
Outrageous Summoner

# cards There is a world where cards are a commodity. From sealing powerful supernatural beings, godly weapons, these cards can also control the weather and the four elements. Those who master the power of the cards are called Summoners. Unknowingly, You Chu transmigrated to the cards system world. As he opened his eyes, he found himself about to be sacrificed in a cult and the only thing that could save him now was the card drawing chance from the system.

Used Name · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Chapter 2:Light Swordsman • Moonlight _ 2

編集者: Atlas Studios

But the leader didn't panic at all.

Because You Chu looked too young.

Black City was a small place, and there were not many Summoners in the entire city. As far as the leader knew, even the sheriff of the Black City Public Security Department was only a silver-level Summoner.

In addition, You Chu looked very young. The leader was 100% sure that he was at most bronze-level.

Then there was nothing to be afraid of. The leader was confident that he was invincible against a bronze-level Summoner!

The people locked in the cages around the hall looked at You Chu expectantly.

After falling into the hands of these thugs, even if someone had the intention to resist at first, such thoughts had long been worn down by all kinds of torture.

The hostages, who were originally in despair, now saw hope from this young man.

A Summoner!

Summoners were high and mighty to ordinary people. The victims, who had already given up hope, were now on fire again.

However, the leader only sized You Chu up with a cold gaze. His gaze was complicated and unfathomable.

The leader had not been such a person from the beginning.

When he was tested to have the talent of a Summoner back then, he was like many other young people. He was full of dreams and was smug, fantasizing that he could have a place at the top.

Until reality slapped him hard.

It turned out that mere talent couldn't change anything. He'd tried, and tried, and in the end, he'd found nothing. Neither his background nor his resources could support him on the path to becoming a Summoner.

Just when he had almost lost hope, when even the ideals he had always fought for had almost collapsed under the weight of life, a new path appeared before him.

The path of the Dark Summoner.

After a few Summoners went astray and succumbed to the temptation of darkness, the darkness in their hearts bred a spell spirit that only belonged to them. The power of the Summoners themselves would also advance by leaps and bounds compared to the original.

But that power came at a price.

The devouring of the sense of right and wrong was only the first step into darkness. The darkest parts of the Dark Summoners' hearts would be infinitely magnified. Their inner desires, greed, sin, all dark sides would continue to swell. Their moral views would blur. The concept of right and wrong would gradually weaken until humanity was completely obliterated.

Dark Sorcerers were the antithesis of order. Destroyers of civilization. They were wanted throughout almost every country.

The leader knew all this clearly. He just didn't care.

He wanted power. He needed it no matter what.

A cold wind blew into the hall from the dark passageway, like the howl of ghosts. The temperature in the hall dropped sharply, and the chill sank into the bones like invisible needles.

"Actually, my spell spirit was already summoned the moment you summoned yours."

The leader raised his arms. The wide sleeves rested on his withered arms, fluttering in the cold wind.

Cold gusts of wind hit the load-bearing columns of the basilica, and squirming darkness poured from the altar behind the leader like ink spilling from a container.

The thing slowly stood up until it was six or seven meters tall.

It was difficult to tell what creature it was from that posture. Its entire body seemed to be rolling with that sticky black liquid, like mud, emitting a nauseating wet stench.

There was a sentence that could quite aptly describe this unique little thing.

Throwing firecrackers in a cesspit – gross explosion.

"Are you already stunned?" The leader actually seemed to be proud of the thing he had summoned. He only laughed. "A unique dark spell spirit born from the darkness in my heart—

—Vengeful Beast Ossum!!! "

The Vengeful Beast, Ossum. This was the spell spirit born from the darkness in his heart. It was stronger than any spell spirit he had in the past!

But he wasn't satisfied with that yet.

Another evil aspect of the Dark Spell Spirit was that the materials needed for the evolution of this spell spirit were human souls.

It was for this purpose that the leader had roped in these followers and kidnapped these hostages. He needed more souls as nourishment to obtain greater power!

"Be fodder for my path to evolution!" the leader cried in a twisted, ugly voice. "Your sacrifice will make a great legend. Be honored!"

His fingers nimbly swiped through the air, and another card appeared out of thin air in front of him.

"Activate Spell Plate Dark Expansion," the leader shouted in a sharp voice.

The darkness expanded. The spell card could temporarily increase the ability of the dark spell spirit. An undercurrent flew out from the card in front of the leader and was quickly sucked into the body of the huge black creature in front of him.

The already massive thaumaturgical body swelled dramatically again, looking like a rapidly expanding dough in an oven. It grew taller and taller, like a dark craggy hill stretching across the very center of the nave, the violent whirlwind cutting off almost everyone's breath in the hall.

Its huge size brought a terrifying sense of oppression. Just looking at it almost exhausted the remaining courage of the victims.

The Vengeful Beast, Ossum, let out a sharp howl like a malicious ghost. An indescribable despair spread like a storm in the dark hall.

Even You Chu felt his heart race uncontrollably as he faced the pressure of such a creature in person. The only thing that prevented him from being swallowed in one go by that black, stinking, disgusting thing was Light Swordsman Moonlight, who had just been summoned after drawing the cards.

Although the powerful strength displayed by Moonlight's sword gave You Chu great confidence, his confidence had already begun to waver.

Moonlight looked too small for the hilllike beast of resentment, Ossum.

Her thin body was like a weak reed in the face of the twisted monster, broken easily with a snap. But You Chu could also see that her back was straight and her face was as still as water. Her five slender and agile fingers were tightly clasped on the hilt of her sword.

"Devour them!" The leader waved his arms in agitation, his voice hoarse and slurred.

The Vengeful Beast roared again, and the sound wave almost shattered everyone's eardrums! An incomparable pressure descended on the hall, and dark vortexes spun around the monster.

Its entire body seemed to change shape in an instant. Its soft mud-like shell was elongated like a javelin that had bitten its target to death. The moment it was thrown, the kinetic energy produced shook the floor tiles of the hall!

In the face of the overwhelming darkness, the manic whirlwind, and the waves of air, Light Swordsman Moonlight's sword was drawn.

The leader's lips curled into a disdainful smile as he watched Moonlight ready to strike.

'I resent beasts riding faces. How can I lose?'

You're just a mere swordsman. Do you think you can kill me with one shot…

… What!?

In the next moment, the leader's eyes widened in disbelief.

The moment the wind touched the sword qi, it changed sides at the speed of light and counterattacked aggressively along the way. The surging darkness began to melt the moment it touched the sword light, and the Vengeful Beast let out a sharp and mournful roar.

The heavy pressure that enveloped the entire hall seemed to be swept away with this strike. A slightly closer load-bearing pillar broke on the spot under the aftershock, and all the glass was shattered into powder with a uniform clang.

The massive body of the Vengeful Beast Ossum was pierced by a sword, like a hot knife through butter, until the dark, muddy body evaporated completely.

Not only that, but the sword light instantly killed the huge pitch-black demonic creature. The aftershock still did not decrease. It blasted through the dome of the hall and flew into the dark night—

—Into the clouds!