
Playful 1

"Shalalalala shalala in the morning~~......hey, Good Morning Zeke! Do you have an appointment today?" She asked as he continuously walk towards the door.

"You should at least eat" she mumbled and yet, he just ignored her.

What's new? Leanne sigh due to frustration and stress because of the man that treats her as if she doesn't exist in this world. Yeah they are living in the same roof, sleeping in the same bed but not eating in the same table nor even talking to each other even once. It's like they are just strangers that was forced to live in the same house, well----yeah he is just forced to live with her here.

She is getting used in this kind of situation because it has been three months since they exchanged vows with each other. She realized that romance isn't the main reason of marriage, like them they are not married because of the word called love. She accepted the marriage contract because of money, her dad is in coma and she badly needs it to keep him safe and alive.

Leanne is the kind of woman who wants the best for her family even if it means sacrificing her own freedom and happiness.

Zeke opposed the wedding that took place yet, he can't do anything to his father's will. Leanne is even more reluctant to marry him because the well known Zeke Ace Nixon does not know how to be serious with a woman. He is a man who can change the girl he is with in a flick of a hand and that is the reason why he treats his wife badly.


She needs to alter Zeke's perception about women, the difficult part is she needs to make him fall in love with her. How can she do that when he can't even give her a glance?

After she ate, Leanne put away her remaining food and pinned her hair so that it would not interfere with her face as she began to clean the whole house. That is what she always do while waiting for her husband to arrive.

It was afternoon when she finished cleaning their house and lay down on the bed to rest, silently hoping that he would soon return but there is a part where she don't expect much because he rarely come home.

Leanne Reynes-Nixon is just a simple girl who wants and willing to do everything for the sake of her family. Her parents had a simple occupation and her life would not have been so complicated if her aunt and cousin minded their own business.

She woke up because of the footsteps and out of excitement that Zeke might've returned home, she immediately opened the door just to find out that he is not alone.

What's wrong with her? Does she fall behind when it comes to beauty features and sexy body? Or he just loathes her so much?

She don't want to complain but being in her shoes, Zeke can even make out with other woman but can't afford to look at his own wife. He can't even handle to touch a single strand of her hair. Truth really stings and everytime she remembered that he always cheats on her while she is doing the opposite hurts like hell because even if they are just married on the contract, it is still terrible to cheat when you are legally married.

She followed them using her eyes until they enter the guest room. She smiled unpleasantly as her teardrops fall from her eyes. Leanne took a deep breath and headed downstairs to prepare some foods.

For her, she should do her responsibility as his wife even though Zeke forgot his obligations. She may be a hypocrite for staying still while she is being deceived but what else can she do? She needs him.

She tried to speak her side before but the only thing she received was a swollen face. Leanne felt being betrayed but for the sake of her family, she will stay strong.

While eating, she saw the girl Zeke brought home walking downstairs, She badly want to make a scene and say that she is the wife of the guy he just made out with but she calm herself and forced a smile. Her chest is so heavy and it feels like she is about to burst.

She continue eating while thinking and feeling guilty. Why? Zeke doesn't know about the contract that she have with his father, all that he knows is he married her because of money. The secret contract compose of the rule that she should make him change and make him love her, as the price of being payed two folds.

For the sake of her family, she agreed and signed the piece of paper which can ruin Zeke's life as well as hers.

She sighed and sit down on the bed, when will Zeke open his heart and let her in? She is still hoping that one day, the Zeke he knows will change into someone better.


He kiss her torridly without any expressions painted on his face but she suddenly push him away.

"What's wrong with you babe? Can you make it a little bit sweeter? You are hurting me!" Cath said but he didn't listen to her and just kiss her again harshly. She pushed him again but this time, it is a little bit stronger.

"Didn't you even heard me babe? You are hurting me!" She yelled but Zeke just looked at her in a poker face which gave her goose bumps, He slowly walk towards her and said. "I don't fucking care! I brought you here to satisfy me, you useless shit. You are playing hard to get as if you are virgin, get your filthy face out of here!" he shouted. She is about to slap him when he hold her hand tightly.

"No one can slap me" he said coldly. She pulled her hand and leave without muttering any word.

"Such a useless woman" he mumbled. He walked downstairs and took a bottle of wine then headed to the room where his wife is sleeping peacefully. He walk towards her and sat on the couch beside the bed.

How he hate this woman, she stole his freedom just for money? But well, she puts her life in hell. He continuously drink until he fell asleep while thinking how to make her regret entering his life.


She opened her eyes while the light of sun greeted her morning. She is about to stand when she felt a hand wrapped around her waist. When she look to the person beside her, Zeke's beautiful face filled her eyesight.

Leanne don't know why but her heart skip a beat while looking to his face. He's really the epitome of a handsome Greek Goddess.

She slowly move his hands from her body and fear invaded her when she saw his eyes open up. She's doomed.

"Shit!" Zeke yelled while looking at her sharply. She don't know what to say other than apologize.

"Sorry" she muttered and he look to her with those cold stares.

"My morning hasn't started yet and you ruined it" he said and slap her. She took a deep breath while tasting her own blood. Calm down Leanne, just keep your temper for your family okay?

Zeke walked out without saying anything. She washed her face before heading downstairs. He is nowhere to be found which made her happy. She shouldn't feel that way but can't help it, for three months of marriage pain is the only feeling she remembered. But even though he is causing so much pain, she is worried about him. "Am I that dumb?" she asked while giggling.

After cleaning the house, she called a cab and go to the house where her mother and niece are living.

She knocked with a bright smile placed on her mouth until her mother opened the door. "My dear!" Her mother said and hug her daughter. Even though she is living such a miserable life, her family keeps on pulling her to the bright side and making her life worth it.

Thanks to Zeke's father, her mother and niece are now living in a simple home while her father is still fine because of the medicines and machines maintaining his health.

"What happened to your face?" her mother asked while touching her swollen face. She just smiled and hug her once again. "Where is Candice?" Leanne asked out of nowhere and headed inside.

"Candice, aunt have a gift for you" she shouted in a bright tone and the child runs toward her. "Thank you so much!" She said while holding the teddy bear she bought for her.

They are her strength and she can do anything just for them to live happily.
