
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter 9 A Battle For Different Conflicts

(Controversial topics up head viewer aggression is advised. Yeah if you get triggered easily maybe this chapter isn't for you.)

Young Boy: That's my mom.

Running toward the direction where the sound is coming from but was stopped by a group of men blocking the door.

Young Boy: Who are these people?

He looks at the group of men with confusion and fear wondering why he's in his house of all places but remembers a single memory that was about his mother about the dangers of being under the Demonic Category and what happened.


Mother: Again nobody wants to hire me...

Looking through the papers that she could barely read due to the lack of education happening in Orbestine. Only learning words of no and demonic trash.

Mother: I should sell my body again hopefully someone wants someone at my age.

Sighs slightly while preparing to go outside in hopes of finding a God Orb that's willing to have sex with her for a lot of money or maybe a rich Demonic Orb who's just visiting Orbestine.

Young Boy: Mommy.

Walks up to her and notices that she is about to leave the house again.

Mother: You shouldn't be awake around this time.

Looks at him sadly at the thought of him finding out about what she does for a living just to put food on the table.

Young Boy: Are you going to work again?

Looks at her always wondering why she wears something different when she's out at night.

Mother: ...

Sighs slightly since the thought of telling him at a young age isn't good but it's going to happen anyway due to the Demonic Category.

Mother: I was hoping to tell you when you're older. I don't want you to live this life like I'm doing to myself. We both fall under the Demonic Category sweetie.

Looks at her son sadly as tears up at the thought of him ending up like the life she goes through.

Mother: So meaning our lives will be different compared to the God Orbs. Making money is getting harder and harder since nobody wants to hire a Demonic Orb. However, there are a few ways of getting money which are selling your body for sex or becoming a slave. Some people ended up doing the criminal route but I don't want that since being separated from you hurts me.

Tearing up after explaining the horrible truth to her son about his future even though it wasn't ideal it's her fate and his fate due to being under the Demonic Category.

Young Boy: It's okay Mommy at least I'm with you I'm happy.

Smiles at her.

Hearing an alarm coming from the outside both heard a familiar voice which was their King Mikhail.

Mikhail: All females please exit your homes since as your loveable King I found you all jobs.

Mother: A job?

Feeling happy thinking that her King finally shows compassion for his citizens by creating jobs.

Young Boy: Mommy?

Looks at her.

Mother: It's okay my son.

Opening the door but heard gunshots at her house. The bullets hit her stomach and she fell to the floor bleeding out. Hearing her son screaming in fear but also hearing some women screaming out in pain due to gunshots being fired at them. Overhearing the speaker again.

Mikhail: It was a joke but enjoy the bullet wounds.

The speaker ends.

Young Boy: Mommy!

Running towards her as he tries to stop the bleeding.

Mother: It's okay my son don't worry about me.

Closing her eyes.

Young Boy: Mommy!

Crying out.

(End of Flashback).

The men looked back to see the young boy looking like he was confused and scared.

Random Man: Didn't know that the slut had a kid.

The man slowly walks over to the young boy but stops after hearing footsteps coming in quickly just to see a teenage girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a police officer uniform going right in front of the scared young boy.

Hiromi: Stay away.

Looks at him calmly yet determined not to move away from the child who's in danger.

Azriel: It's a gang rape.

Activating his energy his eyes changed color from brown to orange.

Random Man: How strange we're hurting a Demonic Orb, not a God Orb so there's no crime here.

Looks at him a bit confused since there are no police in Orbestine.

Hearing the speaker coming on.

Mikhail: God Orb Police Force it's very strange that you all decided to come over to Orbaza that's a part of Orbestine. This Orb Country is mostly filled with Demonic Orbs meaning there's no crime I advised you to leave this place or else I'll have to other methods to do so.

Says it calmly as the speaker disappears.

Hiromi: Is that Mikhail?

Looks over at Azriel while protecting the young boy from danger.

Azriel: Yeah it's him.

Says it calmly while looking at her.

(In his mind).

"I heard stories about him that he helped in a genocide for both the Bad Luck Orbs and the Good Luck Orbs so he must be powerful."

Showing off his flames at the random man just to scare him at least. Hoping that he could scare off the rest of the men who were hurting that poor woman.

"Mikhail is acting like his own people don't matter since these people barely know anything."

(Out of his mind).

In the blink of an eye and noticed that Mikhail was standing right in front of him backing up slightly as he showed off his flames to him. Trying to show him that he wasn't afraid of him.

Mikhail: Didn't I tell you to leave Orbestine?

Looks at everyone with a glare but notices the young boy who's terrified standing behind the teenage girl with strawberry blonde hair.

Mikhail: Women shouldn't be in the police force since they're so weak especially when fighting a man such as myself.

Opening his third eye looking at the teenage girl along with the rest of the women who are in the police force.

Avichayil: You're probably right but I don't care if it's true however everyone is strong in their own way I get how the biological standpoints are but we're not doing hand-to-hand combat we're doing based on energy power levels. Wind Orb Vs Ritual Orb King.

Pulling out her needles controlling them with the wind as a sick twisted smile appears on her face.

Avichayil: I'm a killer, not an officer but it would be a big accomplishment if I killed a King.

Smirks slightly while glaring at him with hate.

Mikhail: So meaning you're from the criminal police force.

(Meanwhile at the battlefield between Takumi and Anastasia).

Takumi: ...

(In his mind).

"I guess he was right we weren't strong enough my own Time Freeze was completely useless she broke out of it immediately. If I don't do something soon then Kai will..."

Shaking his head since the thought of it makes him feel uneasy.

"I have to save him..."

(Out of his mind).

Klaudia: Takumi it seems you need my help.

Activating her energy to control Anastasia's blood forcing her to let go of Kai.

Takumi: Klaudia how did you know?

Looks at her wondering how did she know to be here.

Klaudia: It's complicated.

(Flashback at the underground facility).

Kaien: ...

Trembling slightly while clutching his hand tightly due to the burning sensation.

Kaien: My Mistress is attacking your friends.

Says it softly.

Mochizuki: You serious? Then I should go and help!

About to leave but after feeling a tug on his shirt looking back slightly to see Kaien trembling in fear.

Kaien: You have to take me with you.

Says it softly while trembling in fear.

Klaudia: Mochizuki stay with him I'll go since I always wanted to battle someone my size.

Smiles slightly.

Kaien: N-No please you have to take me with you she won't stop until she finds me!

Looks at her mostly since she's going over there.

Kaien: I don't want nobody to get hurt I rather I get hurt.

Tearing up he starts to cry.

Klaudia: ...

Sighs slightly but ignores what he has to say.

Klaudia: Mochizuki stay with him.

Leaving the room headed out from the underground facility going straight towards the location where Takumi is.

(In her mind).

Remembering Kaien's words.

Klaudia: I guess I'll protect him as well.

(Out of her mind).


Anastasia: A fellow Demonic Orb?

Looks at the woman who's the same height as she was.

Klaudia: My name is Klaudia and I'm the Blood Orb Queen...

Forming energy around her body creates blood.

Klaudia: Takumi take Kai and go!

Looks back at him.

Takumi: Alright then.

Running towards Kai and grabbing him he immediately starts running away while holding onto Kai in his arms.

Anastasia: You have been talking to Kaien.

Placing her hand on the floor as a sick and twisted smile appears on her face. Putting out one hundred percent of her energy.

Anastasia: Sin Style Ultimate Move: Summoning!

Putting the one hundred percent of her energy into the floor as a demonic symbol appears on the floor letting out the seven deadly sins to appear right in front of her.

Klaudia: Blood Orb Style Ultimate Move: Ultimate Blood Control!

Putting out two hundred percent of her energy just to control the blood from the seven deadly sins including Anastasia.

Both glaring at each other with hate.

Anastasia: Just like your friend even you don't have any strength you do know that Kings and Queens need to be strong to protect their Kingdoms or maybe for your own benefit. It's shameful to see a King and Queen be so weak.

(In her mind).

"Even though I'm weak I still can't defeat Yusuke but I trained so hard and evolved now I'm thirty-two years old and I'm still the same. Yusuke doesn't even evolve he's still in his twenties and yet he's stronger."

Clutching her fist tightly thinking about Yusuke.

"At least I'm stronger than these losers!"

(Out of her mind).

Using wrath's energy to make herself stronger breaking through the blood control and immediately went right in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Klaudia: Damn!

Using her energy to form a blood shield trying to protect herself from the attack that she's planning on doing.

Anastasia: You're too weak just like your friend!

Controlling the seven deadly sins to be forced to go inside of her just to make herself stronger than before. Gathering energy around her fist and immediately punched the blood shield passing through punching her in the life force which was located on the chest sending her flying across the city.

Klaudia: ...

Coughing up blood and landed on a tree which stabbed her right through the stomach.

Anastasia: Kaien I'm coming.

Smirks slightly while disappearing completely.

(At the Young Boy's House).

Explosions coming from the outside of the house as strong winds slice through buildings causing mass destruction throughout Orbaza.

Mikhail: For a normal Orb you have powerful winds.

Using his own people as shields since a few are too stupid to know what's going on.

Avichayil: That's sad you using your own people as shields! Are you a coward?

Controlling her wind to slice through buildings including the people who are being used as shields watching the blood fall to the floor including body parts flying.

Mikhail: So ruthless but good thing you're a God Orb since killing a Demonic Orb will give you no prison time there's no crime. It's a shame that the Demonic Orbs lost the war.

Stops using his people as shields and decides to just stand there.

Mikhail: I'll let you take a hit.

Using two percent of his energy to perform an ultimate move.

Avichayil: How about I make a kill!

Controlling her wind to slice through his life force smiles so wickedly.

Mikhail: Ritual Style Ultimate Move: Fate Changer.

His life force completely went back to normal but her life force shattered into pieces.

Avichayil: ...

Her eyes widen looking at him as she falls to the floor bleeding out.

Mikhail: ...

Hearing sirens coming in quickly looking up slightly to the Orbrael's ambulance coming in quickly.

Mikhail: Haruki this isn't your country! Stop trying to help my people they're not yours!

Yells out loud in frustration and anger.

Orbrael Ambulance: I'm just doing my job.

Backing up slightly after noticing him glaring at him with hatred. Immediately starts to drive away from him.

Mikhail: I always hate Orbrael wanting to help my people it's very annoying!

Using his energy to try to slice through the ambulance but was stopped due to flames clashing against it.

Azriel: ...

Looking over to Avichayil but then noticed the dead innocent civilians who were probably used as shields as he looked over to Mikhail.

Azriel: You're a fucked up King.

(Meanwhile at Orbmerica in the white castle in the meeting room).

Ryūken: ...

Checking up his emails and noticed a message that was from the human world American president. Which startled him since the thought of that annoying human messaging him gave him uneasy vibes. Opening up the message and noticed a sentence that caught his eye.

The message: What would you do if you were in my shoes?

After reading the message which made him write back a long list.

(Ryūken's list).

1. Mass deportation for those who came illegally.

2. Setting an example for those who continue to commit crimes such as creating terrorism, TQ+ ideologies, and those who obsessed over race. Shall have revoked citizenship and be deported immediately. Use one person as an example since I doubt they'll give up their life of luxury if they see the consequences if those individuals continue. However, in my case, I'll deport all of them including those who hate the country.

3. Pride Month be canceled including the rest of the holidays that involve pride. We shouldn't celebrate sin.

4. Abortion clinics shall be destroyed and those who decide to get an abortion shall be arrested and charged with murder.

5. Stop foreign aid. You should worry about your country and your country only try to make the country better by making health care affordable or other things that are more important.

6. Leave the United Nations.

7. No more of that college debt forgiveness. It's not important.

8. Cancelled the holidays that have to do with race since people who will continue to obsess over it will never stop. I understand that it has to do with history but it's important to make everyone feel at ease.

There's so much more I wanted to say but I doubt you'll listen to the words I say so I hope we never speak again since it's impossible to see eye to eye. I wish you and your people have a good day since you need it. Sincerely Ryūken.

Ryūken: ...

(In his mind).

"There's nothing to do now but worry about my country."

(Out of his mind).

To be continued in the next chapter

This story has multiple trigger factors so yeah well anyway. I guess I'll update some of the fanfics.

Mr_Mysophobiacreators' thoughts