
PANDORA-Rise of the fool

"Welcome to PANDORA, a realm where the boundaries of reality are redefined, and the depth of your imagination is the only limit." Join Orion Nightshade as he navigates a world of magic and monsters after a tragic end in his previous life. Reincarnated and armed with future knowledge, Orion rises from the fool of the Nightshade family to become the Vampire Overlord. Follow his journey from loss and grief to newfound power in this captivating tale of resilience and transformation.

just_stay · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Cursed heir-Fool

The winds howled and battered against the house, rain pouring down relentlessly as I cried out throughout the night. My frail body weakened, cheeks sunken, and stomach growling loudly.


Down the dimly lit hallway, tired maids with dark bags under their eyes cursed me for keeping them awake.

"Why are we stuck with him? Just looking at him gives me chills. He cried all night and didn't stop until morning."

"This baby is cursed. No wonder the patriarch won't see him, even though he's his son," a maid whispered, her voice trembling with superstition.

"Even the young miss avoids him. At such a tender age, she understands such complexities. Can't blame them, considering he's responsible for the demise of the lady of the house."

"Shh, if word gets out that she died giving birth to him, the people outside will despise him," cautioned another maid, glancing around nervously.

"Hmph, who cares? Look at his blood-red eyes and white hair, as if he resembles a devil's incarnation. Throughout the Nightshade family's history, there has never been a child with white hair. He is a devil's incarnation," added a third, fueling the superstitious gossip.

At that moment, the butler entered the room, his stern presence quieting the murmurs. "All of you, stop slacking off and take care of the young master's needs, or else you will witness the patriarch's wrath," he admonished them. Internally, he sighed, looking at me in the cradle. With a measured expression, he turned away, knowing the challenges that lay ahead for the child born under such ominous circumstances.

Oblivious to the judgmental whispers, I lay in the cradle, tiny fists clenched, as if holding onto the fragility of my existence.

My delicate heartbeat echoed the resilience of a spirit yet to be broken. While maids continued their hushed conversation, a soft breeze rustled the curtains, casting a faint shadow over the cradle. The air in the room seemed to hold its breath, uncertain of the fate woven into the fabric of my newborn life.

Though I couldn't comprehend the language, I felt as if I knew it bit by bit from the information I carried. Until now, I realized that in this world too, I couldn't protect my mother, feeling utterly powerless.

Simultaneously, the resemblance of this person was uncanny—a striking similarity with my mother. The words she spoke at the end made my heart quiver with emotions of despair and love.

And if this shock wasn't enough for me, what made my world tremble was the mention of the Nightshade family.

'No, that can't be true, have I been reincarnated as Orion Nightshade, the laughingstock of the Nightshade family famously called the 'fool' of the Nightshades?' I shivered at the thought.

"Orion... I am Orion Nightshade; there's no way this can be a coincidence. Am I dreaming? NO, that can't be. Then why was I reincarnated into the novel 'PANDORA,' and more importantly, why did Orion's mom have such an uncanny resemblance to my mom?"

After pondering for a while, I realized, 'Is there a relation between me and Orion? Or more specifically, why was it that I reincarnated in a fantasy world? Am I a pawn in someone's grand schemes like in those Iseki novels."

And just as I was in a trance, "Argh... My head hurts."

From the roof, a huge black spatial crack appeared, out of which a gigantic dark eyeball emerged, and time itself stopped. A muffled and coursing voice was transmitted,

Looking at this site made by heart quiver with desperation and then a deep primordial voice came from the spatial crack.

'Rain, if you are able to hear me, then that means the world of my timeline has ended. I don't have much time to explain because fate's shackles are hunting for me. Remember one thing: the future has changed. Don't believe the novel, not even ***** It is a trap, Rain. Trust none, lest the world shall meet its ultimate doom. I hope you can succeed at least this time ar...'

Before he could complete his statement, a large number of crimson chains came and bound the huge eyeball, and space distorted, and my vision blurred away.

'Was it me from the future timeline? But my intuition tells me it's not me. Then who could this person be who knows my name, more specifically, my soul's name? Is what he said actually true, or is this a huge conspiracy, and am I a pawn dancing at his will?'

'Interesting development we have here. So the world ends, but that wasn't a surprise to me. But the concern is just what did he mean when he said that the world will meet its ultimate doom? In the novel, Peter and his harem defeated the boss monster, why is this happening?'

'Who was the person who brought me to this world? Was it God? Why was I reincarnated into a fantasy world instead of Earth? Or am I in a real life simulation in the laboratory of some crazy scientist"

'But if I were to save the world, I could've been reincarnated as anyone, but why Orion Nightshade specifically? There doesn't seem to be any similarity in our personalities or our background... Wait.'

But one thing overlapped in both of our lives—the death of our mothers, leading to a miserable future.

'It's like the two events are controlled by fate, and going against it might have adverse consequences. The only way I can think to counter it would be to accumulate every source of power that I can obtain to strengthen myself, as a saying goes by a famous wuxia author.

Chen Fan "Become so strong that gods become irrelevant in your presence, that's when you'll be able to break fate's shackles."

"But what did we do to even deserve such a fate, to be pawns of the world? No! I won't let fate control me and ruin my life again. Instead, I'm going to be the puppeteer who makes the whole plot of 'PANDORA' dance for me like a marionette."

"Bu... bu... bu.... bubububu," I laughed aloud with a determined glint in my eyes, translating it as, "I will conquer the world."

"You were right. This baby is a devil. Look at his smile, devil!" the maids continued to gossip among themselves.

As I drifted into slumber, the weight of my cursed existence pressed upon me. Dreams danced in the shadows, carrying the echoes of betrayal and a burning desire for power that would shape my journey in the waking world. Each heartbeat echoed the uncertainty of a destiny intertwined with dark secrets and ancient vendettas.

Lesson learnt when you see a baby burbling and laughing loudly, then he might be after world domination.

Shhhhhh be quiet... let it be our secret.

just_staycreators' thoughts