
Otherworldly Boxing!

Pro Boxer on the verge of death gets sent to another world name Astana where he gets powers based on his last thoughts Follow David/Grey Jean in his Adventures in becoming an Otherworldly Boxer

Pabss · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 6: Astana

As training ended, I sat in my room practicing how to gather mana more efficiently instead of The crude way of gathering them one by one taking too long to get mana out of the surrounding.

Instead I should make a vortex around my hand. A vortex of mana to form around my fists so I can easily Manipulate it. As I think of the idea, I focus on where to put it, Then Instead of thinking to form it around the particles 1 by 1 on my fists.

I think of sucking it all in around my fist. And around the fist mana particles gathered around very fast. And as I think about igniting it.


"Son let's go out for a bit with Dad and Your Sister Belya." Mom said wearing his outside clothes. A Dress... And her armor under there if an emergency comes up.

"Oh I didn't realize we were going today. I'll get ready in a bit Mom." I said putting on my clothes. White Pants, Brown T-shirt, Brown shoes and a Brown Belt. "I didn't know style like this existed in this type of world. Huh... Neat!"

As I exited my room I was greeted by my family and my Adorable little sister. "Brother, Look good" My sister said with a thumbs up. I pat my little sisters head, And head outside of the house with my family.

As I exited I saw Luscious flat land, Mountains in the distance, People going through their average day. I looked at our house and saw s Modest house of a Big 1 story house made of stone and wood.

The Village of Kel'Gath was Filled with these houses, Everyone looked friendly and nice. And as we were walking down to the city, We were greeted by everyone like our family was a hero.

I don't ask what they have done, as I am a Otherwolder. As it would be weird to them. It's as if that the son they were raising for 13 Years suddenly forget about an extremely important detail.

As we arrived in the city gates after a day of traveling. I saw 2 big wooden gates reinforced with metal, A large wall that spans around the city. With An Archer at the top, and regular guardsmen with swords on the bottom.

As the gates open I saw all kinds of buildings. Shops and Residential building on the front. And at the inner part. A large stadium for Blood sports. Then there lies an Academy at the top of the city, Filled all sorts of rich douchebags I presume.

"Hey Mom! When will I enroll in the academy?" I said to mom while shes trying to find her smith friend. " Well sweetie... After we get your new weapons. Let's try to enroll you for Arcadius Academy." As she says that we finally arrive at her friend's shop as it's In a discrete location not many people come by.

"Well if it isn't Broza the Godsmith." My mom says with a joking tone. Broza the "Godsmith" He is a human with the skill to create weapons of gods. The example of the weapon he made. are the [Armor of Narzhul] Made for containing his abundance of mana, and uses the mana as an extra layer of protection.

"What can I do for ya?" He says still hammering away at a sword. "I need you to make me a gauntlet." She says holding my hand up filled with callouses on my fists.

"Those types of gauntlets... It won't be easy but since I owe you and your Husband a favor. I'll do it for free, Be here by 5 days." he says grabbing a piece of Blue Metal that I have never seen before. And with my heightened senses I hear him say.

"Another one of these huh... Been a while huh Narzhul."