

Name : Jin (Gluttony Reincarnate; 1 of the 7 sinners)

Age : Billions years soul.

Ability :

- Divine devourer : the ability that can devour almost anything except own self.

- Divine adaptable body & soul : body & soul can adapt easily to many change in almost anything ex : own self, environment, etc.

- Divine instant mastery : instantly master everything ex : skill, knowledge, language, body etc.

Note :

Above is just some random writing about the idea of this story. I still search a lot of subject that needed to boost my imagination to create a story that i can enjoy myself and you can enjoy too. I don't know when I can start the story but I hope soon enough because I still collecting the material for the story on my scribble notes. Btw if you think you can make another story based on this type of MC or abilities, feel free to contact me because I'd love to read it. one more thing that I have to mention here, don't hope too much with this novel because I can promise you a good story or scheduled update, I write this directly on my cellphone in my break time of my busy day at work. owh I almost forget, I'm not fluent in english coz I'm from indonesia which english is not my native language, so forgive me for typo or something wrong with the grammars