
First encounter

My name is Ashley Ford. I am in my high school. I go to Jasper High school in Texas. My parents always work and my brother, Ben Ford went to New York for university. I am always alone and it became casual for me. I have four good friends- Diana Lin, Morris Ken, Francis Grunt, and Laura Chapman. We all will be together in school but I am always alone at home. My friends spend a few nights with me. This is my life. I always felt a loneliness as my parents were busy working and we see each other not too often.

Today is my birthday but my parents didn't seem to remember. They left early to work. I got ready and went to school by my bike asusual. As soon as I reached the parking, my friends surprised me with a cake. They asked me to wish and blow the candle. I wished that I could get the love I earn and blowed the candle. They immediately start applying cake on my face. After our fun, I turned to go to washroom but was got hit by a cycle and before falling down, I was grabbed by someone. I look up to see. Its the first time I am seeing him. He is damn handsome and my heart started beating like crazy. He said sorry and helped me stand up. My friends came and took me to washroom.

My mind is completely filled with his look. I came back to my senses when Laura tapped me. I washed my face, put on some makeup and went to class. Our teacher entered the class and mentioned that a transfer student is here. Unbelievably, it's HIM. I was kinda shocked but excited as well that he is in my class. He introduced himself as Trent Gill. He was from San Francisco. He came to Texas as his father got to work here. The teacher asked him to sit at the back. So, he sat next to Francis and I am in front of him.

The guy I crush on with sitting at my back gives me a mixed feeling. I never felt like this before. My heart keep racing and I started having weird dreams on my head. I couldn't listen to my class for the first half day. During lunch, we saw him sitting alone. When Francis asked him to join us, he politely denied. I wondered if he is a lone wolf or having trouble adjusting to this new environment. So, my next half day went by with those thoughts. My friends and I planned to go to the cafe nearby our school to eat. I asked Trent if he is willing to join us. He said no thanks and left. It kinda hurt my feeling. My friends told me not to mind him and we had good time at the cafe. After completing our homeworks there, we left to home. As expected my parents were not at home. I waited till 10 pm. But they texted me that they have to work and will be back after 2 to 3 hours. So, I went to bed. But I couldn't sleep properly. I was upset that my parents forgot my birthday and how I was turned down by Trent. At that time, I received a video call from my bro, Ben. He sang me the birthday song and told me not to worry too much about my parents forgetting it. He showed the gift he bought for me and said that he will give it to me when he comes home next month. We talked for sometime and he cheered my mood. My brother was always there for me. I slept soundly after I hanged up the phone with him.
