
Overheating Bunnies

作者: Junior9999
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Summer had arrived in Kivotos. The hottest summer on record, at that. Stuck in SCHALE Sensei has no choice but to endure the heat, though at least with RABBIT squad present he could get through his work a bit quicker. Or he would've, if it wasn't for one tiny problem. That being RABBIT squad didn't share his sense of modesty... or any sense of modesty at all.

2 タグ
Chapter 1Overheating Bunnies

It was a hot summer in Kivotos.

Or to be more specific, it was a scorching hot summer in Kivotos.

The hottest summer on-record apparently, and one that Sensei was getting to enjoy while in his office... an office high up in the sky and in direct sunlight. Coupled with the high humidity even with such elevation and there was little mercy to be found even when under the AC unit, the poor thing chuntering along and occasionally spitting out puffs of black smoke from being overworked for days and days on end – the only reason Sensei hadn't passed out from heatstroke.

Alas work remained what it was and being too hot wasn't a good enough reason for him to avoid work, according to Rin. Thus despite his pleas to have some mercy he was sentenced to his office to undertake his regular duties – be it sorting through students grades to find out what work they needed help on, determining punishments or disputes, that sort of thing. The only mercy was that it was so hot out and about that crime was down for the most part, and most of his students didn't require his direct presence.

Still whether it was inside or outside, the heat was unbearable. Which was perhaps why RABBIT came to visit him.

It wasn't unheard of, really. Many students often came to visit him, sometimes to bring gifts or ask for help but sometimes just to see him – perhaps he'd spoiled the girls too much, but many of his students had gotten very comfortable with him.

Perhaps even a bit too comfortable, in fact. Coupled with the fact some of his students didn't seem to share his level of modesty, and the results were, perhaps, inevitable.

''Hey, you want a drink Sensei?'' Saki's drawled voice came from across his office.

Glancing at the half-empty bottle of warm water by his side Sensei shrugged. ''Sure thing, thanks.''

Footsteps neared and it took all his composure to keep the heat from his cheeks, the boring work before him doing a good job of distracting his mind – at least until Saki strutted around his left side, leaning forwards to plant a cold bottle of water before him. And in the process emphasised her large, plump breasts... breasts that were entirely bare of cloth. As was the rest of Saki; the pointman of the squad completely nude yet remarkably unbothered by that fact, not even a blush on her cheeks as she instead took a swig of her own bottle of water, sweating from the heat.

Only a cold – or rather warm by now – towel hung around her neck, the ends covering just enough of her breasts to give the illusion of modesty but failing miserably in that regard. His attention lingered on her chest but he made sure not to look for too long, though even from the corner of his eye he could spy her nice ass as she turned away from him, the slight sway to her hips emphasising them as if daring him to grab ahold of her.

He abstained, however, and looked ahead – but noise from his right caught his attention too. Towards Moe who whined as she walked aimlessly around his room, an identical towel hanging over her large tits but a pair of yellow panties also cladding her hips, covering her privates but still doing little to hide her ample chest. Just glancing at it was enough to fill his head with sinful ideas and queries, wonders of how soft they were coming to mind before he forcibly banished them. He shouldn't think of his students that way.

'But then maybe they shouldn't walk around in the nude around me.' Came the traitorous follow-up thought.

Miyako's voice was a dangerous lure but one he fell for, leaning back in his seat just to get a look at her as she stretched. Arms above her head, sweat glimmering across her milky skin and emphasising her slender figure from the gentle contours of her breasts to her narrow waist and eye-catching hips. No panties nor towel covered her form, letting him see everything with such shamelessly he would've thought her an exhibitionist had the situation been any different. Worse still she didn't even mind him looking; catching his gaze and smiling sweetly his way before she went back to her self-assigned task of sorting his documents for him.

How she could be so hot yet so oblivious to what her nudity did to him, he had no clue. Miyu at least, even though she was fully nude, wasn't unabashed about it... although that was more because she was melting into a puddle in the sunshine, her whine teasing his ear as she got on all fours and crawled his way. She caught his eye and blushed, but seemed more embarrassed about her feeble self than her nakedness, to the point he wondered if these girls even knew what self-consciousness was.

He wasn't complaining though. Even if seeing his students like this made him feel all sorts of ways he wasn't supposed to feel, there was no denying the arousal that surged through him, being able to just admire his naked students like this. Every curve was bared, every inch of skin was shone bar a few; it was a feast for the eyes that did little to contribute to his workplace productivity, but in this case he was willing to give them a pass.

Sighing under his breath and ignoring how sweaty he was from the heat Sensei sat a bit more upright, refocusing on his work.

Or he was going to when Miyako came back with some documents. ''Sensei, I think these need sign- eep!''

By pure chance a stray water bottle, unseen due to the documents in her hands, sent Miyako flying forwards – and on instinct alone he reached out, catching her.

Only his haste didn't account for her nudity; his left hand holding her bare hip and his right landing on her breast. Their faces ended up close and Miyako had the decency to blush, but once again seemed more embarrassed over her trip than her exposed self.

''M-My apologies, Sensei.'' Miyako demurely said, catching the back of his chair and standing back upright; frowning cutely as she kicked the water bottle across the room towards Saki, who sighed and picked it up. ''I'll be more careful in future.''

''I-It's alright, I'm just glad you're okay.'' Sensei answered even as he laid his hands in his lap, his right twitching as if to grope something no longer there. 'So soft...'

Miyako drew herself up, the little hop doing wonders for her small bust, and with a smile handed over the documents before returning to her duty. He'd only read through the first few lines of the property damage report when Moe whined – the sound preluding the pair of soft melons that pressed up against the left side of his head. Her boobs, he realised after a split-second of registering it, his face heating up as she wrapped her arms around him.

''Sensei~ It's so hot~'' The explosives expert bemoaned, pouting. ''Can't you make it cooler in here?''

Before he could answer Saki did. ''He already told you the AC is working at maximum, Moe. Stop bothering Sensei.''

''Hah~? Are you jealous he's talking to me and not you, hm~?''

''Wha- no! S-Stop saying dumbass things!''

A second pair of tits squashed against the other side of his head and it was a herculean effort to pretend he didn't enjoy the feeling, his eyes on the documents even as Moe and Saki argued above him, Moe's teasing coos contrasting Saki's irritated tone. A tone he found very hot if he was being honest; his pants distinctly tight as the two girls practically fought over him, his hands itching to just grab ahold of them even as his morals told him no-

When he felt small, nimble fingers unzip his pants. Confusion and alarm fluttered through his mind but he didn't spasm in surprise; feigning casualness even as he looked down without moving his head – and under his desk he spied Miyu of all people, red in the face... and with her fingers loosening his pants. For a split-second he wondered if this was another misinterpretation, if she was just trying to help him cool off, but such whimsical thoughts vanished as he realised how erect he was, and where Miyu was looking.

Miyu said nothing but her intent was embarrassingly clear as she undid the single button on his boxers, freeing his erection. Moe and Saki didn't notice, his body blocking Miyu from their sight even as the mousy girl wrapped her fingers around his manhood, looking terribly unsure of herself yet with a familiar, eager-to-be-helpful look in her eyes as she stroked his length. It was a clumsy, stilted motion, her inexperience terribly clear in that moment but there was no denying how good it felt.

Mercifully Saki backed off then, huffing as she went back to the cooler, but Moe lingered about – stepping away from him but with no assigned duty, leaving her to just linger.

Or at least that was what he thought – until she leaned in, her lips brushing his ear. ''Hehe, you're really liking it, huh Sensei?''

''Huh?'' He tried his damnedest to act nonchalant.

A task failed when Miyu suddenly pressed her lips to his tip, and took him into her mouth. The wet warmth felt so much more intense than her hand and it took all his willpower not to moan, but even then the pleasure must've shown on his face as Moe snickered, unbothered by the revelation. Instead she shifted to his left fully, smirk on her lips and boobs hanging freely – when she took his left hand and guided it to her right breast.

The implication was in her eyes and one Sensei succumbed to; swallowing back his nerves even as he groped his student. Her breast was soft with a hint of firmness, yet far too big for him to fully hold in his hand – not that it stopped him from squeezing her tit. Moe cooed at that and seemed excited, encouraging him to grope her more confidently, his focus torn between the smug tease and her shyer companion as Miyu sucked him off, so demure even as she accepted more and more of his dick between those small lips of hers.

What Miyu lacked in experience though she made up for with her earnestness. A fact Sensei learned as Miyu suddenly deep-throated him, the sensation forcing a groan out of him and in turn a snicker out of Moe. She brushed his hand from her breast and he let her, any disappointment he felt immediately quashed as Moe shook her shoulders and made her tits jiggle for his entertainment; doing it all with a pleased, if somewhat perverted smirk, her breathing a little heavier.

'Is she getting turned on by this?'

Considering she pretty much got off on explosions, it wouldn't be too far a stretch.

As if reading his thoughts Moe grinned cheekily and slipped away from him – only to get on her knees and shuffle under his desk. Submissive as she was Miyu meekly made room for her teammate and Moe made full use of that, spending just a second to yank his pants down to his ankles and do the same for his boxers, leaving nothing to hide his throbbing, saliva-coated erection. An erection that Moe kissed once before taking it between her full, plump lips.

And unlike Miyu, Moe seemed to have some experience – be it with a toy or a partner he knew not, though considering the amount of phallic torpedoes she kept nearby he suspected it was the former. Such thoughts were quick to flee his mind however as pleasure shocked up his cock, a moan finally freed from his lips as Moe shamelessly deep-throated him on her first go, his tip hitting the back of her gullet and going down it before she audibly slurped back up to the very tip.

''Hng, Moe...!'' Sensei breathed out tightly.

Visibly amused by his reaction Moe held onto his thighs and dove down once more; her plump lips encircling the very base of his cock before she slurped back up again, the smooth motion lubing him aplenty with her spit. In contrast to Miyu's slower but more earnest sucks Moe was shameless and horny about it, sucking him off with one hand going between her legs, the angle preventing him from seeing anything but hinting at just enough to make him throb against her lips, wanting nothing more than to be between her legs in that moment.

Yet even as he entertained such a sinful idea Moe didn't cease her motions; sucking him off with quickening bobs of her head. He grunted and groaned, his cock pulsating against her tongue as it slid under his manhood and helped guide it further into her mouth, teasing the back of her throat multiple times before she finally throated him once more, gratifying him with the lurid heat awaiting him.

When Moe took it one step further and hefted her breasts up, her lips sliding up to the very tip of his cock – right before she smothered his cock between her boobs. The hot, sweaty embrace of her tits felt like heaven and Sensei couldn't hope to hold back his moan as Moe shamelessly suckled on his tip, her tongue doing quick laps around it even as she pushed and hefted her breasts together, the friction against his pulsating manhood bringing him closer and closer to orgasm-!

When he reached it faster than expected it, pleasure rising – and then he peaked, nutting in her mouth.

''Mmgh?!'' Though surprised Moe kept her lips pursed around his twitching tip; twitching each time he shot his load into her mouth.

His hand kept her head down and his bucking hips thrust him up between her breasts, some excess cum overflowing and pooling around his twitching tip; dribbling down Moe's chin as she hummed. He shuddered violently at that, pleasure climbing to its utmost before finally cresting and easing off – happening in tandem with Moe leaning back, her lips leaving his tip and tits freeing his shaft, leaving him rock-hard and throbbing before her.

''Guehehe, not bad Sensei~'' The bomb expert teased, her grin salacious. ''You really enjoyed that huh~?''

Sensei swallowed back the emphatic yes that threatened to slip past his lips, settling for a breathless nod instead. It made Moe snickered all the same and even Miyu looked a little happy at the indirect praise. His eyes though were drawn to the leader of the squad as she neared his desk, red in the face and flustered, but with a hand to her chest – seemingly self-conscious of her bust size compared to Moe.

Seeing that Sensei offered his hand. Miyako took it, cheeks darkening as he pulled her in and eased her onto his lap, his eyes running over her naked self as she fidgeted in his lap. Faster than even he realised it his hands were running over her slender form; stroking her thighs and groping her ass before coming up to caress her breasts, his gentle kneading eliciting a soft moan from the squad leader, her blazing cheeks and demure gaze only enchanting him further.


Until with hands on his cheeks she pulled him into a kiss. A shudder reverberated through him but he didn't resist nor retreat from the lip-lock; the gentle meshing of lips simultaneously intimate yet enthralling, little in the way of romance present in favour of curiosity and lust. A lust Miyako shared; her loins distinctly wet as they rubbed up against his erection, tempting his hand down just so he could rub her off a little. His motions were quick and hurried but it made Miyako whimper with pleasure all the same, her wetness sticky and clinging between his fingers.

Fingers that gently pushed, lifting her up and allowing him to grasp his cock properly, holding it steady. Miyako understood and without a word complied, any questions of protection far from her mind as his tip kissed her opening – and a soft, pleasure-filled gasp escaped her as he penetrated her at last. His own groan soon followed; pleasure seizing at his muscles as he felt his cock be sheathed in such a tight, virginal hole, his hands clutching onto her hips as Miyako descended further.

She bounded back up but need made her ease back onto him, her breath shuddering as she accepted him between her nether lips – working her hips in slow rolls that nonetheless left Sensei in bliss. He tried to put up a strong front but there was no denying how good it felt to be inside of his student, the sinful nature of their copulation only making him throb more within her. Miyako must've felt it as she blushed darker and offered him a smile, her hands taking his own and bringing them up to her modest breasts, silently encouraging him to touch her.

And touch her he did; his touch slow but kneading a mewl out of her all the same, his fingers sinking into her malleable flesh and getting a good feel for her body. His cock did the same, twitching and throbbing against her wet insides as they clamped around him, the sensation only amplified by his sensitive state – enticing him to buck his hips up in a thrust, hilting himself in her quivering tunnel.

''Ah~!'' The way she tightened around him was bliss, as was her following moan. ''Sensei, I can feel you so deep within me...''

She pressed herself down onto him. ''I like it.''

Then she pulled him into a kiss. Sensei groaned at that, holding her tits and being rougher with his gropes – but Miyako didn't mind, her moans rife with bliss as she bounced herself onto his cock, the slight squeak of his swivel chair just encouraging her to ride him further. Any risk of them falling over was ignored by both of them; nothing but arousal guiding them forth as she jammed herself onto his throbbing cock like she was desperate for it, her pussy drooling with how excited she was and letting him hilt in her depths with ease.

Making it feel all the better when she tightened up before she bounced up once more. Unable to keep his hands steady Sensei let his right dive down to her ass, partly to grope it and partly to help her ride him; guiding her along his raging shaft and groaning into the kiss as he kissed her cervix with every deep penetration. Her enthusiasm was erotic and after his prior blowjob he didn't think he'd be able to hold on for long. Mercifully, her inexperience meant she wouldn't either.

''Sensei, Sensei...'' Breaking off the kiss Miyako buried her face in his shoulder, inhaling his scent. ''It's twitching a lot...''

''I'm going to cum.'' He answered, breathing the words right into her ear. ''You'll need to get off.''


''No? Miyako-''

''You can let it out inside of me Sensei. I don't mind.'' Her pussy squeezed him possessively, her insides conforming to the shape of his shaft. ''Let it all out. Every last drop. I'll accept it all.''

''That's not the problem-'' He tried to answer but pleasure tightened his throat, dissolving his argument into a groan.

Miyako rode him all the more for it. Clutching onto his shoulders his slender student impaled herself onto his cock like she was trying to get him to knock her up, the sticky slap of their loins only fuelling his inevitable orgasm. The riskiness of it was too much but he didn't want to push her off lest he hurt her feelings, his two desires warring with one another – a safe cumshot on her belly, or a thick, deep creampie inside of his needy, eager student.

How was he to choose, when faced with such an offer?

''Miyako, here it- hng!''

Pleasure rushed, her walls tightened – and with a strangled gasp Sensei blew his load inside of his student. Miyako's eyes widened and she jammed herself down onto his cock, her sweet cry filling his office as they climaxed together; her seizing insides squeezing the cum out of him as spurt after spurt of his love splattered her walls or pumped deep into her womb. She grinded herself onto him, hips moving in hurried circles to milk his load out of him, his own bucking thrusts helping fuck his seed into her.

Until one thrust knocked her up too high and let his cock slip out. Miyako gasped, grinding herself against his glistening-wet cock even as she started to come down from her high; tremors and shakes twitching her form and a whimper of pure bliss escaping her lips. Sensei for his part could only groan in primal agreement, his grip on her ass loosening as he instead gave her a firm nudge, coaxing the bunny back to her feet.

''H-Hey, Sensei...'' The awkward yet gruff tone of Saki caught his attention.

He half expected to get a scolding, a glare, an insult... but what he didn't expect was to see Saki demurely bending herself over his desk, presenting that curvy ass of hers for him to ogle and squishing her ample tits into the table, her slit visible then and letting him see how wet she was. ''It's my turn now, right...?''

His mouth grew dry and he almost – almost – wanted to say no, that he hadn't intended to go this far... only to abandon that train of thought in the next heartbeat. He'd potentially knocked up one of his students, what was one more?

It was that haphazard, heat-addled sentiment that coaxed him to his feet too – his chair left for Miyako to slump into even as he got behind Saki. He took a moment to admire her fine behind, one hand running over her cheek and the other along her back, coaxing a groan of embarrassment from the pointman herself. Noting that he abstained from touching her for the moment, his right hand instead grasping his sensitive, yet still erect shaft and dragging it down to her slit, rubbing the head against her entrance.

Then just as Saki made to speak, he pushed forth – penetrating her. The tight heat that welcomed him was bliss and his hands latched onto her hips, helping sink him deeper into her virginal depths. Saki grunted and clutched onto his desk but otherwise didn't show much signs of pain, just a soft hiss as she adjusted to having a dick in her – encouraging him to take it slow to start with, his rolling hips pumping him between her needy folds.

''You good?'' Sensei murmured then, running his hands up her sides.

''...yeah. Don't worry about me.'' Saki muttered, shuddering as he pressed in deeper; opening her up. ''F-Fuck...''

''Ooh, it's not like Saki to curse~'' Moe didn't miss a beat, her lopsided grin back on her face.

Saki glared over at the bomb expert but Sensei didn't give her a chance to get into an argument – namely by slamming in suddenly, fucking a gasp out of her. She lurched up in surprise and he cupped her breasts the moment he could, kneading those firm melons even as he picked up the pace – his slow tempo switched out for something much more impassioned. His groin clapped against her well-defined ass cheeks and shoved her up against his desk, her breasts bouncing into his groping hands even as he buried himself balls-deep inside of her.

It also treated him to Saki's unrestrained voice; her moan deep and filled with relief, as if his dick was fucking the stress out of her despite the heat radiating off of them. If anything that just encouraged him to slam his cock into her tight depths, grunts quick to bubble past his lips as he went to town on the pointman. His hands soon abandoned her breasts and clutched onto her shoulders instead, pushing her down and squashing her boobs against the table, the sight only glimpsed from his position but arousing him nonetheless.

''Hng, fuck, fuck...!'' Saki cursed more; her breathing ragged and her moans abundant if strained. ''It feels... g-good...!''

''Hehe, see? I told you you should relax more often.'' Moe sighed, one elbow touching the edge of his desk whilst her palm caught her cheek, letting her smirk lazily at her moaning comrade. ''I offered to teach you how to masturbate but you got all shy – imagine if you could've experienced this earlier~''

Sensei groaned, bucking his hips extra rough – earning a grin from Moe herself. ''Mm... maybe Sensei wants to hear stories 'bout it? I've still got some of the mags that I used to get off to~''

''S-Show some decency you- hng~!'' Saki didn't finish the insult before he stuffed her to the brim, fucking a moan out of her.

Tempting as it would be to listen to how RABBIT squad masturbated, he was a bit too busy being balls-deep in one of its members – and so with a groan of need Sensei picked up the pace, pounding himself into Saki's dripping pussy and loving how tightly she clenched around him, her neediness showing itself then and there. Maybe it was also because he was pounding her over his own desk but it felt even spicier than doing it with Miyako, which had a more kissy, intimate vibe; this one was more primal and rough, encouraging him to hilt his cock in her.

All the more when she pushed her ass back into his crotch, his cock filling her nicely and leaving him throbbing against her innermost parts. He bit his bottom lip and groaned as he kept up the pace, slotting himself between her lips and feeling them graze his shaft as he pistoned into her, his pace unrelenting and rough. She gasped at that, her breathing growing shorter and more hurried, the raw slap of their flesh nearing its apex.

When Saki spoke. ''N-Not inside!''

He registered it, he slammed in – and pulled out. Not a second later pleasure rushed up his cock and he blew his load straight up her naked back, a strangled gasp escaping his student as he nutted up her back, the first cumshot reaching her hair. The following spurts hit her flesh with audible splat; dollops of white dribbling over her trembling back as she pressed her thighs together, orgasming at last with a staggered, prolonged whimper – as if she'd tried to hold back her orgasm but ultimately failed.

Releasing a tense breath Sensei stumbled back a step just to watch her hunch and hold onto the desk, her breaths hot and rasping as she rode out her feeble orgasm until it came to a close, leaving her slumped against the desk with a moan. Cum was quick to dribble down her back, the arousing sight catching his attention – or it at least it did, until Moe strutted past him, her swaying breasts catching his eye.

Much to her delight. ''Hehe, you're so cute Sensei~''

And then with a tug, her panties dropped. A neat bush of brown topped her sex, that he noted; his attention remaining on her loins as she sat her ass down on his desk and spread her legs for him; two fingers spreading her lips too as she unashamedly invited him to pound her. A desire that he couldn't find it in him to resist, his cock throbbing with need even as he pressed it up against her wet sex, her horniness infectious in that moment and tempting him to rub his tip along her slit.

Right before he pushed inside. Sopping heat welcomed him, her nectar abundant and lubing his shaft as he speared deep into his curvaceous student – his hands planting down on either side of her just so he could lean over Moe, his eyes straying down to her ample breasts. Moe didn't even mind, her smirking lips parting in a moan as he pulled back only to rut right back into her, driving himself balls-deep inside of her.

''You're so wet.'' Sensei murmured, shivering as her thighs rode up his hips. ''Were you getting off while I was doing it with Miyako and Saki?''

''Mmhm~'' Unashamedly Moe smirked, her breathing doing wonders to emphasise her chest. ''Gonna get off to that for a long while~''

Saki growled something from his right but Moe was entirely unrepentant, her smugness unfaltering even as he picked up the pace and rutted into her needy pussy – her legs locking around his hips not a second later. He hissed but didn't fight her hold, letting her leg-lock him as he went to town on her pussy, stuffing himself into her wet hole like a man possessed. All whilst envisioning Moe finger-fucking herself to this experience later, of moaning alone in her tent at night as her fingers dove between her moist petals and rubbed up against her insides.

As if sensing his thoughts Moe tightened around him, her moan taking on a needier lilt that just drove him wild – instinct compelling his hips forth and shoving his cock into her. In that moment any shame about fucking a student was absent from his mind as pure, overwhelming lust took its place; his hips thundering forth and slamming his cock dee; into her wet heat and relishing the noises he fucked out of her. After all while she had doubtlessly masturbated a ton, she probably never had an actual partner.

'May as well make a good impression then!' Came the horny, lust-addled thought as he grabbed her thighs.

Preluding the rapid-fire thrusts that followed. Moe threw her head back with a cry of delight, breasts bouncing freely for him to see as he went to town on her. His right hand flew up and his fingers sunk into the plush flesh of her right tit, squeezing it even as he went balls-deep in her pussy, grunts and groans bubbling up his throat an d overflowing past his lips as he did his damnedest to fuck the sense out of Moe.

Smugness waned as pleasure took its place; moans spilling past Moe's lips as she threw her head back. Her expression tightened and her sopping cunt squeezed him like a tight, clingy vice, her locked legs refusing to let him pull out – no matter how tempting it was to try anyway, just so he could cum up her bare front and between those heaving breasts. He resisted though, grunts becoming groans as he shafted her, their bodies crashing together without relent-!

When he peaked, shouting as he slammed into her and emptied his balls inside of Moe. The hot clench of her pussy milked him, her curvaceous form buckling and spasming under him as she orgasmed alongside him – her cry choking in her throat and coming out as little more than a pitiful whine of bliss as she was creampied. He rutted into her as a result, pressing himself into her sticky, clenching depths as he pumped his virility into her deepest parts.

Pleasure echoed up his form and send shudders roiling over his skin, his jaw tense and a slow exhale passing his lips – before at last he pulled out. Moe twitched, her legs going limp on either side of him as she moaned, eyes open but unseeing as she laid there dazed and shivering in the afterglow of her climax. He rubbed his tip along her slit at that, partly to tease her and partly to just get off on the gentle, slippery friction, his cock twitching against her syrupy folds.

However contrary to some of her peers, he hadn't forgotten about Miyu, still hiding under the desk watching it all.

Reaching down he found her arm and pulled her up, meeting the sniper's eyes as she squeaked – timid as a true rabbit, but with a hopeful look in her eyes. One that made him twist her around and push her up against Moe, hand on her bare back and admiring her petite self even as he got into position behind her. While Miyu might be the most petite out of the four RABBIT girls she was attractive all the same; her slender back, her narrow hips, her cute butt he'd glimpsed more than a few times when she was sniping.

Tempting him to drag his tip down her puffy, bare lips – and with a moan he sheathed himself inside of Miyu. Her virginal insides clamped around him in an instant and the sniper herself squealed, clutching onto Moe for support even as Sensei buried himself in deeper, feeling how slick her insides were as he started to piston into her wet, clenching heat. Due to her short height Miyu had to stand up on her tip-toes but if anything that just made it hotter; one hand remaining on her hip whilst his other held onto the desk, grunts quick to flee his lips as he sunk between her folds.

''A-Ahh~! It's going in so deep, it, mynn~'' Miyu whined into Moe's chest.

The aforementioned explosives expert cooed, unbothered as she held Miyu to her boobs and stroked her upper back – smirking up at him all the whilst. He grunted his thanks as he picked up the pace, pressing Miyu into Moe almost as he sheathed his cock in her unimaginably tight pussy, every clench feeling like it might be the one to push him to a sudden orgasm. He endured, however; focusing on maintaining his tempo and relishing all the lewd noises he coaxed out of Miyu, all whined out in such a submissive and breedable manner.

A manner that made him pick up the pace, growing rougher as he rutted himself into her tight tunnel. Her lips grazed his shaft and her walls clamped tightly around his length, every twitch and throb of his cock no doubt felt if the way she tightened was any indication. Such thoughts were far away from his mind though as he drove himself into Miyu, soon hilting in her depths and clapping her pert ass with every rough thrust, the lurid slap of flesh joining her high-pitched cries.

Puffing out a laboured breath Sensei leaned back a bit, running his right hand over Miyu's tense back – admiring how it grew taut beneath his fingers and how she whined when he pressed down, pushing her into Moe. Such whines only grew as he kept up the pressure, the sharp smack of his groin against her ass only growing in volume as he went to town on her pussy; slamming into her like a man possessed and enjoying every second of it, her stammering cries especially.

''Hng, here it comes...!'' Sensei growled out a warning.

Miyu clamped tightly around him, her pussy a vice for him to shove his cock into. Pulsating need throbbed up his cock and he could do nothing but slam into her, losing his senses as he just devoted himself to ploughing his cripplingly-shy student, his cock drenched in her nectar and tip wet with pre-cum, kissing her cervix-

''W-Wai- IYAA~!''

-when Miyu climaxed. The hotness that strangled his length was too much, two quick thrusts all he could manage before finally blowing his load inside of Miyu – a low, staggered moan fleeing his throat as he rammed into her one final time. Pleasure shocked through his shaft and preluded the semen he spurted deep inside of her, his twitching tip doubtlessly kissing her cervix as he delivered load after load of semen into the petite girl, her moan one of pure euphoria.

Hissing out a tight breath Sensei pressed himself into her, riding out the waves of pleasure that coursed through him, before at last he pulled out. A deluge of cum overflowed from Miyu's ploughed pussy and dribbled partway down her inner-thigh, the girl herself going limp atop Moe as she caught her breath, panting and twitching in the afterglow of her orgasm.

''Sensei.'' It was Miyako's earnest voice that drew his eyes over to the right.

Just in time to see her sit on his borrowed chair and spread her legs wide. ''One more time, please...?''

Sensei gladly obliged, so high on lust the summer heat was easily ignored.

At least that was until he and RABBIT squad became bedridden the following day with heatstroke.

Still worth it, though.



Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice

Reincarnated and traveling to another world, Eiji Seiya initially thought the world was normal. That was what he thought before he met the heroine and protagonist of the franchise he had watched in his previous life. Not only that, after he awakened the Inner Voice System to grow strong by complaining about plot, heroine and protagonist in his heart to get many rewards. He is determined to increase his power so that he can save his home world, the world where he was reincarnated that was hit by the disaster "Honkai" and save beautiful girls like Kiana, Mai, Bronya, Rita and others who had tragic endings in the original works! "I will save them all!" However... Everything went smoothly... Eiji earned rewards every time he changed the plot in another franchise. It's just that... What's wrong with these heroines? Lala Satalin Deviluke who was supposed to be engaged to the protagonist instead became his fiancée. Sona Sitri suddenly called him to the student council office and said she wanted to make a deal with him. Rias Gremory who was supposed to ask the protagonist for help to solve her political marriage problem with Riser Phenex inexplicably came to him. The girls were disgusted at the protagonists of their respective franchises. Something was wrong here! Not only that, heroines like Kotegawa Yui, Sairenji Haruna, Akeno Himejima, Kuroka, Serafall Leviathan, Grayfia Lucifuge, Sakurajima Mai, Ai Hoshino, Kasumigaoka Utaha and others... They like him! All the super beautiful and sexy women that many men in the world covet surround him and leave their respective protagonists. Grayfia even betrayed her husband. Eiji who saw all this was dumbfounded. At first he was confused as to why these heroines were surrounding him, but gradually he realized and knew that it was all happening because ... His inner voice! - The plot that has been changed by the MC: To Love Ru: 83% Highschool DxD: 82% Shinmai Maou no Testament: 92% Oregairu: 89% Saekano: 84% Oshi no Ko: 100% Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai: 100% Mieruko-chan: 89% Trinity Seven: 38% This is the plot change process of the latest chapter and will change as the story progresses. By the way, the grammar at the beginning is bad and will improve as the chapter progresses. However, my writing style will not change much because this is an inner voice novel, which means that there will be many reactions from each character. Oh and in chapter hundreds there will be a group chat to prevent the loss of interaction between the heroines. It's a special chat group for the heroines in the MC's harem. - Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated to write more chapters: www.patreon.com/DogLicker

DogLickerGods · アニメ&漫画
587 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
