
The Beginning- Part 1

In a quiet room with wooden floor and white walls, a silhouette of a young man cooped up on a desk scribbling on a paper. Looking closely around the room, a single bed with blue sheets with the desk of the young man at the corner of the room barely overlooking the window.

"Ah, what a beautiful night" Leo commented with a particular sigh.

The blinds were open wide through which whole night sky laid bare. Especially this particular unusual night, clouds were nowhere to be seen and stars around the moon like fireflies surrounding the bulb as if the whole galaxy has been painted in black canvas.

Leo kept writing on the paper with books spread around him. "Hmm... No.... No.... How does the dark matter interact with space?" He continued to mumble. It was astounding to see a youth of eighteen years of age to solve the equations which baffled even the top experts. Well was valid since this particular youth had a IQ of nearly 200. Leo, mostly, kept quiet about his brilliance, so aside from his family and close friends, others were kept in the dark.

Leo stood from his seat dragged himself towards the door. Opening the door, the bright light blared

temporarily blinding him. "Oh come on, Dick. Do you have to turn all the lights on?? My eyes are burning, you asshole."

Dick was sitting on the couch smoking weed with his usual partner Archie. Looking closely, Dick was quite frail looking young man which light brown complexion and about 5'11" in height. Though, he is fairly handsome looking which light beard on his face. Archie, on the other hand, had light skinned complexion with thin but muscular body about 5'9" in height.

"HAHAHA HAHAHA", Dick and Archie both laughed in union. "Come on. Smoke with us." Archie spoke first.

"Yeah man. Sit down. We are watching wrong turn.", Dick commented.

"In a while maybe. I just came down for some water. Tomorrow's my first day the university. Don't you guys have classes tomorrow?" Leo spoke.

"Yah but fuck it." Archie replied.

"Sure. See ya!!" Leo said.

Leo went back upstairs to sit in his chair to finish the work he started. He looked out the window if his life could have been any different from the mundane, cyclic life that had been going on. Just as he had the thoughts going on his head, a meteorite, brighter than the morning star, fell down near the park where he stayed at.

"BOOOM!!" The sound produced by the apparent crash of the meteorite.

Leo looked out the window to look at the disaster caused by the meteorite but, even after few minutes he couldn't hear the sirens of police or ambulance which should have been apparent; but there was no sigh of such.