
Our Old New Home

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The story begins with Laura Bennet, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant family. She is being forced into a contract marriage to the eldest son of the noble 'Seo' Clan, Seo Jin. But as if being forced into a loveless marriage wasn't enough, Laura discovers on her wedding night that she might be a witch, an existence outlawed and abhorred by all. For many years the continent of Talaria was ravaged by war because of the 'Crimson Coven', a group of exceptional witches vying for control of the lands. When the Witch Queen Minerva came to power there was hope for peace but her abominable armies began marching on the kingdoms of men. All hope seemed lost until the Kingdom of Mei stepped in with a handful of warriors they called the 'Witch Hunters'. They were the only ones able to withstand the might and terrifying powers of the 'Crimson Coven'. The coven fell and the Minerva was killed by the most powerful Witch Hunter to have ever lived, Tiamet. The Treaty of 'Seven Kings' was signed and all unsanctioned magic was outlawed and the magical creatures were brought under the strict control of the remaining kingdoms. Now, nearly a decade later, the world has seen great change. Humans prosper and live their best lives within the great seven kingdoms (as long as they are not of the magical kind). But things begin to take a turn for the worse as you will discover along with the main characters.

10 タグ
Chapter 1The Scholar

August 1st, year of our Lord 3220.

The Northern Territories, Palace of Grand Duke 'Seo Han'.

In one of the adjoining rooms of the main hall, there was a girl laden in gold and ivory hunched over the bed with several servants surrounding her.

"I can't...I can't breathe," she was panicking, trying to rip off all the jewelry while the servants unsuccessfully tried to calm her down and keep her from hurting herself.

"Mom! Where's mom?! Call my mom please- I-I can't do this, I don't want to-" she was on the verge of tears but couldn't even raise her head or stitch together a proper sentence let alone move away from the bed.

Suddenly the door flung open and a middle-aged woman walked in. She was dressed rather plainly but there was an air of elegance about her which only added to her simple charms.

"Everyone, give us a moment please," she waved her hand, "I need to talk to my daughter."

"Yes, mistress Olivia."

This was Olivia Walsh, the bride-to-be's mother.

The servants responded in unison and with a deep bow they quickly scurried away in every which direction, leaving the mother and daughter alone in the room.

"Laura," she whispered while walking closer, "What's wrong?"

Laura almost jumped into her arms and broke down crying.

"Amma, please, I'm sorry, okay? Can we just go back? I won't do anything, I won't even go back to the city, please? This is too sudden, I can't-"

But all her hopes were immediately squashed by just three words, "You have to."

Laura looked into her mother's eyes and perhaps for the first time in her life, she felt no warmth in her gaze. Her grip loosened and she fell back onto the bed in a daze.

Olivia sat down beside her to fix her hair and wedding gown while speaking in a calm and soothing voice so as not to antagonize her further.

"It's too late to do anything now. Your new husband will be here soon, it won't be too long. This needs to happen, do I need to remind you why?"

Laura shook her head mindlessly.

"Good girl," she patted her on the back like she used to back when Laura was a toddler.

"No more outbursts now. Go to sleep if you can, I will send someone to wake you when it's time. Don't do anything foolish."

Laura nodded wordlessly, lost in her own world as Mrs. Walsh took her leave.

The door closed behind her and with a loud click and a clack, it was locked from the outside.

'See? I told you this would happen,' a hushed whisper carried over from the open window.

Laura covered her ears, "Go away, you're not real!"

'I am as real as you, stupid girl," the voice suddenly got louder as if there was someone with her in the room. She looked up and saw a shadow floating inches away from her.

"T-That's not possib- MO-" Laura tried to scream but the shadow waved its hand and a clump of ethereal energy shot straight into her chest, knocking her out.

A few seconds later the side door opened and one of the servants peeked inside. She saw Laura calmly sleeping on the bed and gently closed the door once again.

In the room across from hers, Mrs. Walsh was pacing back and forth while nervously biting her nails. The door opened and another woman of roughly the same age as her sauntered in. She was dressed much more lavishly in an emerald gown and a sleek diamond necklace.

"What's wrong?" she asked with a straight face.

Mrs. Walsh stomped over and slammed the door behind her, "Where the hell have you been Linnie?!"

Linnie Walsh smiled, "Did you miss your dear sister-in-law that much? What's wrong? Tell me all your troubles so I can make them go away."

She was about to sit down when Mrs. Walsh's words made her freeze midway.

"I don't think this is a good idea. Is it too late to pull out??"

"You're damn right-" she yelled but quickly lowered her voice while dragging Mrs. Walsh towards the window and away from the door, "Of course it's too late! We are IN the groom's home, are you honestly asking me that?!"

"But I don't think Laura is ready. She just turned 19, how can I marry her away on a week's notice?! The more I think about it the more ridiculous it all seems."

Linnie glared at her, "Are you forgetting YOU were the one who asked me to do this?!"

"I don't know what I was thinking-" Mrs. Walsh muttered under her breath but Linnie cut her off.

"Oh, well let me remind you then. In the last two months your husband, my older brother, has lost nearly half of the family business. Most of our business partners are giving us the cold shoulder and debts keep piling on. At this rate all of us will be out on the streets by the end of the year...and all because of Laura-"

"Hey!" Mrs. Walsh immediately flared up upon hearing her daughter's name being brought up, "It wasn't her fault! That monster duped my baby girl!"

Linnie let out a deep breath, agreeing with her completely.

"I know, she is just a victim...I'm sorry. But that's the kind of world we live in. Your precious husband keeps losing his nerves whenever she is brought up and picks fights with every wastrel that dares to speak ill of her. Trust me, this is the best way. Once she is married into the 'Seo' clan no one will dare say a word, and not to mention we will have a powerful backer."

Mrs. Walsh peered out the window, at the army of servants running about trying to finish all the preparations in time.

"Tell me more about the family, everything I know is from rumors."

"Well, that's to be expected. They usually keep a relatively low profile for nobles," Linnie joked, "But they are nothing to scoff at. The current patriarch, Grand Duke Seo Han is one tough SOB. His family ruled over the northern regions for centuries before he married into the Royal Clan."

"During the war it was the 'Seo' clan that defended the northern territories for nearly thirty years with him at the helm, earning them the monicker of the 'White Blade'. If they didn't lose so many great warriors then who knows where they would be right now."

Mrs. Walsh flicked her on the arm, "I might not be as educated as you but I also went to school. No need for the history lesson, I'm asking about something more personal."

"Ow, okay okay geez. Well...in the last decade, their influence has reduced significantly, especially after the death of the Grand Duchess. She was the niece of the last king and their only connection to the current royal clan. But since she had many kids her bloodline continues."

"And Laura's soon-to-be-husband is from the main family, the eldest of the 3rd generation and the grandson of the Duchess herself."

Mrs. Walsh's eyes widened and she let loose a flurry of slaps, "Are.you.out.of.your.MIND?!"

"Ow ow ow stop, what?! What's the problem?" Poor Linnie had to hold Mrs. Walsh's hands to keep her from slapping her limb off.

Mrs. Walsh glared at her, "You have a screw loose if you think I am marrying my daughter away to the oldest grandchild of the Grand Duchess! She is just a kid, I don't want her to be embroiled in any in-fighting for the seat of the patriarch!"

Linnie let out a breath of relief, "Do you really think I would do something like that? How long have we been friends? I think I know you better than that!"


"I will tell you if you promise to stop hitting me."

"....I make no such promises."


"Fine, just let me finish okay?"

She grabbed onto Mrs. Walsh's arm and led her outside so she wouldn't make a scene again.

"Where are we going?" Mrs. Walsh asked while putting on her best fake smile.

"To the main hall, I heard your son-in-law is about to arrive any minute now."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?!"

"You didn't give me the chance, dear sister. Come."

Their rooms were located right next to the main hall so it only took a few minutes of passing through several long hallways to arrive at the intended destination.

Linnie thought it would help her get in a better mood but she seemed even gloomier.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at how big this place is. All I have seen are servants so far and they don't even dare to raise their heads. I don't want Laura to spend the rest of her life in such a stuffy place, they will always look down on her because of her background."

"Oh, is that it? Then you have nothing to worry about," Linnie grinned.

Mrs. Walsh looked at her suspiciously, "What are you talking about?"

"Seo Jin is not like that," she replied with a wink.

"Seo Jin? Is that the boy's name?"

"Mhm, I told you I would find you the perfect son-in-law right?"

But they arrived at the hall before she could explain why and several people came forward to greet them.

The hall was large enough to accommodate upwards of 400 people but right now there were only about 80 or 90 people there, not including the servants.

Massive chandeliers lined the center of the hall leading all the way to the other side where a group of men were sitting around a big marble table.

Linnie took Mrs. Walsh around the hall to introduce her to a dozen or so well-dressed older women before the pinching became too much to handle and she had to move to the side.

"Ow ow, okay stop, I will tell you!" Linnie pulled her bruised arm away.

"Explain, now!" Mrs. Walsh muttered through gritted teeth.

"I am, will you relax? God!" she leaned in closer after making sure there was no one else nearby.

"Seo Jin was the favorite grandchild of the late Grand Duchess and was first in line for the seat of the patriarch. The oldest after him was still 9 years younger than him so he didn't even have any competition but, at the tender age of 16 he gave up that right and moved to the capital."

Mrs. Walsh's brow began to furrow with intrigue, "Why would he do that? Didn't he basically have the seat given to him?"

"Because he had no interest in it. The war was still going on and he wanted to help in any way he could, so he gave up his seat and enrolled in the Royal Academy with a full scholarship. He is a scholar, well-educated, and well-versed in all the intricacies that come with his position. Near the end of the war, he became a foreign ambassador and an agent of the crown, traveling all across the continent on their behalf."

"Wait wait," Mrs. Walsh started doing the maths, "He moved away at 16 when the war was still going on...it has been 8 years since the war ended, how old is this 'boy' exactly?!"

"29!" Linnie shouted before another slap, pinch, or got forbid a 'brick' came flying her way.

Some of the people nearby gave them strange looks but she just smiled and waved back, continuing in a low voice.

"He turned 29 this ear. I know there is a 10-year age gap between them but trust me, this is for the best! He is an academic and a bookworm, nothing like the other unruly men in this clan. With Laura's otherworldly beauty, she will have him wrapped around her finger in no time, just you see!"

Despite her many concerns Mrs. Walsh had to admit that Linnie's words made sense.

And seeing as she was still in one piece, Linnie let out a breath of relief and gave the final piece of good news, "And I didn't even tell you the best part yet. Seo Jin doesn't get along with most of his uncles so he lives in the capital away from all the family drama."


"Are you sure about that?!"

"Mhm, I looked into it myself. His permanent residence is in the capital, just a couple of hours away from the city you guys currently live in. They will get married here and move to the capital within the next couple of weeks probably. And guess what? I already told your husband about this, he is looking for a new house in the capital as we speak. You will be moving at the end of the month and then you can keep an eye on them yourself!"

Mrs. Walsh was so happy that she almost lept from joy.

"You, my dear sister-in-law, brought me the best present I could have ever asked for, thank you!"

They hugged and some tears were shed, but the moment was soon interrupted when a young man ran in from the other side of the hall.

"HE IS HERE!" the boy yelled, "Jin hyung is here!"

All the people moved aside to clear a path for the guest of honor, while some of the men sitting on the other end of the hall stood up.

One among them had a slightly darker complexion which was rare to see up here in the north. He was also much shorter than everyone around him.

"Is he finally here?" he muttered under his breath but his voice was still loud enough to be heard all around.

Mrs. Walsh wiped the tears from her eyes while gesturing towards him, "Who is that?"

"The youngest son of the Grand Duke, Seo Man-Shik. He is Jin's 3rd uncle."


"And next to him is the Grand Duke himself," Linnie motioned towards the frail-looking old man sitting in the main chair. He was sloppily picking at the plate of meat in front of him without a care in the world.

"O-Oh, why didn't you say so earlier? Shouldn't I greet him first?"

"After, let's see what our scholar looks like. I bet he is tall and-"

Just then the main doors, which were carved out of white oak wood, were flung open with great force interrupting Linnie.

"Heh, still as rowdy as ever," Seo Man-Shik commented as an icy cold wind blew through the hall, chilling everyone to the bone.

And then, a long beastly shadow scurried into the hallway before the silhouette of a great wolf climbed up the stairs.

Linnie hugged Mrs. Walsh tightly as both of their mouths fell open upon seeing the 'scholar' in all his glory. It would be more appropriate to call him a beast rather than a man, but that might just be the dire-wolf skin coat that was wrapped around him, its intact head sitting on his left shoulder staring straight into their souls.

He was around six and a half feet tall, with a salt-and-pepper beard that came down to his chest. Most of his facial features were hidden behind the beard so it was not easy to tell what he looked like underneath but that unkempt appearance didn't make a good first impression.

His piercing green eyes were focused on the main chair, at the Grand Duke himself. He opened his mouth and a voice harsh enough to shake the mountains thundered through the hall.

"Who...the HELL is getting married?!"


The Devil's Cursed Witch

The tale of a man who brings death and a girl who denies it. ---- On the haunted mountain in the kingdom, they say there lived a witch. She was born a princess. But even before her birth, the priest declared her to be cursed and demanded her death. They poisoned the mother to kill the baby before she gave birth, but the baby was born out of the dead mother—a cursed child. Again and again, they tried to kill the baby but she miraculously survived every single attempt. Giving up, they abandoned her on the haunted mountain to die but she still survived on that barren land— A witch ‘Why won’t she die?’ Years later, the people finally had enough of the witch and decided to burn the mountain. But the Devil arrived to her rescue and took her with him from that burning place, because dying was not her destiny even then. Draven Amaris. The Black Dragon, who ruled over supernatural beings, the Devil who no one wished to cross a path with. He hated humans but this certain human girl would pull him towards her whenever she was in danger. ‘Is she really a human?’ He took the human with him and named this mysteriously tenacious girl “Ember”, a piece of glowing coal in a dying fire. A soul tainted with vengeance and the darkness of hell, would rise from the ashes and fulfil her revenge. ------ This is the second book from the series of The Devils and Witches. 1st book - Witch's daughter and the Devil's son. 3rd book- The Devil's Betrothed. All books are connected to each other but you can read them as stand-alone.

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Apocalyptic World: Surviving with my husband and my cute little babies

[space + superpower+ farming + family + babies + slow pace + face slapping+world building] Elena has returned from a dark future where society has collapsed. Now, as the apocalypse approaches once more, she must confront the dangers alongside her husband, Ethan, and his courageous family. Together, they fight against natural disasters, mutant beasts, and an alien invasion that threatens to eradicate humanity. Join Elena and Ethan as they navigate the world full of uncertainty. ******** Excerpt: Triplets little show (2 years old) Ethan was strolling through the living room when he spotted his son climbing on the table. Ethan: “Leo, come down!” Baby 1, in the kitchen, turned around and sprinted to the sofa. Baby 1: “Daddy, eo!” [pointing at himself earnestly] Ethan: “Oops, my mistake! Leo’s here; Finn, get down now!” Baby 3 burst from the bedroom, rushing to the sofa. Baby 3: “Daddy!” [looking puzzled] Ethan: “Finn?” Baby 3: “Daddy, Finn!” [leaping into Ethan’s arms] Ethan felt his face heat up. Just then, Max darted down the table, throwing himself into Elena’s embrace. Baby 2: [giggling as Elena smothered her with kisses] “Mommy!” Elena shot Ethan a knowing look, her eyes saying, “You mixed them up again.” Ethan: [with a playful glint in his eye] “Can you blame me? They’re all adorable little lookalikes!” They both chuckle, watching the chaos unfold.

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The Fate Of The World Is In My Hands, But All I Want To Do Is Eat!

'Kill monsters, eat meat' 'I mean, Kill monsters, save lives. Got it.' 'Tut, I could've sworn that the first one sounded better.' She wasn't a girl looking for freedom or self-righteous liberation by a hero, or whatever shit a girl who suffered for almost all her life would crave. -the shit of a life she was living was horrible, but it was bearable, and so she got used to it. Rather, instead of freedom, what this little missy wanted was money. Lots and lots of them so she never has to worry about the next day. Money - bountiful enough that when she has to spend, she doesn't need to look back or calculate her assets to see how much she has left. Money - bountiful enough to get all the fried chicken she could ever dream of. Yeah, you heard it, fried chicken. For those who did not have money to spare leisurely, getting fried chicken was like a pipe dream to them and she had been one of those unfortunate souls. A comfortable roof above her head and no worries as to when she would get ordered around to steal. No worries about when she would get her next meal-- That was her liberation. And she got it. Just that, she got it most absurdly. Awakened! Those were the people ruling the world, alongside beastly and deadly monsters who threatened the safety of average human beings. And those awakened call the shots. Alice never dreamed she would one day be awakened, and compared to others with their game-like system displaying their attributes and strength; she had a full-grown man whom only she could hear, watching her back at every turn and telling her what to do. He was kinda a pain in the ass but she couldn't complain. It was this gift he had bestowed on her that made her the most powerful Awakened there was with stats that even S-class awakeneds couldn't compare to. She was the boss, now. Mwa-hahahahaha. But life didn't go as easy and leisurely as she planned. With great power comes great responsibility, right? Well, in her case with great power comes great hunger. She couldn't go a moment without getting hungry and her stomach had become a bottomless pit. And to get food, she needed money, and to get money, she had to hunt monsters. The monsters plagued humanity, causing catastrophes and taking lives mercilessly. Those monsters, as scary as they may be, were her target and she had to face them head-on. The bigger the monsters the more money she would gain. Yeah, that was the plan, but... This guy acting as her system seemed to have other plans, putting her at the forefront of 'justice' and having her clean the mess he somewhat created. 'Ugh, I can already sense a shadow of foreboding. Someone, please tell me I'm not acting the main character role. I just want to eat, okay?'

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  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
