
Outbreak: The First Cases

In a world struck by a deadly pandemic, a mysterious disease is rapidly spreading that endows the infected with incredible powers, but at a great cost. As the virus continues to spread, the infected individuals begin to lose their minds, becoming monstrous and uncontrollable, making them a danger to themselves and those around them. A small group of uninfected individuals forms the Meta Advance Human Army, to fight against the spread of the pandemic and to uncover the secrets behind the outbreak. They quickly realize that the virus is not a natural occurrence, but rather a man-made bioweapon created by a rogue government agency. As the team races to find a cure, they discover that the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg. The agency responsible for creating the virus is planning something even more catastrophic, and it's up to the Meta Advance Human Army to stop them before it's too late. As they navigate a world on the brink of collapse, the team must fight not only against the infected but also against a corrupt government and the sinister forces behind the pandemic. With each passing day, the stakes get higher, and the team must work tirelessly to save the world from destruction. Outbreak: The First Cases is a thrilling tale of survival, discovery, and betrayal, that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

KiyoAsahiKaishi · SF
18 Chs

Black Sun Exogenisis Foundation's Perspective

The leader of the Black Sun Exogenisis Foundation sat in his high-tech bunker, staring at the wall of screens in front of him. He watched as his army of infected soldiers geared up for their mission - to attack the MAHA base and capture Kiyoshi.

He smiled to himself, knowing that his plan was finally coming to fruition. He had spent years researching and developing the necrotic plague, and now he was on the verge of achieving his ultimate goal - complete control over the infected.

He pressed a button on his console, and a voice crackled over the intercom. "All units, this is the leader. Prepare for operation 'Midnight Raid.' Our target is the MAHA base. Take out any soldiers you encounter, and capture Kiyoshi alive. Repeat, Kiyoshi is to be taken alive."

His soldiers responded with a chorus of affirmatives, and he leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He had always known that the key to controlling the infected was to create a parasite that could be manipulated and harnessed for his own purposes.

And now, he had done just that. With the technology at his disposal, he could control the infected from afar, using them as his own personal army to carry out his bidding.

He watched as the first wave of soldiers headed out, their eyes glowing with a sickly green light. He knew that they were no longer human, but that didn't matter to him. They were tools, nothing more.

As the hours ticked by, the leader watched the screens intently, waiting for any sign of progress. He saw his soldiers engage with the MAHA soldiers, and he watched as the first casualties were reported.

But he remained calm and composed, knowing that his army was unstoppable. He was confident that they would succeed, that they would capture Kiyoshi and bring him back to their base for experimentation.

And then, he would have complete control over the infected, and he would be able to reshape the world as he saw fit. He leaned back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face, as he watched the battle unfold. The end was near, and victory was within his grasp.

His army had managed to drive back the MAHA soldiers and had even captured Kiyoshi, one of their key members. It was only a matter of time before they broke him and got the information they needed.

He signaled for one of his lieutenants to come forward. "Have our doctors prepare Kiyoshi for interrogation," he ordered. "We need to know everything he knows about our operation and what the MAHA is planning."

The lieutenant nodded and quickly left the room to carry out his orders. The leader leaned back in his chair once again, feeling confident in his victory. He knew that the MAHA soldiers would not dare to attack them again after this defeat. And with Kiyoshi in their custody, they had the upper hand.

As the days passed, Kiyoshi was subjected to brutal interrogation sessions. They used every method at their disposal, from physical torture to psychological manipulation, to try and extract information from him. But Kiyoshi remained steadfast in his loyalty to the MAHA and refused to give up any valuable intel.

Frustrated, the leader of the Black Sun Exogenisis Foundation decided to take matters into his own hands. He personally visited Kiyoshi in his cell, hoping to break him with his words.

"You're a fool," he said, looking at Kiyoshi with disdain. "You think you can stop us? You think you're doing the right thing? The world needs to change, and we're the ones who are going to make that happen."

Kiyoshi looked at him with contempt. "You're the fool," he spat. "You think you can play God and control people's lives? You're no better than a tyrant."

The leader's eyes narrowed in anger. "You'll regret those word'

The leader show him some kind serum and inject kiyoshi with it."this is your gift Neito"

Kiyoshi's head was spinning as memories flooded back into his mind. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. Neito Nakamura, that was his name. He had been the leader of the Black Sun Exogenisis Foundation. But how had he ended up as Kiyoshi, a simple student?

The leader smirked as he watched Kiyoshi's confusion. "That's right, Kiyoshi," he said. "Or should I say, Neito Nakamura? You were once one of us. But you were betrayed by the same people you trusted. They erased your memories and left you to rot."

Kiyoshi's heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. But the memories kept coming. He remembered the power and the money. He remembered the thrill of being in charge. And he remembered the betrayal.

The leader leaned forward, a dangerous glint in his eye. "But now, you have a chance to come back to us," he said. "With your help, we can reshape the world as we see fit. And you can have all the power and money you ever wanted."

Kiyoshi felt a surge of anger rise up in him. He had been betrayed once, and he wasn't going to let it happen again. "I'll never help you," he said through gritted teeth.

The leader's smile faded. "We'll see about that," he said. "In the meantime, you can rot in your cell."

As Kiyoshi was led away, he knew that he was in for a fight. But he was determined to get out, to find his friends, and to stop the Black Sun Exogenisis Foundation once and for all.