
Other Worldly Community

Being transmigrated definitely isn't what I would expect, not only that I was transmigrated but also in the body of one of the main supporting cast of Frieren Stark! As if it wasn't terrible already! In the very first day of this world I met the little psychopath Ūbel! Thankfully I have the community to save me from being bisected, so let me show my other worldly life!

Emiyanii · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

The Hub

It's been a few days since I started living with Ūriel and Ūbel, so far there wasn't anything out of ordinary while living with them.

Except for myself of course, in the 'out of ordinary' since I'm part of this weird group called the 'Other Worldly Community' and these past few days I've been checking the 4 main features of the community to understand it better.

The hub is the place I decided to investigate first after the market. At first my thoughts about this particular feature is that everyone who is part of the community would gather in a single hub, to which I couldn't be more mistaken.

Because like the market the hub also has its own categories, like different hubs for a specific world or universe.

For example in my world, there's a Frieren Hub that could only be accessed by those who transmigrated and reincarnated in the world of Frieren.

Or at least gain a moderator or the owner of that particular hub permission to join.

Next is that there's also an option of creating a username if you'd like to remain anonymous from other community members to which immediately did, I'm no idiot despite written in the guidelines that I can't go to another community member's world without permission, but it doesn't mean there isn't a loophole or a special way to gain into that world.

Anyway creating a username grants a special feature of hiding your appearance and even your gender if you willed it.

As I entered the hub, I was teleported to a place similar to a club, there's a bar, a dance floor and a lounge.

It was astonishing, there's also the fact that there's a lot of people that what I originally predicted.

There's dozens of them, and surprisingly almost the majority of them didn't bother hiding their appearance at all, they all have different hair colors and races.

Looking at the sight made me think about how similar this is to VR chat back on earth, except for the fact that it's more realistic.

I can see a few elves, dwarfs, demons and the rest are humans.

After observing for a while, I went to the bar and sat down in one of the chairs, and as I did I was greeted by the bartender of the club.

It was a male elf wearing the standard bartender uniform. "Welcome, judging from the way you're hiding your entire appearance, you must be new here."

The man gave me a knowing look, to which was a bit of surprise considering how fast he reached that conclusion.

As if he was reading my mind, he said. "You're probably thinking how I knew right? Let me tell you, you aren't the first one to do this, while I understand that you're cautious, however it hardly matters as you aren't in danger."

"I'll keep that in mind." I would, however showing my appearance is another thing.

"Anyway, since you're new the first drink is in the house, so what will it be?" The elven man smiled.

I raised a brow at that and replied. "Is there some sort of catch if I accept the drink?"

The man was amused by my answer. "You're a cautious one aren't you? Well, that's a typical newbie mentality not that I blame you, as for your question. No, not at all there's no catch, it's absolutely free with no strings attached, this is more of a tradition at this point."

I let out a hum, then decided to accept the offer, who am I to decline free stuff?

"Then I would like to have a glass of coke."

The elven male couldn't help but raise a brow and said. "You could literally have anything on the menu for free and you chose coke?"

"I like it, besides it's my choice."

"That's true, anyway I'll prepare your drink in a minute." The bartender quickly did his job.

As he did, suddenly someone arrived and sat at the chair right next to me.

I shifted my gaze toward this person and saw her appearance, and to say I was caught off guard was an understatement.


While her looks may be similar, her hair style, clothes and the way she acted is completely different from the original Frieren.

It doesn't take a genius for me to figure that she's a transmigration like me.

Then she noticed me looking despite my entire being being hidden, she said with a rather rude tone. "The fuck ya lookin at huh?"

…Yeah, this is no Frieren alright, she's way too different.

"No, nothing I was just surprised by your appearance, you're pretty much Frieren." I decided to honestly answer her, I have a feeling that lying won't do good with her.

Then the Frieren looked like let out a 'tsk' and said. "You and other people, what's so special about this body anyway?"

I blinked at that and answered. "You're literally in the body of a main character, of course it's special."

The not Frieren rolled her eyes and said. "There's literally nothing special about this body aside from the fact that it's a long life, just because I'm inhabiting this body doesn't mean I have the same talent as her."

Okay, now that's a surprise. "You don't?"

"Of course, that's common sense."

No really it's not.

Either way, hearing that information makes me realize that I might have the same body as Stark but I don't have his talents, meaning even if I encounter Eisen there's no guarantee that I would be able to replicate the original Stark physical capabilities and skills.

However, it wasn't like I was planning on meeting Eisen anyway, from the moment I realized that I was transmigrated in Frieren I decided to avoid joining the original plot because not only it's dangerous but also there's no guarantee I would be able to follow it myself.

That's why I would rather do my own thing and do my best to survive in this magical fantasy world.

Or at least that was my original plan before I learned about the community.

Now that I have this overpowered backer, my chances of survival become increasingly higher, and I wouldn't worry much as long as I can gather enough KP to be powerful.

Then the bartender arrived with a glass of cold coke, and I tried it and I was surprised by how different the taste of this beverage is.

"Is this really coke?" It tastes completely different but not in a bad way, as it's way better than the original one.

There's no overpowering sweetness, instead it was just perfect that it blended well with the temperature.

The bartender answered. "It is, it's just I used my skill to enhance the flavor to perfection."

Oh, that's awfully convenient. Is this the reason why he's working as a bartender?

Then the not Frieren made an order. "Give me an entire bottle of vodka, no ice."

Hell, does she not know that shit burns without ice? Is she a Russian back on earth?

The bartender didn't even look surprised as if he was used to this, not even a minute later he bought a bottle of vodka and the small silver haired elf chugged the entire bottle of vodka without hesitation making my jaw drop.

"Holy shit."

"You'll get used to it."

"No, I don't think I want to." Just from looking at her makes me want to puke.

After a few minutes of staying for a few minutes in the hub, it was time for me to end my investigation for now as I've already satisfied my curiosity regarding the hub. It's certainly a useful place to gather some information but I wouldn't come back anytime soon.

Any more time I would spend in this place would cause me to lose some impression of some named character back in my world.

The Frieren in the hub is a big example of that, if I ever met the Frieren of my world in the future there's no doubt the first thing I would get reminded of is her look-a-like drinking an entire bottle of vodka like it was a bottle of mineral water.

I left the hub and was back at the exact location where I was teleported, looking around I noticed that going to the hub doesn't freeze the time in my world. It was a good thing I went to an isolated location or else people would get suspicious of my disappearance.

Back to the present.

Now as for the last two main features, the Quests and Achievements.

Honestly the two of these features are quite similar, not to mention self-explanatory.

Anyway the quest is either issued by the members or by the community itself.

The quest that was issued by the members are usually helping them in their world meaning if I were to accept a quest in the future I would most likely go to another world.

And most of them are very dangerous.

Now, the quest that was issued by the community is pretty much for my own benefit, not to mention it's most world related quests, meaning I don't have to leave this world to complete them.

Their difficulty isn't too hard either, as there's a rating of how difficult this particular quest is.

Ranging from the lowest F to highest EX.

Most quests that were made by the community are lower than D and there's rarely anything above.

And compared to the quest that was issued by the members the lowest difficulty is B.

I can only imagine how dangerous that quest will be.

Now as for the achievement, like I stated before it's similar to quest but in a more straightforward manner.

Like the achievement of killing a demon, meeting one of the main cast of this world, beating one of the 7 Sage Of Destruction and so on.

However the difference between doing the quest and achievement is that you can get a title in achievement and some of those titles can actually grant you a boost depending on how rare that achievement is.

Anyway right now I'm doing a simple quest issued by the community and the difficulty was rated F so it wasn't hard.

The quest was to find a specific herb, which thankfully has a description of how it's appearance and where to find it.

It was something relaxing, and easy even or at least that was how it was supposed to go.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Behind me was Ūbel who somehow managed to follow me when I secretly went to the forest alone.

"Ūbel…why are you here?" I looked at her with a strained smile.

"Isn't it obvious? I was following you, I got curious as to why you entered the forest despite onee-san warning that it's dangerous." Ūbel said.

I was careless.

I shook my head and thought. 'I can still fix this.'

"Ūbel, like your onee-san said it's dangerous here, that's why you shouldn't come here, you should leave."

"Why? You aren't leaving either, so why should I?"

"It's different."

"How so?"

Damn this kid's persistent.

"I'm looking for something."

"Then let me help."

It was increasingly clear that Ūbel won't leave me.

Looking at her dead like pupils, and thinking about the pros and cons, I decided that trying to stop her from following me is more troubling than it's worth.

"Fine, but don't distract me." I relented with a sigh then Ūbel smiled.

"I won't."

And that's how I obtained a companion in my first ever quest and this wouldn't be the last time it would happen either, but that's the story for the future.

Author Notes - I swear there's too many things that are simply not needed in this chapter, but I went with the flow anyway.

Anyway I decided to make a status at least simple one. I won't make a status sheet in every chapter and only when he receives something new.

Name : Stark / ???

Age : 7 / 28 (previous life)

Items : N/A

Skills : N/A

Talents : Jack Of All Trades (Uncommon)

Titles : Transmigrator (Rare)

Feel free to donate if you ever feel generous, every bit of donations help.

There's going to be an advanced chapter here.
