
Other World Lord System: Rise of the Desert King

A boy who lived his life in an orphanage turned 18 and the world is close to the end. Then a saving grace 16 Billon teenagers all around the world get sent to a new beginning as the first wave. But the world they are sent is a copy of a beta game he tested!! The System gave him a gift for his beta testing and put him one step ahead of all the others. But unfortunate circumstances made his starting area the most deadly desert in the entire content. Can he survive? (Note I don't own the cover if someone dislikes me using contact me and I will change it)

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 12 Wolf Pack

Standing around he felt his 5 scorpions coming back with the 3 shark corpses.

Looking over they emerged from the sand holding 3 2-meter-long sharks that had dried rocky skin with multiple extra fins all of them razor sharp.

As he went to walk toward the shark corpses he kicked something.

Looking down he spotted a purple ball.


<Name> Monster Core

<Rank> Epic

<Description> A core pulled from the corpse of a great white sand shark a deadly predator with the ability to produce a sound wave when endanger.

<Use> Alchemy, Forging


[Battle won +25Xp]

He also found them in the sharks that the scorpions delivered but they were all blue.

Not paying too much to it he stored them in his divine world.

He looked at the shark's body and was interested.

"I wonder what shark tastes like," Ravin asked.

Iris shrugged her shoulders not ever tasting shark meat before.

Ravin was an orphan most of his life never knowing anything but poverty so it was always sloppy gruel or plane mush.

He decided that his new life he would live to the fall. Storing the corpses he reorganised his units and prepared to move out.

Mounting up on the scorpions they started walking back in their starting direction.

----[30 Minutes later]----

A man dipped his fingers in a pool of blood and sand.

"This happened not too lp of men on horseback.

One was wearing golden armour.

"Don't worry young master we will find her" The man in golden armour said.

He looked at a carriage with a 27-year-old man sitting there with a missing hand.

"I want her alive," The one-handed man said with a scar down his face.


Ravin found desert craves they were quite rare but would only last a few days until the desert swallowed them up.

"Shall we go check out the desert Craves?" He asked looking at Iris.

She just shrugged and nodded without little care.

They made their way into the canyon and he left 1 scorpion and 2 mummies to protect the entrance and to stop them from getting attacked from behind.

Walking into the canyon looking around making sure that no enemies were lurking around. It took a few more minutes but he ran into a creature.


<Name> Desert Wolf

<Level> 2

<Rank> Normal



Looking around he found multiple wolves totalling around 23 in total. Before going all out into battle he didn't want any more surprises.

He sent one of his scorpions underground to scout the road ahead to make sure no more monsters lay in wait.

It took around 20 minutes but the scorpion only found a wolf den and 2 chests of copper and silver as well as a small door.

"Alright let's get to it," He said with an evil grin.

Moving his units into position ready for his surprise attack.

His scorpions lay in waiting under the sand 20 meters in front of him. His mummies huddled around making enough noise to draw attention.


A wolf let out a howl alerting all the others to his presses soon more wolves started coming out of the den making the total number reached 47 wolves in total.

They slowly stalked towards them growling and snarling at his presence. He watched and waited to give the signal.


The sand mummies sent bandages wrapping up multiple wolves and dragging them closer.

14 wolves dragged closer which made the overs panic.


The biggest of the wolves let out a mighty howl before charging at them with its pack in tow.

They sprinted down the canyon from 60 meters to 50 meters.

They got closer and closer until his plan was going well.


The sand beneath the wolves shifted and multiple metal pincers and stingers went wiled slashing and stabbing wildly.

The mummies already killed the 14 wolves dragged over and moved to help the scorpions.

With the help of the mummies, the wolves didn't last long after the ambush took them so off guard.

[Battle won +84xp]


[Level up 0 - 1]



<Name> Ravin Outlander

<Race> Human

<Level> 1 (13/200)

<Stage> 0

<1st Class> Awaken

<2nd Class> none


-strength- 40

-agility- 40

-dexterity- 40

-intelligence- 40

<Mana> 400/400

<Free Skill Points> 2


Looking over his status he noticed he could awaken his class but chose not to. Class awaken was a very low chance to give out a good class most of the time giving common classes.

It would be better to wait for a class scroll even though most average scrolls were Rare classes.

[Class Ranking]



It was going to take him some time to collect all the bodies and cores. With a thought, he wanted to try using the mummies to see if they could handle semi-difficult tasks.

Storing them and moving on his way he wanted to see what was in those chests as well as the wolf den.

Making his way passed the blood bath he made his way to the end of the canyon.

He approached the den and also looked at the door which had a keyhole in it.

[Silver Chest]


<Name> Blood daggers

<Rank> Soul weapon (Common)

<Description> This weapon was forged by blood and slayed millions it developed into a weapon beyond normal it becomes one with the wielder and improves with them-

<Effect 1> Bloody slash - Lets out crimson slashes going 10 meters -

<Effect 2> Life leach - With each drop of blood drawn gain a bonus to the healing effect-

<Effect 3> Crimson concealment - Can store the weapon in your blood-


<Name> Rusty key

<Description> A rusty key to something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


[Copper Chest]

<+1000 units Stone>

<+1000 units Wood>

<+1000 units Food>

<+1000 units Iron Ore>


He turned his attention towards the wolf den.

[Wolf den found]

<Destroying this can lead to a unit card>

<Yes> or <No>


The space around the entrance to the den started to stretch and strain until the wall became as if the den never existed.

[Wish Upon a lucky star]

A coin appeared in his hand. One side has a star and the over side had a black hole.

[Toss the coin]


The coin went up and rotated in the air landing in his open palm.