
Path To power

Awakening on the war-torn planet of Cereal after the attack of the Saiyans as a Cerealian child our protagonist vows to not just survive in the vast universe he was thrown into but to thrive as one of the strongest beings that dwells in it. ( first time writing, please leave constructive criticism)

Basic_writer151 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Year-734: After one year of space travel

In the deep vastness of space, we see a pod blasting by at incredible speeds on its course to planet Namek. Inside we are met with the sleeping form of our protagonist who's in a deep sleep. However, that will soon come to an end as the pod breaches the atmosphere of the green planet and lands in the middle of a field. With a hiss, an eruption of mist pours out of the pod when the hatch opens. Due to the sudden change of atmosphere and pressure our protagonist's eyes shoot open *gasp* Inhaling as much air as he can he groggily stands up a makes his way out of the pod. Once out he looks around to get the lay of the land, blue grass, blue trees, green water, and three suns. "Yep, this is Namek alright, though I seem to have not landed near any civilization" Returning to the pod he grabs the supplies he brought with him and starts to head off in a random direction.

~A few hours later~

"Phew, finally a village" Looking down from the mountain he climbed to get a better view he spotted a village not too far from here. With renewed vigor, he makes his way to the village as fast as possible. Upon coming in sight of the village he can make out Namekian's going about their day, When he's spotted he waves his hand at them but that didn't seem like a good idea as they become defensive at his presence. Stopping to show that he means no harm he waits for them to approach, and not long after an older more chubby Namekian approaches. "Hello, young one I'm Elder Tsuno Can you enlighten me why you are here?" Pausing at the question he decided to play his trump card now to win over their trust. "My name is Korn, I've come from the planet Cereal after its destruction" I reply in fluent Namekian. My answer was met with shock as I spoke their language, the other Namekians that were behind the elder started to murmur to themselves.

" I-I see you now are language care to explain?" "Yes on my planet there was a clan of Namekians, living with them I picked up the language and that helped me decide to come here after my planet was ravaged" I try to say as sadly as possible while looking down. At the sight of the child and not detecting any deceit in his words the elder's face softens making his way toward the child he puts his hand on the young one's shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss young one, is there anyone else with you?" "No" and with that Tsuno's hope of there being any Namekian survivors was crushed. "I see but don't worry anyone that can be trusted to learn the Namekian language is a friend of ours, You are welcome to stay as long as you need," he says kindly. Pretending to wipe tears out of my eyes I give him a quick reply *sniff* "Th-thank you" I say as I'm led into the village. Moving into the village I see some younger Namekians peeking out of their homes to look at me, trying to come off as friendly I smile and wave at them but they duck away at the action. Sighing at their reaction I can't help but think how annoying these first few days are going to be.

~Six weeks later~

Korn can be seen standing at the base of a mountain with marble-sized holes in the side of it. "Alright, I got this" Closing his green eye he uses his red one to concentrate Ki into his fingertips, then aiming his hand like one would a gun, Green Ki starts to pool around his fingers before compacting into a marble-sized ball. Using his left hand to grab his wrist to stabilize himself, he fires off a beam at the side of the mountain "Impact Bullet!" Getting knocked back by the beam it flies at incredible speed and pierces deep within the mountain. He smirks at his success but instantly drops it "Argh, damn it I'm still not strong enough" he says gripping his right hand in pain from the recoil of the attack. Even though he's upset at his improvement his time here has not been a waste as he's improved and learned a lot about fighting and ki, which is all thanks to the only three warrior-type Namekains in the village.

Speaking of the village it was a rocky start but he was able to win them over with sweet words and a genuine interest in their culture. He's befriended almost everyone in the village by showing off his determination to learn. The warriors are impressed with his drive to improve himself and the regular members are fascinated with his unique ideas on how to use their magical abilities. Though the only move he has made is Impact Bullet which is based on the Special Beam Cannon as it concentrates all the user's Ki into one point but instead of drilling it pierces into the enemy. But that's not the only thing he's done he's also learning how to use magic but that's a rough subject as his eye can't help him with the flow of magic as it does with ki. However, that's not to say he hasn't done anything with it he's managed to learn the materialization technique while on the simpler side is still an improvement in his book.

After he failed to withstand the drawbacks of his attack he moved on to improving his magical abilities. moving into a meditative pose he started to focus on his Mana pool and started to bring it to the surface. A small chill goes up his spine from the feeling of his Mana as it feels a lot different from Ki, While Ki feels like rushing water, Mana is like a sticky sludge. Once it's all the way out he starts to pull it towards his injured wrist. Slowing making its way to his wrist he started to focus on his body and how it felt, Comparing his left hand to his right he could feel a noticeable difference. Moving back to his Mana he tries to use it to manipulate his body and replicate the structure of his left wrist, With a loud *pop* his wrist is put back into place. Grunting at the pain he feels dissatisfied with the results 'I could have done that without magic, what I need to happen is real healing I shouldn't feel any pain' Not satisfied he moves back to improving his magic 'One thing for sure I'm not going to stop until I can heal myself properly' with renewed vigor he trains for the rest of the day.