

Alan an ordinary orphan boy who has one goal which is to enroll in the most prestigious academy in the kingdom receives the OVERGOD system which changes his destiny.

blood_rogue · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter -6 (Learning Alchemy)

Alan opened the alchemy book which he found from the ring.He found that the name of owner of the book was Algrim Jones he was a grade-7 potion master and a Archmage Necromancer. The book contained records of his experiments on creating undead creatures from necromancy and about potions making.

Alan was shocked as knew who Algrim Jones was, he was strongest dark magic user of storm alliance, who died during the realm war 1000 year's ago. The realm war a war between people of this world and abyssal demons who invaded our world from abyssal realm by a dimentional gap which appeared 1000 years ago.

Alan realised that the owner of ring must have found the book in ruin as the ring's owner can't be Algrim Jones as the things which the ring contained can't even amount to 1% of a Archmage's wealth.

Alan started reading through the potion records of the book and started researching on those potions.


3 months later

During past 3 months Alan was studying alchemy and necromancy through the book. He didn't even walked out of his room as he was deeply focused in his study. Not only Alan because a grade 2 potion master in past months but his rank also increased by 2 ranks. Now he was a rank 3 senior mage.

Alan learned from Algrim's necromancy records that he should create his own spells instead on relying on spell books as in battle having unique spell will be helpful.

"I have been inside my room for too long. I should go out for a stroll and also buy some materials for experiment"Alan thought and left his room.

Alan went to alchemy association to register himself as a potion master which will help him in increasing his status as he was a commoner without any backing so by getting registered as potion master will get him the backing of alchemist association as potion masters are highly respected in society as very less people can become potion masters that's why alchemist association also provide assistance to the registered members.

Alan entered the association an went to the reception. He saw a young lady who was looking in mid twenties has short shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and a busty figure was sitting in receptionist desk. she looked at him and thought he should be here to become an apprentice of a potion master as he was very young.

"Hello sir what can I do for you" she asked politely.

"I am here to register my self as a potion master can you tell me the process". his reply left her in a daze the she composed herself and replied. " sir you have to take a test to in which will be given by our alchemist ". Alan nodded. Few minutes later a middle aged man he had a 4 star badge on his coat which indicated that he was a grade 4 potion master.

" You have to make potion within 2 hours successfully to pass the test". he directly said to Alan without showing expression on his face but in his mind he was surprised to see that a 14-15 year old boy is going to take potion master test.

Alan followed him to the test room and started making potion. He was making a mid grade healing potion. Alan completed the potion in only 20 minute's. The grade 4 potion master was shocked to see how young and talented Alan was as to complete a mid grade healing potion in so less time one has to be a grade 2 potion master.

After verifying the potion he gave him 2 star badge. when he walked out from the test room the people saw the 2 star badge.A commotion broke out in the reception area.

Alan ignored everyone one and went to shop inside alchemy association to purchase ingredients for his experiments. Alan bought his materials which cost him 5M gold and went to silver moon inn and started his experiments.

Today Alan was experimenting on necromancy.

He was preparing to summon a creature. He started the ritual he used a drop of blood as he has chaos dragon bloodline so he thought he would be able to get a powerful beast.

As soon as he dropped his blood a black mist formed around his room and from the mist a figure appeared in front of him and he lost his cool.