
Other Worldly Community

Being transmigrated definitely isn't what I would expect, not only that I was transmigrated but also in the body of one of the main supporting cast of Frieren Stark! As if it wasn't terrible already! In the very first day of this world I met the little psychopath Ūbel! Thankfully I have the community to save me from being bisected, so let me show my other worldly life!

Emiyanii · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Because It's You.

Sorry it's a bit late, here's the chapter!

Don't forget to vote if you like that story!


Sitting at Ūbel's bed feels awkward, this wasn't my first time in her room, however undeniably the atmosphere was completely different compared back then, as we're going to talk about what would our future relationship going to be.

"So…mind if I ask when did it start?" I asked.

Ūbel thought for a bit before answering. "To be honest, I have no idea 'when' it began, but I did notice it after that incident with a demon beast in the cliff."

Suddenly I remember that particular scene, it was supposed to be a regular day. I wasn't in the mood to do a quest as I was physically drained from yesterday's event.

So I decided to relax, however I can't do it in a place filled with people, especially when it's too noisy at that time since the town was preparing for a festival.

I went to the forest near the cliff, it was a place I discovered while doing a quest and it quickly became my hangout place if I wanted to relax.

The view is certainly amazing, that's why I like the place, however I was the only person who knows where it is, until that day of course.

While I was on my way toward the cliff, I didn't notice that I was being tailed by Ūbel. I didn't realize her presence until it was near the cliff.

And when I did, she certainly didn't try to pretend that she wasn't tailing me, she's quite honest I'd give her that.

But I was quite annoyed by the fact that my place of relaxation, my sanctuary, wasn't exclusive to me anymore.

So out of pettiness, I decided to treat her like the air. Ignoring her at every turn, but that backfired horribly.

She just won't shut up, even knowing that I'm ignoring her, in a matter of fact it motivated her to talk more.

When my patience was about snap, but an unexpected thing happened, due to my lack of awareness, a snake demon beast got closer to us and immediately it tackled Ūbel since she's the one closer toward it.

Thankfully it didn't bite her first or else she'd be a goner already, it only wrapped her entire body and slowly trying to break her bones into pieces.

I could still remember her painful screams at that time, and I knew that if I didn't act fast she'd die, so I immediately took action.

What I did wasn't smart or anything remarkably amazing. Rather it was pure foolishness, if I wasn't lucky or onestep I'd certainly wouldn't be among the living.

I dashed toward the demonic snake, if you were wondering how big this thing is, let's just say it's about the size of a titanoboa.

Started doing parkour at it, since it's really massive it was easy for me to do so thanks to my little body and athletic physique.

As I got closer to its eyes I didn't hesitate to summon a weapon, it was a dagger that I bought from the shop community. It wasn't just any dagger either but one with an anti-demonic buff which means it deals great damage to a demonic beast like this.

I stabbed it right into the eyes, which the beast immediately roared in pain dropping Ūbel directly from the ground.

I didn't hesitate to grab her and carry her and ran as fast as I could, forgetting the dagger entirely.

Items could be replaced but not life!

With my adrenaline pumping high at that moment, I couldn't feel anything aside from my beating heart.

However, due to me forgetting things, I only realized that there's no way out because in front of us was the cliff.

And behind us was the snake demon rattling toward us, even if I wasn't looking at it I could tell that it was very angry at the stunt I pulled.

Taking a nervous gulp, as I'm about to do the greatest risk in my life.

"I have no time to explain! Ūbel! Do you trust me?!" 

Thankfully Ūbel immediately replied. "YES! I TRUST YOU!"

Without hesitation I jumped at the cliff while carrying Ūbel, while the snake demon behind us was an inch close of devouring us.

To be honest I thought it would be our last moment of living, but with some stupid luck we managed to land at a massive tree branch.

I never thanked lady luck with more gratitude that day, but despite that I wasn't unscratched as the tree quickly snapped, then another tree brunch caught us thus repeating a couple times.

Each injuring me with a slight wound and last when we landed at the ground, I swore I lost my breath mostly thanks to Ūbel's weight and I couldn't remain conscious after that.

I could only hear Ūbel's gibberish words to me, but even I could tell that she was concerned.

I don't know what happened after that, however the next time I woke up I was already in bed.

That day, I could still remember Ūbel crying face as she took my hand shakily. "I'm so sorry! I promise that I won't be a burden again! So please don't scare me like that ever again!"

If I recall it correctly it was that time she seriously started to pursue magic. I don't know the original reason why she learned magic in canon, but in this world that accident was the reason why she started learning it.

Also because of that accident, I also started to train seriously, I was completely taking it slow before but because of that I needed to re-evaluate the danger of this world.

After a year living in this world in peace made me unconditionally relax that it isn't as dangerous as I originally thought, that's why I became lax.

But thanks to this, I realized that I could only be safe if I'm strong. Who knows what would happen after a few years, maybe an accident will occur once more, demons suddenly attacking without a warning.

That's why I devoted my time to training myself physically, since I know there's no limit to what this body can do with proper training.

Stark himself proved it, that's why I started apprenticing myself to a retired knight in the town.

Of course it took a while to conceive the old man, but I accepted after learning my 'talent'.

That's how I learned how to use the sword and a special technique of thrusting.

It has to do with breathing and posture, now that I think about it. It's kind of similar to [ Total Breathing Concentration ] from Demon Slayer.

Only more limited and isn't as hard to learn.

I should list it as something to buy later, because it's going to be cheating in this world. I might as well check if it's available or how much it is.

For now I don't need it.

There's also learning magic, at first it wasn't really my intention to learn it, since I've already spent most of my time doing physical training.

Doing both would drain me, or at least what I thought.

But after learning magic out of curiosity, I realized that it's actually good for meditation.

Feeling the mana and increasing ones reversed it quite relaxing. I thought it would be mentally draining but I guess it only applies to learning spells and not feeling the mana itself.

It makes me wonder why there aren't more mages, if meditation is this relaxing and easy.

But later I found out that for an average person, feeling the mana isn't as simple as I thought.

Thanks to my talent [ Jack Of All Trades ] I skipped the hardest hurdle that prevented most people from becoming a mage.

It's feeling the mana, what took others months to achieve. It took me only a week at most.

Possibly a few days, not counting the sleeping hours, so yeah I'm basically cheating.

But I wasn't guilty at all, in fact I'm more satisfied with what I bought. It was truly a great decision for me to buy this talent.

Either way, part of the reason why I haven't become a full-fledged mage is because I spent most of my time in physical activities.

It was no wonder there aren't a lot of people who tried learning both magic and a warrior's way.

Now back to my conversation with Ūbel because my thoughts were going into places.

"Yeah, I remember that time. It's actually hard not to, especially because it's the closest moment in my life I almost successfully courted death." 

Ūbel couldn't help but snort at my wording and replied. "You act like death is a lady, courting death? That's something I haven't heard."

Maybe not in this world, but the MCU proved that death is indeed a lady, with a killer body to a boot.

Not that she knew that, then she continued. "But yes, it was that time I became aware of my feelings for you. Then, everything I felt suddenly made sense, why my day brightens when I see you, when you smile my heart flutters and you look even more handsome than usual."

"So I wasn't as handsome before?" I made a mocking voice, but it was clear that I was joking.

Ūbel gets it and chuckled. "No, not at all. You're supposed to be cute and not handsome at all."

Oh, well that makes sense since I'm technically just a kid, this body is 10 years old physically almost 11.

However, due to the harsh training I partake in on a daily basis, my appearance looked older than it actually is.

Because of muscles and all, but I'm still short, however that will be fixed after this body hits puberty.

"I can't really argue with that." I laughed a bit and then after that we continued joking with each other and the previous solemn atmosphere completely disappeared.

Then finally, Ūbel went to the point of this conversation now that she's calm. "So, what do you think about it? Now that you know my feelings about you?"

I stared right at her and answered. "To be honest, I couldn't believe it. You having feelings for me of all people, when there's a lot of guys there superior in appearance, in personality and background, so I never really thought about it, no..more like I refuse to think of it as a possibility because to you, I'm just random kid that your sister found and helped, she pitied my situation and offered me a place to live, a home. I literally have nothing to offer you, everything that I have right now is because of you and your sister's kindness."

The people of this world are all good looking, you'll rarely see an average looking person in earth standard.

In terms of appearance in this world. Stark might as well be average or above average at most if I'm being generous.

Ūbel let out a hum, and said, "Despite all of that I choose you, not other guys. I don't care about your background or your appearance, but in terms of personality it can't possibly be more attractive in my eyes, and it's precisely why I like you. I didn't choose you for your looks or what you have, I picked you because you are 'you', and not anyone else, I'm attracted solely to you and only you."

It would be a lie to say that my heart didn't skip a beat from this heartfelt confession of hers, this was so…. exhilarating to hear.

No one confessed to me like this did, no liked me to this point, as she stated she likes because of who I am and not because of what I look like.

It transcended everything that I know of, this confession is something that I never thought I'd hear in a lifetime.

With this, I'm confident to say she completely moved my heartstrings. 

Shakily I tried to control my tone, but I failed. "I-i see…"

It has so much effect on me that I couldn't stop my feelings from bursting. I'm supposed to be the one mentally older here, but she easily could move my heart like that.

Man, this is ridiculous to think a 13 years old girl's confession could shake me like this, for an adult like me this is quite a pathetic display.

Author Notes: I'm going to cut this here, I know it's a dick move but if I continue any further it would be a lot longer, so I'll continue this next chapter because I realized it surpassed 2k words already, way more than I needed it to.

Anyway, Stark. Or whoever is inside him was completely affected by Ūbel confession because her words was toward 'him' and not the boy named Stark.

Also thanks for the votes! It completely caught me off guard 77 stones for a fanfic that isn't even shown in the rankings yet?

I'm very happy for the positive feedback! I was originally worried that this wouldn't do well, but thankfully many of you guys like it.

Anyway, for those who are waiting for Remnant: Cultural Invasion update.

I'll do that after doing some stockpiling, maybe after I reach 5 stockpiles of chapters in this story.

As you already know that I won't update daily in this, prolly 4-5 chapters a week. 7 if I'm really motivated to write.

Either way.

Feel free to donate if you ever feel generous, every bit of donations help.

There are currently 2 advanced chapters here.


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