
mid air


Chapter 20(mid air)

#skye's POV#

I noticed this lady looks like someone I knew, but i don't recall having seen her anywhere. Murmurs filled the class as the elegant lady walked in. I looked around wondering if they were not seeing her. I caught a glance of Layla and crystal gisting and giggling at some things like they were besties- good for them. I migrated my glance to Luna, I was traumatized when my glance got to her, she was in a goddes like posture staring daggers at me. It shows she had been staring at me with those eyes filled with an ocean of jealous and hatred. She scoffed and looked away. I moved my gaze to charlie who was discussing something with Gold. Were they not seeing this lady?! Or was she too stunning for their liking?! For hells sake, look at her!!!

The lady cleared her throat as few students who didn't notice her, jolted. But those who noticed her but ignored, snapped their necks towards her with a look that says 'we saw you, okay?. Nobody gives a shit if you're here or not'.

"Good morning sunshines"she repeated with a wide but priceless smile. Her smile already made my day, I sighed in satisfaction as I stared at her one of a kind lips which were curved into that marvelous smile. I smiled at the sight of her cute smile, her smile was contagious.

"Good morning"we all greeted back,

"Y'all didn't respond with the same energy i gave off ,so let's try that one more time, before i move to introducing myself, instead of just good morning, why don't we try good morning dime. Let's call one another cute names.... Good morning sunshines!!"she smiled,

"Good morning dime!!"we all replied with the same enthusiasm we were getting from her,

"Wonderful!!, i love your enthusiasm. That's the spirit, precious cuties!!. I love y'all already!!! I'd love to get to know these gorgeous and handsome faces I have befo-"

"Go straight to the point enthusiastic bitch"crystal said as she turned to Layla who gave her a fistbump.

"I'll pardon that for now, since i don't know your likes and dislikes. I guess enthusiasm is that pretty lady's dislike and I apolog-"

"Get to it, arghhh"Luna murmured.

"My name is Rosalyn. You could call me Rosa or Alyna. Guess what lovelies? I'm your new English teacher!!, your previous English teacher submitted his resignation letter so here i am. I'm pretty fun for an English teacher and that's because I'm young, but I still am smart. Hunnies, We could be friends and we can vibe like the youngsters we are. I have 2 years working experience as an English teacher. Cupcakes, I'm just 23 years of age..."she paused waiting for us to speak but we didn't, "I see you precious are more badass than I expected, i was warned, but i am also. I'm the perfect English teacher to handle badass students. To get you specials in the spirit and to apologize to that pretty young lady who hates my enthusiasm, I've decided that i won't teach you anything today. We all get to know eachother and that's all."she addded.

"You're 23?, how are you a teacher? Do you even enjoy your life? Fun and badass youngsters aren't supposed to dream to be a teacher. English teacher like what!!. Were you forced to be a teacher?, i don't get it. You don't sound so badass with this English stuff and those cute names you're calling us. Sorry but I'm not interested anylonger"A random girl said,

"No pretty, i wasn't forced. I love what i do and I do what I love.... Sunshine, you guys are just so precious and that's why I'm calling you cute names which you deserve. Give me a chance sweetheart" She paused waiting for another question but none was thrown at her. "Since you have no other questions, why don't we just get to the introduction. Let's start with introducing ourselves but in a fun way. I point at anyone randomly, i don't want the normal organized intro. The rules are name first, then age, then tell us anything randomly. I can't get to know you bundles of love"she said.

"Sure"we all murmured. She pointed at Jamie first, "I'm jamie Klein from Beasley. I'll be 16 on Sunday and I'm inviting y'all to my birthday party at kleins suites. I love chocolate cakes and raspberries. I also love birds and the colour yellow. I'm not too badass but I'm moderately what i think as moderate. I hate snakes and dumb slots. Allergic to strawberry"she said as i got a jotter to write it all. The next person pointed at began.

"I'm Alexander Western from LA. I'm 16, loves snakes and sports like football. Hates cheese. Allergic to walnuts. My mum is a pilot and my Dad is a well known explorer whose name is Chris Western."

"My name? Ruby freeman from New Jersey. My age? 17. Loves? Cookies. Hates? Brownies....yack. allergies? None. Mum? A nurse. Dad? Business man"

"I'm jasper freeman. I'm ruby's triplet bro. I hate cookies and love brownies. Allergic to nothing at all"

"Jewel freeman. I'm just like Ruby"

"I'm Luna Elvis. 16. Rich badass bitch from Dallis. I know y'all wanna be my friend but chill, i love y'all. I don't need to tell you much about myself since y'all know me. I'm a student and a model, you know it. Mum is a singer and song writer, Mikaela rhythms. Porpularly known as the golden voice. Dad is the most popular actor on earth, Danny Elvis. I'm allergic to broccoli. I love my life, my reputation, most importantly, my hot boyfriend, charlie. I hate hoes like Skye Lone"she said as she looked at me eye to eye. That hurt badly, I glared at my laps trying to hide my tear filled eyes. I fought back my tears and raised my chin, I was welcomed by the scene of my classmates whispering stuffs to eachother and giggling. Charlie cleared his throat as they all snapped out of their gossip.

"I'm charlie cooper, i...."

"Cooper, isn't that the mayor of dallis' last name? Could it be that the rumors I heard about the mayor having a child named charlie with some other woman aside his wife, be true?. He has blue eyes and black hair just liks his father"Rosa said. I read Charlie's expression, he was tongue tied, he was wondering where she got such information that could ruin his father's reputation from, he wanted to find something to say but was still wondering where she heard that from.

"Those rumors are nothing but rumors, lies. People could have the same last names, and Charlie is such a famous name for a boy child, this is just a mere coincidence. Coincidence of name and appearance. Where did you get thlse ridiculous rumors from?"I covered for Charlie.

"From my friend. She's so cool that i envy her alot"

"That's so sweet Rosa. Could we hangout sometime and you would introduce me to this so cool friend."

"Sure"she said as the introduction carried on.

"I'm charlie Cooper, I'm not revealing my age and my parents shit. I love my girlfriend, Skye Lone and I hate a bitch who is trying to take over my girlfriend's position, Luna Elvis. I'm allergic to hoes and the best examples you could get are..... crystal page and Luna Elvis"charlie said as the entire class gasped, even Rosalyn. The introduction carried on after the gasping and murmurs.

Lunch soon came, i nailed my vocals audition. Of course, i sang blues by Mikasa Brooklyn, my favorite song by my favorite 16 years old young artist. I soon arrived home and baked a carrot cake for myself. I didn't know why i baked it but I just did. It was really large that I knew I can't finish it in 2 days.

I cut a large slice of the cake into a brown ceramic plate, and took it to the sitting room, placing it on the coffee table. I got a chilled fruit juice from the fridge.

I turned of the TV and settled to start munching. I was shoving food in mouth when i heard the door bell ring. I knew it was Madison, i pretended not to hear.

'Ding dong, ding dong'it rang twice more. What on earth is wrong with Madison.

"Go away Madison, i don't want to see you!!"I yelled as i stuffed more cake in my mouth. I got no response but more ding dongs. I finally gave in to open the door after several more ding dongs, i could swear the doorbell would go nuts If it was clicked once more.

"I said go away Madi- ma- m....mi-"i stuttered not believing who was on my door mat, clicking on the door bell repeatedly like a 5 years old kid. I could faint at any moment, my brain felt like exploding with surprise and nervousness. My knees felt weak as I let go of the door handle, allowing myself to sway in the air, waiting for myself to hit the ground so that i could wake up from this unbelievable dream. I didn't fall as the person I didn't believe was here, caught me in mid air.....