
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · 書籍·文学
36 Chs

Ruler of Death

Doji together with Ainz and Albedo, as well as all the people of Carne Village, are currently inside the house of the village head.

Ainz had cast protection spells on the building so they would be safe, after which he began watching the fight between Gazef Stronoff and the Slane Theocracy.

Dōji, couldn't share the view with him but he had another thing in mind, "Lord Ainz, will we go there and confront these people?"

Ainz, who heard this question, answered while continuing to watch what was happening over there, "Not yet. But there is a high probability..."

Doji took this chance to make his request, "Then if possible, I would ask Lord Ainz to leave the fighting to me."

Albedo on the side nodded, "I agree with Dōji, you, our Lord shouldn't need to confront such lesser beings personally."

Ainz seemed in thought for a second before shaking his head, "I will do it myself this time."

Doji watched as the gaze of Ainz grew heavy, this time it was the gaze of a Ruler who wanted to make an example.

'Huhu... this gaze is good...' Doji thought to himself.

'I know you were a simple salary man before, but you have already become Nazarick's absolute Ruler, so you need to behave like one as well.'

Albedo didn't like it at all and protested, "Lord Ainz you shouldn't..."

But this time Dōji interrupted her, "Lord Ainz has made his decision, accept it. Or do you want to try and rebel against Lord Ainz's order?"

His gaze stared down at Albedo heavily and although Albedo wouldn't back down from something like this, she knew better that what Doji said was right.

"Dōji, it is enough." Ainz gave Doji a serious look, then turned to Albedo and continued, "You two will be there with me, but I need to teach these fools a lesson myself."

Dōji put his gaze away from Albedo and nodded, "I understand Lord Ainz."

Albedo also nodded but remained silent.

'I am going to see their destruction live huh? But it would be so interesting to try if the Angels could harm me. They shouldn't be high enough in Level and magic anyway.'

Dōji didn't have the same immunity as Ainz, but two levels higher, for both magic and Physical attacks.

This means Monsters below Level 80 couldn't even scratch him, while Magic below Tier 8 was the same.

'Anyway, it won't be so long anymore I hope.'

'I'm getting bored just standing around and having nothing to do.'

The good thing was that he always had his Guardbottle with him, just as he took another few sips, Ainz spoke up.

"I think it is time for me to switch."

The next moment, Dōji, Ainz, and Albedo disappeared from where they stood, while Gazef and his man appeared in their place.

"Where am I?"

Gazef was surprised, he heard a voice behind him while fighting, and the next moment he was there.

Looking around he saw a familiar person coming over.

"Sir Stronoff, you are back in the Village, in my home. Lord Ainz has cast protection magic over this place."

Gazef was stunned for a moment, blood was still flowing from his wounds, "And where is Master Gown now?"

"I don't know. He stood just moments ago where you and your man appeared now."

"Haha... What an amazing guy..." Gazef was relieved and fell on his back, his wounds finally taking away his consciousness.




Nigun gazed at the Battlefield with seriousness, there Gazef and his men had disappeared and instead three figures appeared there.

To one side stood a tall man, taller than humans should be in a pitch-black full-plate Armor covered in glowing red runes and a weapon that looked terrifying but he had never seen before.

To the other side stood a female Warrior dressed in another set of pitch-black full-plate Armor, though there were no runes on it.

She held a pitch-black Bardiche in her hand.

'This equipment...'

Nigun could tell just by looking at the armor that both of them were extremely high-quality magical items.

Then his gaze came onto the last person standing there, wearing a raven-black robe, metal gauntlets, and a mask covering his face.

While the other two gave him the feeling of strong Warriors, this one was clearly a Magic Caster.

"Take back the Angels!" He firstly decided to be rather cautious, he didn't know why but he got a terrible feeling from those three people.

At this moment, the man with a mask covering his face spoke up.

"Good Evening people of the Slane Theocracy, I am Ainz Ooal Gown! Feel free to call me Ainz."

The man introduced himself first but Nigun had never heard of this name.

"This here is Dōji." He pointed at the tall Warrior, then pointed at the other, "This here is Albedo."

"Now you might ask yourself why I am here. You see I am here to talk with you."

Nigun was growing anxious, but instead of manifesting as fear, rather it manifested in anger.

'Let's first get more information...'

Signaling with his chin for the person calling himself Ainz to continue, Nigun prepared to listen carefully, so as to not miss important information.

"Good, it seems you are ready to talk. It is actually very simple, I have a proposal for you."

Under Nigun's gaze, Ainz took a step forward and spread his arms, "Offer your lives to me and I will grant you a fast and painless death, but if you dare to resist..."

A wind suddenly spread across the Battlefield, it seemed to spread from Ainz towards his people.

The presence Ainz Ooal Gown gave off, was overwhelming, all the Casters of the Sunlight Scripture simultaneously took a step back.

They were frightened, this Aura that Ainz gave off was so scary, that they felt like being pressed down by a mountain.

Nigun himself didn't know why, he felt the wind coming towards him smelled like death. But he thought it was just his imagination.

When he also took a step back because of the presence Ainz exuded, he grew more anxious and simply ordered.

"Attack him! Go Attack him!"

The next moment two of the Archangel Flames flew forward both stabbing their swords towards Ainz.

'Don't they do anything?'

He thought while watching as Ainz was skewered by two swords.

'Ha! They are all just talk! They couldn't even react to the speed of the Archangel Flames!'

"Hahaha, all just talk..."

Nigun didn't finish his words.

'Why is his body not falling? Why aren't the angels falling back?'

"Hey call the angels back!" He ordered his people, but their words gave him a bad premonition.

Looking at it again the two angels were flapping their wings with all their might but couldn't move at all.

Then a deep voice reached his ears, "[High Tier Physical Immunity III] grants the user immunity against the attacks of Monster of lv.60 and below."

He didn't understand the words, but what he saw frightened him much more.

Ainz Ooal Gown was holding the two angels by their heads, they couldn't get away at all.

Then Ainz slammed them into the ground so hard that Nigun felt the tremor beneath his feet, the angels immediately disintegrated into light particles.

"What... who are you?!" Nigun nearly screeched those words out.

'No human could possibly live an angel like that, especially not a Caster...'

"Hmm... didn't I already say it? I am Ainz Ooal Gown."

Nigun didn't understand at all, but a mysterious person being so proud of his name, made more sense, somehow.

In his panic, Nigun ordered an all-out attack on the Angels.

"Go all angels attack him immediately! Destroy him!"

The angels were sent forward to attack.

Ainz spoke to the two people beside him, "You two, fall back."

Nigun heard the two answer in unison, "Yes Lord Ainz."

Then they went back, away from the man called Ainz.

Surrounded by all those angels, this man didn't seem faced at all.

And Nigun watched the next scene in absolute horror.

[Negativ Burst]

Ainz Ooal Gown cast a spell that seemed to spread a field from himself.

It destroyed all the angels as soon as they came in contact with it.

'They disappeared into light particles... this man's this was attack magic...'

Nigun grew terrified as this realization hit him, but he touched the crystal in his pocket, this item gave him hope and let him remain his calm.

His subordinates were even more frightened and they vented it in a different way from him, they started throwing spells at the man called Ainz, without stopping.

But all spells simply disappeared before ever reaching Ainz Ooal Gown.

One of his men then decided to use something else, he aimed a pallet at Ainz and shot.

Nigun didn't watch the man but gazed at Ainz.

At this moment, the female Warrior, who just stood behind Ainz, came in front of him.


He asked himself, but when he gazed at the place where the woman was before, he could still see the dirt that was thrown into the air where she had left off.

Albedo who came in front of Ainz swung her Bardiche and a green sickly glow flowed through it.

The next moment, they all heard a loud Thud, and the man who shot the pallet had fallen to the ground.

A silence descended on the Battlefield, one of his men went to check what happened and soon shouted, "He is dead! A pallet shot right through his head."

"But wasn't he the one.." Nigun muttered and turned his gaze back to the enemies.

The man called Ainz spoke up at this time, "Oh I need to apologize, my companion here just used a couple of skills, [Missle parry] and [Counter Strike]."

Nigun watched as the man turned to the female Warrior.

"But Albedo, you should be clear that such a projectile does not affect me."

"But Lord Ainz, to face you, the last Supreme Being, the Ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, they at least need to have some strength. This pallet was simply too great an insult."

Ainz didn't deny, "Alebod, if we were to count like that then all of those attacks... anyway, they are simply too weak and they should have gotten that now."

Nigun panicked hearing them talking and decided to send forth his own angel.

"Go forth Principality of Observation!!!"

Nigun had a very useful talent, his summoned monsters received a small strength enhancement.

Principality of Observation, this angel was embodied in armor with a long robe covering its legs. It wields a huge mace made of divine power and equips a round shield with an image of the sun on its left arm. Compared to the Archangel Flame, this angel has four wings on its back.

Going forth, the Principality of Observation soon came in front of Ainz and started to attack with its mace.

But under Nigun's and the Sunlight Scripture's horrified eyes, Ainz simply defended the strikes of the Angel with his gauntlet.

Then as if to say it was enough, after 5th strike, Ainz held onto the mace.

"Now it's my turn.." Nigun watched as this caster, who had a more terrifying physical strength than Gazef Stronoff, stretched out one finger towards Principality of Observation and cast a spell.


A small black flame left from the tip of Ainz's finger and flew towards Principality of Observation, once it was touched, the flame instantly turned into an inferno, spreading all across the angel's body and letting it disappear into light particles.

Silence spread again across the Battlefield.

Nigun started to panic even more, "How... how can such a small spell?!"

He couldn't, no he didn't want to believe what he had seen just now.

It was simply too terrifying to accept.

The people of the sunlight scripture were even worse than him wanting to know what they should do now.

But Nigun calmed down and took out a blue crystal.

"Congratulations Ainz Ooal Gown! I will remember you as a worthy enemy, you made me even use this to Summon the highest Angel, which was last used to destroy an evil spirit!"

Ainz seemed to be aware of something and gave Albedo instructions.

Nigun didn't understand what they were talking about but concentrated on summoning the strongest Angel.

"Now come forth [Dominion Authority]!"

Athos was followed by a magical fluctuation coming from the Crystal, unleashing the magic hidden inside of it.

The being appearing bathed the area in holy white-blue light and brought a slight fragrance to the air. While its head and body were obscured it was covered with numerous glowing feathered wings and was decorated with royal tablets. At the front of its head, a glowing divine magic circle was emitted.

"Now tremble in front of the might of the strongest of all Angels!!"

Nigun was sure that now he had the upper hand and Ainz's next words confirmed him.

Ainz seemed to be surprised by the appearance of this angel as he asked Nigun, "This is your trump card?"

Nigun was proud of this wonderful Angel, "Of course! Are you scared now? To tell you the truth I would have liked to take you in as a brother. A strong man like you would have been a good comrade, but it's a pity you are going to die here."

Nigun was sure of himself, but the next word Ainz spoke made him unsure again.

"Ah sorry Albedo I told you to prepare your skills to use on me, but this guy just comes out with children's toys..."

Nigun grew agitated, "What do you mean? This is the strongest Angel! Go! Dominion Authority, use holy smite!"

The weapon in the giant angel's hand disappeared and from above Ainz a pillar of light descended onto him.

"This should have worked..."

Nigun didn't finish speaking when a loud laughter came from the pillar of light.

"HAHAHHHAHAHA, so this is how it feels to take Damage? Hahaha."

Nigun was more than a little terrified now, especially when the female Warrior suddenly started emitting terrifying coercion.

"You... you Imbeciles! You ignorant inferior creature! I will tear out your organs and muscles! How dare you maggots hurt my Lord Ainz!?! I let you see me rip your guts out and..."

Something truly horrifying seemed to be on its way to manifest into this world.

Nigun's whole body went stiff when he heard the screeching voice of the female Warrior.

Suddenly a hand landed on Albedo's shoulder and a voice came, "Albedo, leave it to me."

Albedo seemed like she wanted to say something, but didn't.

Then Nigun heard the voice of this man again, he didn't seem like someone truly hurt, 'Maybe he is just playing it?'

"Now let's show you true might."

The magic caster spoke and pointed at Dominion Authority while casting a new spell.

[Black Hole]

A pitch-black sphere appeared in the body of Dominion Authority, this sphere seemed to suck all light in and Dominion Authority started to slowly twist into this sphere until its body was completely gone.

Nigun was stunned, 'A single spell? No this can't be...'

"You people you... you are evil spirits! Only Evil spirits can contend Dominion Authority!"

"Anyway, it's time to end this farce." the voice of Ainz seemed like a Death decree.

Nigun, the proud Captain of the Sunlight Scripture suddenly realized that all of his cards were gone and he was snow at the mercy of this sorcerer.

"Ah Lord Ainz... no Lord Ainz Ooal Gown, please I can give you a lot of gold if you just let us... no, just me go! I can make you rich!"

Nigun tried to negotiate, even ignoring the lives of his own men.

But it wasn't Ainz who answered him, but the tall man in the full-plate Armor.

"You guys are really idiots. You humans are so ignorant and foolish. Lord Ainz granted you the chance to have a peaceful death without suffering, but you didn't cherish it."

The word made Nigun stunned for a second, "But I would have no chance to live..."

"Foolish little Human, Lord Ainz is the Ruler over the Life and Death of Nazarick. When he wants you to die then you should just happily come over and offer up your lives with a smile on your face."

The words of this man-made Nigun scared to his very soul, but somehow he thought this guy was insane and turned to look at Ainz.

This man then seemed to release a sigh, before one of his hands went to his mask, slowly revealing what was beneath while speaking.

"If I remember correctly it was "Quit your useless struggle and accept your fate! Only then will I show mercy and grant you a painless death!"."

What was revealed before the sunlight scripture and Nigun at the end, was a bare Skull instead of a face.

Revealing the true Nature of Ainz Ooal Gown, the Ruler of Death!

1 to 2 chapters till solo adventures start :)

DaoistehAJ75creators' thoughts