

~Mr. Lover Lover, ummm~

~I'm Mr. Lover Lover, haha girl~

~Mr. Lover Lover~

~Mmmm, I'm Mr. Lover Lover~


"Anyway, as I was saying before the boar showed up." Steve continued. "I have the power to summon monsters."

"Summon?" Tiona raised her eyebrow. "Summoning monsters? Steve, as wonderful as you are with your several powers, summoning magic is just fairytale."

"Perhaps until now." Steve said as he held his arms out. "Would you like to fight a new monster from my homeland...or not?"

"Right here?" Ais pointed at the floor, not literally beneath her but in reference to the place they were standing in. 

"Yes." Steve said exasperated.

"Well I will say that is interesting." Tiona said before she frowned, putting her hand on her chin. "I'm not sure other people would like the sound of it though."

"It can be our little secret." Steve winked. "And besides, what I am about to show you is but among the least dangerous monsters I can beget."

"I'm ready." Ais said as she put a hand on her Desperate. "Show us Steve."

"Hold your horses." Steve tutted. "Listen to what I have to say. This monster is usually a passive one. It does not attack you unless you do the only thing it hates above else."

"And what is that?" Tiona asked.

"Don't make eye contact with it. For them, merely making eye contact is offensive and an open challenge, at least when it's from other races. And it looks scary as well, I'll give you that. The closest monster you could probably relate to it is perhaps a spartoid but with no weapons. And I will say this, it moves very very fast. And sometimes it does exactly what I do. It performs instant movement from one place to another. And it has a very powerful punch which is the only form of attack it knows. So, ready?"

"It definitely sounds difficult." Tiona said. "I'll let Ais have the first turn. Go get 'im girl!"

Ais nodded with a smile, grateful that Tiona did not compete with her over this. The Amazon may have expressed no desire to compete over the affections of their boyfriend but when it came to adventuring, you can bet that, the Loki Familia especially, were extremely competitive in getting the most body count when killing monsters.

"Very well." Steve said as he typed in the command. "Here we go!"


Hello there, it's the Narrator here.

I don't usually do this, but it's at this point where I should interject and clear a few things up. To summarise, Minecraft monsters are stronger and faster outside of the game world.

The Minecraft gravity is three times that of Earth's and that of the World with the Dungeon. Therefore, Minecraft mobs are much stronger and durable when in a world of lighter gravity because their muscles have evolved to operate under that heavy gravity. So in this world, those muscles will carry them faster and they can attack harder.

Also, even in the game world, things will look realistic and not block like, although the functions such as pickaxes will pick out block shapes. It's complicated and a little convoluted but you'll get the gist eventually. 

Also it goes unsaid that due to such pressures, other adventurers besides Steve and his Minecraft companions will be much weaker in the game, whereas he and his friends will be much stronger due to the benefits that the Falna gives them.

So if mobs seem more powerful than they should be against adventurers other than the Players, in both worlds...IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE!

...Nekros ain't even paying for this clarification, extra-time, add-in shit...

Anyway, BYE.


It takes no genius to realize exactly which mob Steve spawned in, for you people who actually know the connections and references and they're not just reading this without having any clue what's going.

There was actually a cool...mechanic of sorts that Steve realized was some sort of effect of reality trying to mesh with the game. When he spawned a monster from an egg, the egg would shatter and the monster would pop out. But when he spawned one in with commands, wherever it was, the things would climb out of the ground or the ground would spit it out. Either way, it did not just pop out of thin air.

The girls tensed as a mound started pushing out of the floor in front of them. Steve walked over and stood in between them, not taking his eyes off the mob he was spawning in.

Unnaturally, long, thin and bony arms burst out of the mound and staked their long, sharp fingers into the ground as the monster pulled itself out fully. What emerged made the girls cringe in slight disgust as it's full form was exposed.

A nine-foot-five creature pulled its body out of the ground and stood on legs that were also unnaturally thin. Unlike it's blocky appearance in the game, the Enderman was a lot more realistic. For a creature so thin, you would expect the fact that calling it anorexic was a severe understatement.

It looked to have absolutely no flesh at all as it's black, leathery skin clung to its bones with no possible room for something in between. And it looked to have no organs as well since a bright purple light glowed from inside its body and showed just the ribcage beneath the skin. Despite its height, its arms were so long that the sharp fingers reached down to halfway between it's knee and its ankle. 

But most skeletal of all was its skull. It seemed be the part that looked most to have no skin at all, but just a black skull that had purple light glowing from the mouth and the eyes. Leathery bits of skin connected its upper lip to its lower lip as it stood looking around at the area it was in. 

Bathsheba started growling but did not attack as she was trained not to do anything against monsters without her papa's permission. And besides, she had a bunny on her mane who had suddenly decided to burrow itself into her fur.

But her growls prompted it to turn and look at the adventurers it was in the company of. Ais made to move and attack, drawing Desperate out of its sheath. But Steve held her in place and then forced her and Tiona to look at the ground, making himself no exception to that rule as well.

"What are you doing?" Ais said. "It's going to attack! Let me go."

"You did not listen to me." Steve said. "This thing is called an Enderman. I'll teach you the significance of that name some other time. But like I said, it will NOT attack unless you provoke it. And the ways to provoke it to make eye-contact with it or to attack it, in which it will not give up until it has killed you."

"That is a really ugly monster." Tiona said. "I haven't heard about any sort of monster like that in my life...and you said it was from your homeland? Just where are you from Steve?"

"Far Far Away."

"What kind of name is that? Which moron would ever name their country that?"

"You'd be surprised. Now Ais."


"Let it walk away for a moment."

The Enderman, seeing as the humans were not looking at it, turned away again and began walking away from them.

"Now you may look at it but only it's body. Don't make eye-contact."

The girls obeyed him and looked up again once he took his hands off their heads. They observed as the Enderman walked up to a wall of rock. It inspected the wall for a moment before it stuck its hands into the wall and pulled out a perfect cube of rock.

"That's the same thing as you did with your pick-axe." Tiona exclaimed. "But it did it with bare hands...wait, your magic is enchanted a purple colour and its glowing purple inside...is the block thing some sort of magic?"

"Not necessarily." Steve said. "But it's not important either. Ais, draw your sword. Don't attack it yourself. Look at its eyes and it will come to you. You'll anticipate it's approach...if you're fast enough. Walk forwards, and on my instruction, look it in the eye."

Ais nodded and walked in the direction of the Enderman who was still looking around like a lost-plot retard. She held Desperate up in her usual stance. She then looked back at Steve. And he nodded.

"Do it." 

Ais turned around and stared right at the back of the Enderman's head. Sensing her gaze, the mob turned around and looked directly into her eyes. It's jaw dropped to its chest, the ropes of skin connecting its lips stretching to their maximum as it roared in its horrible guttural voice.

To Ais's surprise, it ran over to her with surprising speed that even she had trouble following. But due to her honed instincts, she held her weapon up in time as the Enderman tried to clip her in the chin with the block in its hand. The block shattered into fragments but against her expectations, even though her block had repelled it a little, the Enderman moved forward again at the same speed. 

At such short distance, even she with her renowned speed could not anticipate its attack as it buried its clenched fist in her stomach with surprising force for such a thin creature.

Ais had the wind knocked out of her as she was sent rolling across the floor. She bore the pain and turned her roll into a backwards tumble as she eventually managed to get herself on to her feet in a crouched position with Desperate held out. 

"Incoming!" Steve shouted as the Enderman came rushing towards her again. This time she held her hilt with both hands and made a direct thrusting motion, hoping to skewer it through its sternum and hopefully set it on fire.

But to her surprise, the Enderman just disappeared making her blade hit nothing as it completely phased out of view. It reminded her greatly of how Steve avoided her strikes the same way. From her side she heard the Enderman thunder towards her and a fist of steel-hard-bones smashed into her cheek. 

She was sent bouncing across the floor into the wall as her cheek swelled in pain and her right eye began watering out of her body's natural reflex, since the nerves connected to her tear glands were stimulated by the connection.

"It won't always be doing that!" Steve shouted. "Not unless you give it time! Get up and fight!"

Ais stood to her feet, a little wobbly as she tried to come to her senses.

"You're wasting time! Attack it!" Steve shouted again.

Hearing his words, she tried to focus and dive towards the Enderman but her vision was still blurry because of the hard knock she'd been dealt. As a result her speed was not as fast as it should have been. So when she tried to impale it, instead of teleporting to the side, it teleported backwards making her stumble.

The Enderman this time slapped her on the other side of her face as its sharp fingers cut across her cheek, drawing blood. The slap stunned her and the Enderman barged her as it rushed past, knocking her to the floor. She tried to get up to her feet but while she was halfway to it, the Enderman kicked her in the side, almost breaking her hip as she was sent sprawling.

Her temper began to rise as she realized that its instant movement, which it employed far more than Steve, prevented her from hitting it. She then remembered how Steve told her to keep attacking it, and not to let it get any respite. So when she sensed it approaching the side of her that did have her sword in hand, she held out her palm and winced as the Enderman's fist smashed into it. Pain flared over her palm but she reflexively clenched her fingers around its fist.

To her unexpected surprise, the Enderman tried to pull its fist out of her hand but struggled to do so. It was strong enough to make its fist start sliding out of her grasp but when she tightened her grip further, it eliminated any chance of it escaping.

'It's best advantage is its speed.' She realized. 'That's why it's punches are so hard. But by itself, its not strong.' Her eyes sharpened upon realizing this as she slashed forwards, her enchanted blade connecting with its body, drawing purple blood as the Enderman was lit alight from the Fire Aspect. 

It teleported out of her grasp, screaming as it cooked alive.

"Looks like she's figured it out." Steve said.

"Could you not have mentioned it before?" Tiona asked.

"Against MY endurance and physical strength? To me it moves like a snail and I don't even feel it hitting me. But it makes logical sense that a creature that relies on speed and momentum to weight its attacks, won't have as proportionate physical strength. Something she's learnt at this point."

"But would it not be better if she was not in danger because of lack of information?"

"The big man who passed by us earlier would disagree. How will she progress if she does not come out of her shell, her comfort zone? By falling victim to unknown danger, it broadens her horizons and space to grow. Look she's winning now."

"{Tempest}". Ais said as green winds began swirling around her. The Enderman fixed her with hatred in its eyeless sockets as regardless of its body being on fire, it ran towards her.

She also blitzed forwards and just as she expected, it teleported out of the way. But she whirled around, her hair flowing out in her spin as she turned mid-air and slashed out again at the mob which had appeared behind her. Slowly, she got used to expecting where it would show up as it continued to teleport away from her to escape direct hits. But it did not always avoid her sword as she started to push forwards and gain ground.

Tiona noticed Steve's eyes soften as he watched Ais adapt and figure out how to fight back. A small smile spread over his face as he stared at her, fascinated.

"Having a little moment of lover's admire?" She teased him.

"She fights beautifully." Steve commented. "The way she moves is so graceful, and the way her hair moves in her winds. She looks like a real battlefield princess. It's just beautiful. SHE'S beautiful."

"What about me?" Tiona mock pouted.

"You're beautiful regardless." He answered. "Especially when you laugh and make everybody else happy. Your smile is all I need to be in a good mood."

"Even with what I'm missing?" Tiona put her hand on her chest.

"You think I'm that shallow? I told you, every size is acceptable to me. The only physical aspect I am most interested in are the hips. But what I value more is personality. And you are such that I could never tire or dislike you. If you knew the extent of my desire, I bet even as an Amazon you'd get shaky knees."

"So honest." Tiona smiled and leaned her head into his chest while smiling up at him. "And so forthcoming. Don't you get shy when saying those things?"

"I do. But remember what I said when we first met. If a guy likes a girl, he should just say it. And I will never restrain my compliments...take heed though, I won't hold back my criticisms either. And I expect you to do the same."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Tiona said as she leaned upwards and locked lips with him. They both closed their eyes to bask in the sensation.

Off to the side, Ais pouted as she saw them do this because she was stuck fighting this annoying monster while Tiona was enjoying herself with their boyfriend without her. 

In her annoyance, she didn't realize that she impaled the Ender man right in its chest, shattering its rib as Desperate came through its back. The Enderman released it's dying scream as just like a monster that died in the dungeon, it exploded into a shower of white dust.

Seeing this, Steve found that there was no pearl to be found. Drop rates with pearls were low anyway, so the Dungeon had nothing to absorb into itself.

Ais sighed in relief as she dropped her magic and approached them with a smile. 

"I won." She said. "It was...fun."

"See." Steve said to Tiona. "She enjoyed it. THAT is adventuring."

"Fine, fine. My turn." Tiona replied and Steve complied as he spawned in another Enderman. The Amazon smiled, discarded her Urga and bounded off to have her turn.

She walked up to mob and leaned forwards while looking right into its eyes. Like the one before, the new Enderman screamed at her and tried to punch forwards. But the Amazon flipped her body so the fist swung underneath her while she kicked out with her leg. Her foot connected with the mob's jaw and its head was turned sideways as it was flung away from the force of her kick.

Tiona righted herself as she landed on her feet. But not sparing it any chance to recuperate she bounded after it. Steve noted how she stretched her legs out fully. And it was at this moment he realized in that pose she took how long the Amazon's legs were. They were lithe, smooth and beautiful as they exposed themselves to the fullest, her ankle bracelets tinkling as she flexed her muscles while leaping forwards. How one girl could be such a fierce warrior and yet be so womanly and attractive at the same time...

'I am such an undeserving, lucky bastard.' He sighed 'These two are so beautiful...but they are attracted to my avatar. How I really was...I was just the average mid guy you'd find on the streets...what would they think if they ever knew how I really looked...?'

His chest filled with fear and trepidation, but again some outside force drained those emotions away.

He then focused on Ais again as the girl gave him a pout.


"You gave Tiona a reward before she even fought." Ais frowned as her pout deepened, making her all the more adorable. "Where's mine?"

"Not all expressions of affection are rewards, Ais." Steve shook his head before beckoning her. "Come on.."

Ais blushed as she walked towards him with her hand on her hilt as she tiptoed. She was not as shy as before but her cheeks were still filled with colour as she closed her eyes in expectation. And Steve then rested her chin on his finger while his thumb brushed against her bottom lip, something that would go on to be exclusive to his interaction with her.

He closed his eyes as he kissed her, trying to deepen it a bit more than they had last time and to his delight, she responded by pushing into him.

'Lucky bastard, I am.'


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