

She is living a simple comfortable life together with her loving parents who never ceases to shower her with love and care when everything suddenly change for the worse in her life. She lost her mom Get ousted from her home Forced to be a servant And alot more tragedies surround her especially when she caught the attention of one of the princes in the land of Purevill. Read to find out how Evelyn's story evolve and change again and again from the best to the worst and then to wherever the story take her.

Aeesha_Mtz · 歴史
3 Chs

2- She offended the royal family

No one knew that the prince that will be gracing this event with his presence is Prince William the Crown Prince. All they knew was that a prince was coming.

Convinced from previous occasions, they guessed that the First Prince, Prince Aldous who most of the time was the one to attend events like this on behalf of the king, will be the one to come this time too. But instead, the Second Prince, Crown Prince William is the one that come.

It was unexpected and sent almost everyone there into a state of shock as they kept their heads bowed.

In the land of Purevill, it is a principle that the only successor of the throne will be the first legitimate child of the King and Queen unless they have no offspring together by the time of the king's position handover.

Prince Aldous is the first child of the king bore by an imperial consort. He is considered a legitimate child of the king but his legitimacy has limits with Prince William's existence who was bore by the queen.

It is known fact that he will soon be the Ruler of Purevill so naturally no one wants to be on his wrong side.

"What's the commotion about?" he curtly asked, tilting his head.

Evelyn looked up to sneak a look at this young person speaking rudely to the adults present here.

"Why is this boy speaking so rudely to his elders? He is really a bad child!" Evelyn thoughtfully murmured but in a space that is so quite that even a drop of needle would make sound, her words came out clearly and were heard by every person present there.

"Eve!" her mother shouted her name in fear and anger.

'O dear lord! This girl clearly wants us to vanish from this earth'

William by now has a amusing smile on his face 'seems like the kitten is yet to be tame…'

The other audience look on as their eyes widen in horror

'The nerves of this girl!'

He looked at her meaningfully for a while.

Sensing that the crown prince was not taking action, his bodyguard took it as a sign that he was truly offended and thus turned to take a meaningful look at the little girl of about 6-7 years.

'She's such a cute girl, such a pity that she has to be so open mouthed' the bodyguard thought internally shaking his head.

Seeing that the crown prince's personal guard was seriously looking at Evelyn her mother quickly went on her knees "Your grace! Please pardon her she-she… she was just blabbering" her head was already touching the ground as she profusely begged for merciful.

The nosey guests soon start murmuring

"My my, what will happen to Duke assistant Mathias now?"

"I pity the child"

"I pity the parents, she's just a young lively girl but soon she'll be gone?"

"I heard that no one dares to offend the royal family"

"I am concerned about Mrs Jennet, she's her only child and I don't think she can have one again"

"yes yes I heard that it took her some time before she…"

"You people are so noisy" William coldly said glaring at the guests.

Looking at how displeased Crown Prince William was, Duchess Judas took the initiative to take action; calling the guards around "take this characterless girl away!"

Her indignation for getthing her favorite vase shattered because of this girl with embarrassment and fear that the crown prince was offended because of them and in their household made her to glare hatefully at the mother an daughter duo.

She sincerely regretted inviting them!

The guards stationed by the sides made their way to the girl and her mother panicked as she raised her voice and continued to beg for mercy.

Evelyn was so shocked when she saw her mother kneeling and begging the boy that looked of similar age to their neighbor's son Adams who was 17.

She didn't know what she did nor did she know the consequences. All she could perceive was her mom kneeling down and her head continuously hitting the ground.

Soon after she heard her mom raised her voice begging for forgiveness on her behalf…

"What did I do?!" She frowned looking at her mom

"Mom… stand up" Jennet ignored her as she continues to plead incessantly.

She wanted to go to her mom and ask her what she did wrong when suddenly two strong men came to stand at her front blocking her way and view.

She angrily looked up at them and said "move!" demandingly but they didn't. instead they went ahead to grab her arm.

Jennet dashed to them, snatched her daughter from them and snarled "don't you dare touch my daughter!"

The guests watching couldn't help shaking their heads in pity

"It's the end for the Mathis' family"

"I can't believe that girl is acting all innocent"

"What the hell are you waiting for?" Duchess Judas asked the guards in anger "Take the both of them away!"

Just as the guards were about to grab Jennet's arm a silent voice filled with power and authority said "STOP!"

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