
The Tipping Point

Today when Takeo walked on campus the air felt heavy and gloomy, his senses were screaming and warning him that something was going to happen. Takeo always trusted his gut, as a former special operation soldier and former wet work asset he had to do so in order to survive in the field and as of right now his sense were firing on all cylinders.

He made his way towards class while being extremely vigilant, and along the way he passed by a few course 2 students some who were glaring at him with eyes full of hate, while others were projecting some bad intention filled gazes towards him. Those action only further heightened his caution, at that moment he knew that this school was a powder keg and only needed the slightest disturbance to set it off.

After arriving in class he took he's seat hoping that today would be a easy one, everything was going relatively well. He met with Tsuzura-sensei at lunch break in order to share they're ideas on how to improve 'Phantom Sound Chains', he also did some light reading on some classify magic research in the library. But sadly all good things must come to an end. The school was thrown in chaos towards the end of the day when a group of students took control of the broadcast room, they were asking for better treatment of course 2 students from the school and aired out they're grievances on how badly they were being discriminated against simply due to a test score.

Overall things were resolved in a rather peaceful manner, but Takeo knew that this was a recipe for disaster. The Egalites were becoming bolder by the day, they were clearly being influenced by Blanche's dirty tactics and soon they would strike a devastating blow. Shaking his head Takeo picked up his CAD's and made his way towards the shooting range located in the back of the school, it belonged to the Sharp shooting club but students were allowed to use it after signing a few documents.

He currently had three of them in a large case, he had decided to test out the remaining two prototypes that were sent to him awhile back. One was designed to look identical to the KRISS Vector Gen II Crb, while the other one which he picked up was based on the SIG Sauer M17 hand gun with a generalized CAD attached at the bottom that resembled a flashlight. But before he could get started he was interrupted by some noise coming from behind him.

Turning around he saw Mayumi standing there looking at him with a complicated look on her face, and Mari was also standing next to her. Seeing the faces of some of his least favorite people he clicked his tongue he said

"Guess you can add stalking to the list of things i hate about you Saegusa, let me guess using the school security system via some bogus excuses while throwing the weight of your family's name around to track me right? "

Every word out of his mouth hit her like a sharp knife, even when she prepared herself to take on his abuse they still hurt. But despite that she knew she couldn't complain after all this was all her doing, she was the one who created this situation. While she accepted her fate Mari on the other hand couldn't, she frowned at his words before saying

"Why must you be so petty, can't you see she is trying to apologize to you? Look she realized her mistake so let it go already."

In her opinion as long as someone apologizes for they're mistake than all should be forgiven, but she was sorely mistaken. That was her world not Takeo's, being a soldier one has to live a fine line between life and death every day. Many times he had to carry the dead bodies of his comrades over his shoulder, or had to be the one to deliver the news to they're families, and in that environment one develops a code or a way of life so to speak and she stepped over the line for what? because of her curiosity? F**k that there is no such thing as forgiveness not for her.

His anger reached it's boiling point, he gripped his CAD tighter and his face contorted. The girl seeing this and took a step, and pulled out they're own CAD's before things got out of hand. Takeo turned around and started packing, his mood was clearly ruined and staying here would only lead to more problems. They just didn't get it, and explaining it to them would just open a can of worms he didn't want to deal with.

After packing his stuff he turned around and said. "Let me tell you this, i do not live in fairy land like you do, your way of thinking doesn't apply to me, you think that no matter what you do as long as you apologize than we should all hold hands or hug it out, but the reality of it is it's not my way nor will it ever be. you burn the bridge and there is no going back, so do me a favor and leave me the hell alone."

At the Chiba family main house in a room behind the dojo an older man was sitting on a chair while two young man and a young woman was sitting in front of him, the man had furrowed eyebrows as he asked in a questioning tone. "So you are telling that Erika lost to a kid her age in a spar last night, and that he defeated her quickly right?" After hearing his words Naotsugu nodded and responded "Yes father that is correct." Chiba Jouichirou was the current head of the Chiba family he was closely approaching his fifties, and he wanted to lay a foundation for the future members of his clan.

But sadly things didn't turn out the way he anticipated, his eldest son was a diligent, sharp man that has earned his skills and abilities through hard work alone rather than natural talent. But has wasted his golden years flirting and being a lecherous bum, His eldest daughter on the other hand had no talent for the sword, though she gave it her all yet couldn't achieve much thus decided to give it up. His second son however was everything any clan head wanted or prayed for as their successor, he was both gifted and hard working, he was a natural born swordsman.

However he was soft at heart and was not fitted to lead a clan, those qualities were however present in his eldest son Toshikazu. His youngest daughter was as equally talented in swordsmanship, however he magical talents were drastically lacking. To make matters worst they had a strained relationship, thinking about all this a sudden light went off in his head and looked towards his eldest son and asked.

"What have you found out about those two boys?" And as if on queue Toshikazu began speaking after scrolling through his portable terminal. "Both of them are the last two living members of the Chizaru family, they're mother passed away due to an incurable sickness While they're father was a member of a bodyguard agency called 'Sentinel security' and worked as on of the instructors there. Unfortunately he volunteered and fought back in order to help with the evacuation during the Okinawa Defense Battle three years ago where he consequently died.

I was able to get in contact with a retired marine by the name of Takamura Kenjiro who said that the boys were taken in by an old friend of the family after they're fathers death, he also said that they are both incredibly talented and should have attended magic high schools but for some reason they refused to do so. I also looked at they're personal files and found nothing of interest, both of them work for 'Sentinel security' and the both of them were home schooled since young. But i did uncover that the youngest one Eiji has a no nonsense military like attitude which has got him in a few arguments over the years. As for the oldest Nobuhiko, he was recorded to have a I.Q of over 200 and was also recorded to be a genius at strategic games such as shōgi and Go.

But despite all these he only posted average scores on all his years of schooling, when i asked my contact about that he laughed and said that he once confronted him about that very same subject and the response he got was baffling, according to Nobuhiko 'it was to troublesome to stand out and that he was too lazy to deal with what would come with it' but i did receive a warning from Takamura-san however, he warned me to never get on Nobuhiko-san's bad side and that he was not dubbed 'Smiling devil' for nothing by his comrades."

After speaking Toshikazu looked at his father, who's eyes were fixed on his sister Sanae. in his mind he knew what he wanted to do and was fighting the urge to curse him but he kept silent after all that was not his decision to make no matter how much he hated it.

_________________Author's Note_____________________

Sorry y'all job had me running around the Midwest for a week, we went to Michigan and stayed in Detroit for 1 day, we left for Ohio after and stopped in Toledo followed by Cleveland. Than came Missouri, where we spent 1 day in St Joseph and concluded our repair schedule in Kansas city. It was great they have some great BBQ restaurants there, but the cool thing was the boss of the company we went to help out in Kansas city took us out to the game on sunday night. And was it magical we saw Tom Brady sprinkle some fairy dust on them live, i will can say that KC is a must visit place and without a doubt i am going back for a vacay soon. Anyways i just got home about an hour ago i wanted to do some polishing on this chapter but decided not to because A) i am hella tired from all this action packed no pay government shut down job. B) i felt like y'all waited a week for this and would without a doubt track me down and give me a tune up al capone style and c) at least it can get y'all to drop some ideas i can use in the comment section.

