
Chapter Eleven

The Blackstone mountain is where the capital city of the Han Empire is located. At the peak stood a middle age man with handsome features. His shark-like eyes were staring at the distance where the Ruins were located. Wearing a black one-piece robe carved with golden lotuses, his overbearing presence signified his status among the masses.

Everyone knows him as the Blood Prince, he murdered his way through the throne and ruled the Empire with strength. His greed to other neighboring empires was known to all. And now his claws were aiming at the Liang Kingdom ready to pounce anytime.

"Husband…"a voice that resembles the singing of fairies appeared behind him.

" Qing'er what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be assisting the council at this time?" said Han Wudi without turning his back.

"The meeting is done, they'll be preparing soon, is…Wu'er going to succeed?" said Empress Jiang Qing worriedly.

"I'd make sure he'll be, we can only wait for their success, if he fails then he doesn't need to return here" said Han Wudi. His voice was neither cold nor overbearing it was just a voice with no emotions.

Hearing this, Empress Jiang Qing could only sigh helplessly. "Your excellency I'll take my leave then" said Empress Jiang Qing and left unhurriedly.


Silence descended, the more than a hundred cultivators didn't respond to her question. Their dormant aura suddenly spiked and was ready to attack anytime. The cultivators behind the sinister youth glanced towards him awaiting for orders.

"Your silence means that's a yes, and base from your followers behavior and the rumors…you must be Han Wu the 3rd prince of Han Empire" said Shangguan Wan'er emotionlessly.

"ha-ha-ha, little Wan'er you're so amazing, if you said it then you must be right, so how did you know it was him?" said Su Hui Qing with an amazed expression on her face. Her heartstring laugh echoed throughout the temple.

"Sigh! There's no need for her to explain, indeed I'm Han Wu the 3rd prince of Han Empire. Whether you know about it or not makes no difference…for your all going to die today!" said Han Wu coldly. Without waiting for the latter's response he waved his hand. "Attack!"

Expression of madness appeared on the faces of his followers. With a burst of energy all cultivators activated their martial skills. However Han Wu and the two Spirit Severing realm old men didn't move and only observed the fight coldly.

"-Black Python Martial arts: Poison fingers!-"

"-Twelve Incantation Mountain: First Incantation!-"

"-Beast Transformation: Mammoth armor!-"

Hundreds of different martial arts were sent towards Shangguan Wan'er and her team. But the expression they showed to their enemies were not shock but, instead was like looking at fools doing a clown show.

"Little Wan'er look at them they're so aggressive, I was hoping you would also be aggressive like them when we're in B-E-D, tee-hee" said Su Hui Qing with a teasing tone.

Shangguan Wan'er who was the target of jealous-induced attention ignored her completely.

"Sigh! Sheesh senior sister Su, you should show respect towards your enemies, at least they're trying their best to show off!" said the sissy young man helplessly. "Well at least they're trying, so who would go first?"

"I'll go, I need to test something, thanks to Junior sister, our skills improve a lot and our foundation are solid compare to normal cultivators on our level" said a middle age man wearing the same clothes as the others. His V-shape moustache makes him looks like your every-girls dream gentleman. He was not overly handsome but his charm makes girls looked him twice.

"Okay senior brother William! Your name sounds funny but anyways show them what you've got!" said the sissy young man loudly.

"Damn him, I'll get him next time" thought William while purposely walking towards the target of the hundreds of martial art skills. "Gentlemen you know it's rude showing your vulgar side to the ladies right?" said William with a deep voice.

"F*ck off dumbass!"

"Yeah! Get lost, I only want my woman screaming when she's under me!"

"Ha-ha-ha! That's right, specially those girls behind you, it'll give me a boner when I imagine them screaming under me!"

The enemy cultivators increased the strength of their attack as they target William who was blocking their way. Mocking him completely.

"Sigh! So be it" said William with glint in his eyes.

"-Earth taboo martial arts: Golden Sand Castle!-" raising both hands into a fists, he punched the incoming attacks in front of him. His vast and pure Qi exploded out and materialize into a massive golden castle.


The enemies' attacks were like ants facing an incoming wall head-on. Like a balloon all their attacks was being absorbed by the castle wall with a pop* sound. The speed of the expanding castle was slow, but it was enough to crash those cultivators who used their physical strength to attack them.


"R-run away!"

"M-my proud martial skills!"

Some were squashed into meat paste, and some were flung into the air. The cultivators who used range attacks were shock when they saw there was not even a dent in the golden castle wall.

"Humph, petty tricks!" said one of the Spirit Severing realm old man.

"Gramps Gu, you're going to make a move?" asked Han Wu.

"I will, our mission this time is easy and that's to delay the person called Shangguan Wan'er, the Empress said that that woman is dangerous and might disrupt his majesty's plan" said Old man Gu.

"Instead of delaying them, we might as well kill them all to make sure" said Old man Qin.

"I think I know who Shangguan Wan'er already is" said Han Wu confidently.

"Oh, as expected of young lord Wu, care to explain it to us old bones?" said Old man Qin excitedly.

"That expressionless girl who was cling to by that demoness, I'm sure of it. Because it feels like the others respect her more, and also according to our information the leader of the enemies expedition this time is Shangguan Wan'er, however for what purpose they are coming here remains unknown" explained Han Wu confidently.

"I see, that makes sense, but how can she disrupt his majesty's plan? All I can read from her is at the early stage of Nascent Soul realm, I can kill her with just a flick of my finger!" said Old man Gu.

"Then we can only try and find out, so Gramps Gu go test them out" said Han Wu.

"Hehehe, this'll be easy as flaying chicken!" with a nod he disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of the golden castle wall.

"Brat! Take this! -Earth Taboo Martial arts: Blackstone Meteorite!-" his Qi surged. An aura that suffocates cultivators below Spirit Severing realm assaulted their surroundings. The Qi was released and turned into a giant pitch black rock and smashed towards the golden castle wall.

BOOM! The surrounding cultivators felt their knees turned into jelly, some puke blood while being pressed down hard due to pressure. The surroundings were covered with dust and cracks appeared into the golden castle wall.

"Ha-ha-ha, how about that! Hmm?" Old man Gu was overjoyed at first, but when he noticed the cracks were healing at alarming rate, he can't help but feel shock. "What martial art skills is that? We clearly used the same type of martial art skills!"

"Ha-ha-ha is that all you've got?! Is that all a Spirit Severing realm could do?" laugh the sissy young man who was cowering behind the golden castle wall.

William who was releasing his Qi non-stop was starting to get tired, but thanks to his teams help, the Qi was distributed evenly and strengthens his martial art skill. "At this rate we can stay safe inside for at least a day" said William confidently.

The distance between Nascent Soul realm to Spirit Severing realm was like heaven and earth. Even though the Nascent Soul realm only needs one step to reach Spirit Severing realm the process requires talent, will, and luck. Without these points reaching Spirit Severing realm will be close to impossible. The Nascent Soul cultivator uses their affinity to nature to boost their martial art skills that can render Core formation realm cultivators paralyzed. While at the realm of Spirit Severing, those affinities will evolve into laws, the closer you are to understanding about the path you choose, when you apply it to your martial art skills, the power released can cause devastated outcomes.

"Brat don't think you know about the power of us Spirit Severing! -Earth taboo martial arts: Blackstone meteorite: Law of stone!-" an aura stronger compared to before created a crater below. The golden castle wall was slightly trembling and cracks appeared as fast as it could heal.

A giant pitch black meteorite appeared baring its fangs unto the golden castle wall. With a speed impossible by its size. It smashed directly unto the golden castle wall!

CRACK! The golden castle wall outer wall was instantly destroyed the inner wall who has now cracks all over it was being destroyed faster than it could heal.

"Now you've done it you damn sissy!" shouted William angrily although his voice was muddle up together with the tremors. However his angry face can be clearly seen by the sissy young man.

The golden castle wall was being destroyed over and over by the giant pitch black meteorite who's currently pressing down with its immense weight and power.

"I can't hold on much longer!" said William with gritted teeth.

"Sigh! Let me help you, you need to ask for help sometimes not just for our Qi you know?" said a burly young man. "My specialties are defense, plants and herbs ha-ha-ha! That's what the Wang clan is best at!"

"-Earth Taboo martial skills: Diamond Kong Transformation!-" his massive Qi surged! Turning every part of his body into a transparent glistening diamond form! Walking towards the center of the Inner golden castle wall he lightly patted and felt its cold and smooth surface.

"Hah!" he roared and transfer all the converted diamond Qi into the inner golden castle wall, the golden castle wall slowly turned into crystals with his hands at the center. The strength of the wall and its regeneration increased. But the consumption of energy was extremely fast, making both William and the burly young man sweated profusely.

"What?!" Old man Gu exclaimed in shock. The once golden castle wall was turning slowly into a diamond and the regeneration increased in alarming rate. The pitch black meteorite was being pushed slowly and the once broken outer wall was slowly fixing itself.

"This is impossible! Is this a level up of earth taboo martial skill?...no that can't be right that process is already been lost long ago…sharing of Qi?! That requires precision control of Qi If one wants to merge one martial art skills after another and achieved synchronicity! Only couples or partners they've trust the most can possibly accomplished that! These brats!" gritting his teeth he looked towards Old man Qin.

"Little brother I need your help hurry!" said Old man Gu towards Old man Qin

"What little brother we were both released into this world at the same time!" said Old man Qin angrily.

"Nevermind that I need you to copy my earth taboo martial art skill hurry!" requested old man Gu urgently.

"Fine! Fine! Here I come! -Heavenly Taboo martial art: Facsimile!-" his face turned white instantly and blood was trickling down his mouth. An aura far surpassed other martial art skills appeared. His released Qi went towards the meteorite that was slowly being pushed away. And in an instant another meteorite appeared and smashed together creating stress into the diamond castle wall.

"Try spinning it"



The brothers glanced towards Han Wu and saw him nodding his head towards them.

"Spinning it?" Old man Gu glanced towards his brother and also saw him looking at him with confusion.

"Well there'll be no harm in trying it" said Old man Qin.

"Okay!" agreed Old man Gu. The two brothers tried spinning the embedded meteorites but found that it was extremely difficult. With full power the meteorites slowly spun to the right while the other one spun to the left. Time trickled by and the spinning slowly increased. The destruction caused by the spinning meteorites was immense. In no time the slowly fixing diamond outer wall was obliterated at a faster rate. The diamond inner wall was experiencing the same situation.

Cracks formed at alarming rate. William and the burly young man were breathing haggardly and their faces turned pale. "Now what?" said William while looking at their team leader who was closing her eyes at the moment.

"Hmm, I guess it's time. We depleted their energy quite a bit, senior sister Su destroy the meteorites once it passed through the castle walls" said Shangguan Wan'er calmly.

"If it's for you, I'll even kill those two ugly old men, tee-hee" said Su Hui Qing with a seductive smile.

Shangguan Wan'er only nodded towards her, making her felt dejected. "Sissy kill those who survived and don't be conspicuous about it" said Shangguan Wan'er towards the cowering sissy young man.

"little Wa-…ehem, roger junior sister!" said the sissy young man with sweat pouring down his face like waterfall, because he saw Su Hui Qing emitting demonic aura and stopped halfway.

"Humph" snorting at the sissy young man she turned towards Shangguan Wan'er and asked "What are you going to do Little Wan'er?"

"Me? I'm going to prevent you all from dying and also prevent them from escaping" said Shangguan Wan'er with a rare smile that captivated everyone who saw it. Especially Su Hui Qing who was bleeding from her nose.