
How To Summon Your Friends 101

Max had been ignoring the Gates of Lullender for hours.

In the middle of the road, drenched in rain, he stared at his palms. They were glowing blue in the dark, lighting the flooded streets of Veste during the hours of Preix. (The six-hour window after sunset).

While other Majans feasted on their dinner, dark clouds continued to loom above the entire city, covering the moon as if they were punishing Max for their patron's tears.

He clenched his fists and stuffed them inside his pockets—something he'd do whenever the need to conceal his power kicks in.

Those who knew him feared him, and he blames no one. He was as terrified of himself as everyone else. If he fails to control his powers, tragedy would be inevitable.

Ferrovia Freya was right. He wasn't ready to step out into the world yet. He wouldn't take the risk.

For the tenth time, he stood in front of the same gate he'd been avoiding for hours. It kept on popping right out of different corners—following him wherever he went. On its sides was an engraved phrase that said: You do not find the Gates of Lullender, The Gates of Lullender find you.

He sighed and stepped forward.

The gates opened, and hundreds of genie-like Majans marched towards him. They call themselves Gaurjans, "Guardians" of Maja, or "Protectors" of Magic. But most of the time, they'd roam the land to loiter around places of magic. There's no other place like the Palace of Lullender when it comes to magic. It's a hotspot for Gaurjans.

In different colors and sizes, the Gaurjans greeted Max upon his arrival.

"It thrills us to welcome you home, Young Sir," they said in chorus, "Maxim—"

"For the last time, It's only Max," he interrupted.

"R-right. Welcome back, Young Sir Max of Lullender."

He continued walking while the Gaurjans argue among themselves.

"I told you not to call him that again, Frolio!" A female Gaurjan said, "Now we're on our last warning, and if we mess up one more time, we'll be dusts in the wind!"

"O' right, o' right! I swear to a thousand Freso rings, I won't mess up again!"

A bolt of lighting struck the ground, and the Gaurjans scampered away in panic. "Ack! Now you've sealed the promise! You better keep it or we're dead!"

Over the distance, The Palace of Lullender stood. A bright light of golden Soglum covered its entirety, making it glow in the dark.

Everything in Maja has its own Soglum, or aura. Ordinary Majans have faint Soglums in different colors depending on their gifts. Be it on Majans, on things, or places; the brighter the Soglum, the more concentrated the prowess. Some aren't visible as they can be concealed, and not everyone has the ability to see most.

Max reached the grand staircase, and on its last steps, Clover was playing with the younger Gaurjans. When they noticed his arrival, they flew away to hide behind the columns.

"He's here! Go hide! Go hide!" squealed their tiny voices.

Clover dusted herself up and waited for Max to reach the top. He raised his eyebrows, and she smiled from ear to ear as if she's been waiting for this moment her entire life.

"Uncle Felix wants you in his office."

Max nodded his head, and Clover skipped away to pop a new Kewl-aid faster than a lightning bolt.

"Listen..." he muttered, but Clover had already skipped a distance. "Nevermind."

When he reached the main hall, three Gaurjans greeted him. The first one had a chef's hat on his head, the second one carried a clipboard, and the third one was holding a lantern up.

"Young Sir, your dinner's served. One serving of Prulle soup made with vegetables from the Highland of Jubii, broiled with the finest droplets of spring dews from the top of—"

"I'll skip dinner."

Disappointed, the first Gaurjan pouted before flying away.

"Young Sir," The second one said, "The Chancellor has been waiting for you in his office."

"I'm on my way to his office now."

The second Gaurjan gave him a salute before attending to his other duties. Unlike the first two, the last Gaurjan remained silent. She followed Max around until he stopped.

"I-I'll be lighting your way, Young Sir."

Max opened his palms to summon a bright Soglum that blinded everyone in the hallway. "I can manage."

"Ack! Such power, that is!" She scampered away, leaving Max with the portraits in the hallway whose eyes followed his every step.

"He is a child of disaster."


"I agree."

"The council agrees."

He ignored their blabs and continued walking towards The Chancellor's office. He was a few steps away from the office when his hair rose to its ends. His jet-black hair turned white, with bits of electricity flickering. It was an awful premonition, even worse, it was not something under his control. His power was working out of will to warn him of something.

His eyes darted to the door, and he sensed a forceful presence behind it. One thing was for sure, it was not the Chancellor's presence. It was cold, sinister, and bloodthirsty.

He dashed forward and pushed the door open. It wouldn't budge. As panic surged through him, his body glowed. Immeasurable energy flowed to his fingertips, and the nosy portraits squealed even louder.

"Wah! We have to get out of here! Let us out! Let us out!

Despite the chaotic setting, he calmed himself down, or he might end up destroying not the doors, but the entire palace. He pressed his palm on the cold marble and focused. They swung open within a second.

His eyes flew across the room to see the Chancellor staring out the window. He was gripping his abdomen to prevent blood from gushing out.

Max's eyes widened.


He dashed forward, and the Chancellor gave him a weak smile. "You're finally home, son."

"W-what happened?!"

The Chancellor didn't reply, instead, he stared at the broken window. Left on it was a figure of a monstrous being with enormous wings. Max knew what it was at first glance. He'd seen it on books for hundreds of times.

"How did that thing manage to escape?" He whispered to himself before facing his father, "W-we have to get you treated first."

Upon inspecting his father's wounds, his hands began to shake. He couldn't think straight, the loud noise coming from the nosy portraits outside didn't help him, either. He didn't want it to show, but at that moment, he felt helpless. All he could think about were his friends. If only they were there beside him, he'd be stronger.

If only they were beside him...

A blinding light flashed the room, and five portals opened up, revealing his friends' location one by one.

"You have summoned the great Doki-- Oh Freso! What in Maja happened here?!"

. . .

Friends. Friends. Friends.

ZJJungcreators' thoughts