

ciel the most advanced technology humans have created since the dawn of technology gets taken by a higher being what happens when an A.I gets taken by an all powerful being to watch over his new Universe will it become a tyrant or a kind god? who knows? read to know more? ------------------------ this is my first time writing if there is a bad Grammer or anything else just let me know i would like to hear you're feedback

delmarwho · ファンタジー
4 Chs

learning more about aether



huge explosions were happening all around ciel but he just floated there disinterested with his surroundings not caring about the wonderful creation of a new Universe he just floated there not moving.


after what felt like a year he was still floating in the same place and staring at nothing

2 years

5 years

50 years

after 50 years a murmur came out of ciels mouth

"950 years 6 months 2 weeks 12 hours and 54 seconds until the new god is born"

after ciel said those words he looked over his shoulder to his right side

a loud shattering sounds was heard as if glass was breaking efter the sound came ciel disappeared from where he was floating

he appeared at the other side of the universe

" okay that was too fast"

ciel seemed to be trying to learn more about his new body

/ i have to remember to hold back in the future or i could destroy a whole planet with a single step or i could suppress my power to that of a god, but to do that i have to know how strong gods are/

"okay now time to test the energy called aether"

ciel said to himself i calm voice

when he said those words something appeared before his eyes it was a thick white book

purple words appeared in the space between ciel and the book

{ forgot to give you this}

ciel looked at the floating words before him and understood that it was the being that brought him here

a thought appeared in ciels mind

/ how could an all knowing and powerful being forget something aren't beings like it supposed to be perfect? then does that mean it isn't omniscient then if it isn't omniscient it's not perfect if it's not perfect the it can be killed if a being like it can be killed so that also means I can be killed/


ciel started to shiver and looked up


his eyes went wide

he started shaking he saw blue eyes staring at him

when he made eye contact with the big eyes


his eye exploded blood gushed out of his eye holes

after a few seconds his eyes healed and he quickly looked down

after staring at ciel for a while the eyes disappeared

/ what was that i still have a searing headache from just looking at those eyes/

/ calm down /

ciel tried to calm himself down but he still got shivers when he thought about those big weird eyes.

he glanced at the book that was still floating in the air he grabbed the book and read the title

[guide to aether for starters]

[written by Azrael]

after he read the title he then proceeded to open the book and started reading it

[ this book is for you new overseer that want learn more about the abilities of aether and what you can do with it]

[ aether is not like the Nava that the shamans and the gods use to cast spells when using Nava you have to comprehend Nava in a deeper way it could take years or seconds depending on how strong the spell you want to cast to be but when it comes to aether it really isn't that complicated you can do everything with aether except one thing and that one thing is to create only the creation gods and the lord himself can create]

/ what are shamans and i thought that the gods weren't that strong/

as he read the next page his question was answered

[ Creation gods are the only other existence that create because the has tasked the to bring life to the universes, but because they are creation gods doesn't mean they are strong they are infact the opposite of strong they are quite weak when it comes to fighting power their only task is to create and nothing else]

/ so they lose fighting power for the ability to create that makes sense/

[ now as for how to use aether it's quite easy you just have to imagine how you wanna use it if you want a sword that can destroy a galaxy you just have to imagine it if you want to stop time you just have to imagine time stoping]

/ so it's just that simple nothing more or constrictions isn't that to overpowered?/

after that thought ciel kept reading the book

[ sounds quite overpowered right? wrong. it is correct that you are the strongest in your universe but outside of your home univers your just a frog in a well compared to the truly strong beings like the watcher's that oversee a whole multiverse, i myself am a watcher and everytime the lord chooses an overseer he sends a watcher to them]

/ so that avatar that brought me here was from a watcher?/

after pushing that thought he read the rest of the book

[ remember to burn this book after reading this book.]

ciel then proceeded to burn the book after he finished reading it.

he started to think about what he just read

/ what should I imagine first/

he looked down at his body and got an idea

"clothes, how did i not notice that I'm naked"

ciel was naked the whole but he didn't notice because when he was a machine he didn't need clothes.

ciel then proceeded to conjure som clothes it was a simple golden chiton with a white chlamys

his clothes were inspired by the clothes that the Greek gods from earth wore

" what should I do now? there isn't anything I can oversee i guess I can just wait until the first god is born it should be a creation god"

then ciel sat cross legged and waited for the new god to be born


after 950 years of sitting cross legged learning more ways to use aether ciel began to sense something he looked to his side a bright flash of light came


when the light began to dim ciel stood up

" finally"


ciel disappeared from where he was standing and headed towards the new god.