Dude what are you going on about?" Smith then said "Alien! Got a miner! We need to hide before it kills us all!" I just went over to him and said "Calm. Down. We can't do anything if we don't know what happened." he then started explaining.

"I was wandering around on level six, and started following that one really shifty miner that always begs doc for drugs. He went on a pretty expected path, and even stopped by four to try and get some drugs. He grabbed some, and then some sort of wolf insect alien thing leapt out of the vents and spat some weird goo crap at his head. He started writhing and trying to claw it off, and as I charged forward the alien charged me and the miner... He died as far as I can tell, and another alien was made out of him! I ran, and one went into a conduit and came out on the other on that level and almost got me! It even scratched my armor!" he then showed us a long, nasty gash in his left leg, proving his story a little.

We then heard the turret he set up go off, and peeked in just in time to see something matching his description turn tail and run into the conduit again. I just turned to him and said "We need to kill them. Burn them..."

This story is not going to be EXACTLY like the other stories I make. Specifically, it is essentially going to be a game of Parasite Chaos (on chaos mode too) and I can't exactly stick a ton of game time into a single chapter without it being a bit drawn out, so instead of my attempted average of 1500+ words per chapter, I'm going to generally be doing 800+ words per chapter. Bear with me! Also the alien went body for people who have played, and it looks like a SC2 zergling :)

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts