
You too?

Jonas answered first, "I think you are right Koray. It's very likely that he reached a high level of Power, maybe he is on the Seventh Stage or even higher."

"We can only speculate about what Stage he reached but, one thing is sure, he saved our lives and helped us gain power in the quickest time possible."


"He did a lot for us."

The three of them talked for a long time and when night came they stayed outside. They were in a half sleeping state and absorbed the Lunar Energy around them and converting it into Astral Energy.

The next morning they departed to visit Max. They needed to share their expirience with him, so he could tell Apo and Claudia later the information. Before departing they changed their clothes to white robes that Koray took out from his Spatial Ring. After changing into the robes with strange black words on the back, they checked each other.

Dino looked like a pure, honest young man. A calm aura surroundered his body.

Koray ripped the sleeves off and used the long robe like Kojiro Hyuga from Captain Tsubasa.

When Jonas finally came out from the cave both of them were stunned.

Jonas had a gloomy aura around him but, the white clothes on him gave a contradicting charm. And now without his big afro he could be called expetially handsome. With his looks he could work as a model back in earth.

He neticed the strange gazes from Koray and Dino.

"What is? Do I have something on my face?"

The oher two turned around, without answering.

Jonas was irritated by their behaivor and started to touch his face, "Guys don't ignore me, is something on my face?"

Dino an Koray kept their silence, they knew that they couldn't tell him that he looked handsome. It would hound them for the rest of their lives. (NoHomo haha)

They didn't traveled long until some Spirit Beasts attacked them. Koray alone got rid of them. He had plenty strength even without transforming.

They encountered many other Spirit Beasts on their way out of the Mumble Forest.

The strongest Spirit Beast they met so far was only at the Third Stage but, it was way to weird that they meet so many in such a little timespan.

They kept traveling through the forest. When night came they made a fire and sat down.

Dino was the first who spoke it out loud, "What do you think is the cause for so many Spirit Beast trying to eat us?"

"Hell, how would I know, they seem like they were on drugs when they attacked us." Complained Jonas.

"We don't need to worry about food for a long time now tho."

"You are right Koray, but it's still worrysome....what is diferrent about us that makes the Spirit Beasts drool when they see us?"

The three of them pondered sitting in font of the fire.

Dino lifted his head to look at the 4 moons on the sky. Jonas followed Dino's gaze and watched the moons.

Then it hit them like a thunder.

"It's the Astral Energy!"

"It's our Astral Energy!"

Said both of them at the same time.

Koray flinched back, "The hell? What is with our Astral Energy?"

Dino slapped his thigh, "The cause why the Spirit Beast keep harrassing us, it's our Astral Energy. Some of it is leaking out from our bodies, because we aren't controlling it."

"Excatly, in the eyes of the Spirit Beast we look like treasures on legs."

"Hahaha well compared, Jonas is right. We need to restrain the Astral Energy inside our bodies."

Jonas lowered his eyes in thought, "How? We aren't like the cultivators, they can store their Energy inside the core they formed."

"This...I don't know how but, we should be able to do it. I can see a little amount of Astral Energy leaking out from our bodies."

The trio focused on keeping their Astral Energy inside their bodies. It wasn't dificult with Dino's help. The hard part was how to prevent the Astral Energy from leaking out while they absorbed Lunar or Solar Energies.

The next morning the trio kept their travel, this time they didn't meet even one Spirit beast.

In the afternoon they reached the exit.

"What now?" Asked Jonas to Dino who was holding the map.

"Wait a moment, I'm checking our location."

Dino looked around using his Eternal Eyes, his massive extended vision sure became handy. After Dino found out were they were, the trio started to head south-east.

Two days later.....

The trio stood on a hill looking to a big city not far away from them.

"So much to your navigation skills, where the hell are we?!"

Dino was somehow emberrased, "Cough, cough, we ended up more eastwards than planed."

Jonas smiled, "Doesn't matter we are dead meat look, there are Cultivators all over this region."

The trio felt a headache coming.

"We will kill our way out if required, Koray take out the things..."

Koray nodded and took out 3 swords, 3 bamboo hats and 3 white scarfs. After putting them on, the three of them looked like common cultivators.

"Remember not to talk while we go around the city." Reminded them Jonas again.

The trio walked down the hill and traveled around the big city. From the outside the city looked like one of those fantasy paintings. Its strukture was build in a cone shape and the buildings reminded one of the mediaval times. They walked around it in awe.

They even saw from time to time some people flying.

They crossed a road and two old man walked past them.

The three of them froze at the same time....

Koray turned his eyes to them and gulped, "Guys? I swear that I understood what they said...."

"You too?"

