

It's been at least 4 hours since Jordan dropped me off at home and to say the least, I've been giddy as hell. I can't get the smile off my face even if I tried. It's creepy as fuck but I just can't help it. Enough with that, I'm hungry as fuck. That wiped the smile off my face. You do not mess with hungry Lexi. Everybody knows that. Don't deny me of my food, I'll be happy and you'll be happy (and safe). I throw on a gray tank top and black short shorts and head downstairs. What I would give for a normal family where my mom makes dinner and my dad makes dad jokes at the dining table as he eats and stares at my mom like she's the most beautiful woman in the world and sneaks kisses at her when he thinks we're not looking and they both genuinely care about what we've been up to all day. But we both know that's not going to happen. Instead, we have a father who deserted us, a mother who's almost never home and we eat pizza or takeout instead of homemade dinner. Welcome to my fucking home. I spot Jace in the living room playing Call of Duty on his Xbox.

"Hey, Jace, pizza or takeout?" I ask him.

"Pizza." He calls out and continues to focus on his game. I pick out the home phone and call up Domino's Pizza to place our order. Oh, the 30 minutes of pure torture. What to do, what to do? I decide to go whip Jace's ass in COD until the pizza arrives.

Well, it wasn't that much of a beating. I beat him twice and he beat me once. But hey, on the bright side, I won. YASSS!

Ding dong!

The sound of the doorbell resonates throughout the house but there's no way in hell I'm getting up to answer that. I'm way too lazy for that.

"You get it."

"No, you get it."

"No, you get it."

"No, you g – "I was cut off by a loud thud and an excruciating pain shooting up my ass.

"No, you get it." He says, a triumphant smirk on his face. He pushed me. That fucker pushed me.

"Why you little – "I start, ready to pounce.

"Alexis Marie Walker. That's no way to treat your elder brother." He shrieks in a stern tone, one that mothers use on their toddlers when they refuse to eat their vegetables and leaps off the couch.

"Elder brother, my ass. We're twins, you fucktard." I snort in a very unladylike manner.

"I'm two minutes older." He says in a singsong manner, poking his tongue out at me. God, he's such a big baby. I roll my eyes at him and go get the door since we were both off the couch anyway. I open the door to see a somewhat attractive guy that looks my age with 3 pizza boxes in hand. Yeah, I doubt on will be enough for me, talk less of that human vacuum over there, so we get 3. A box for me, a box for him and the last box is being shared between both of us. There, simple math. Who said math wasn't fun?

"How much for the pizza?" I ask, holding a twenty dollar bill in hand.

"For you, baby, it's free." He says with a smirk, eyeing me up and down. His gaze lingers in my chest area, before trailing my body and resting on my legs. I scoff, take the three pizza boxes from him, throw the twenty dollar bill at him and slammed the door right in his face. Pervert. I really don't care if it was less than what I was supposed to pay him but he should have known that before coming to flirt me so it's really not my problem. He should be grateful that he even got paid at all and left her without any significant damage to his baby-making machine. I'm in a reasonably good mood today.

"Pizza's here!" I call out and he literally skipped to the kitchen, tipping the seal off without mercy and devouring each slice of the cheesy goodness in just three bites. I roll my eyes and take my pizza box upstairs to the comfort of my room. I plop down on my bed and log in to YouTube on my MacBook which practically never leaves my bed. The room is momentarily filled with the clicking of the keyboard on my Mac and it is then filled with the voice of Ryan from Pitch Meeting Screen Rant which, of course, is on the highest volume. I could do this all day. This guy is funny as fuck. He gives funny as hell reviews of movies and series and then points out the flaws of each and every one. I know it sounds boring but trust me, it's not. I've lost count of how many pitch meetings I've watched and then Ryan's voice is partly drowned out by the ringing of an iPhone. I've never changed the ringtone of my phone. I like the original ringtone. It sounds very…premium to me. I don't know, I'm weird. I pause the Twilight pitch meeting I'm currently watching and pick up the phone. I check the caller ID, unknown number. Who do I know that could be calling me at this hour? Well, I guess I'll have to find out for myself. I press 'answer call' and place the phone on my ear.

"Hello?" I ask cautiously.

"Hello, princess, miss me?" the person on the other line says. I can literally hear the smirk in his voice. I��m gonna kill him.

I snort very unattractively. "You wish, playboy." He laughs over the phone and a small smile makes its way to my mouth. Is it wrong to say that his laughter turns me on? Lexi, my subconscious warns in a menacingly threatening voice. I shrug off that thought. So, what do you want, playboy?" I ask.

"I just wanted to hear your voice." He says.

"Aww…does the little playboy miss me? How adorable!" I say in a retarded voice people use for dogs and babies.

"Pfft. You wish." He says.

"No, I actually don't." I state. "So, tell me, what do you want? I haven't got all day you know? I was busy." I say looking at my black-painted nails. I'm not emo or anything – but Mama loves me some good emo music – I just love the color black, so dark and empty, just like my soul.

"Really? What were you doing? Painting a nude image of me you'll worship from now on?" he asks, amusement sharp in his voice. I roll my eyes and then realize that he knows about my art and I feel my cheeks warm up and then I think over his words and now I pretty much resemble a human beetroot.

I rack my brain for any sarcastic reply but I'm way too tired to think right now. "Actually, I'm watching Pitch Meeting Screen Rant on my Mac right now." I tell him, deciding to be honest because in all actuality, I'm way too lazy for any smart ass replies.

"Seriously? You have to be the only girl I know to go to YouTube and not watch makeup tutorials or stalk BTS or something like that." He says.

"Do I look like other girls to you? Or do I look like I'm a fan of any boy bands talk less of BTS? Plus, Screen Rant is hilarious. You should definitely watch it sometime. Cracks me up every fucking time." I say, now adjusting from my sitting position to a more comfortable lying position and staring at my plain white ceiling. White is such a boring color. Maybe I'll paint something up there later on. It's too plain for my liking.

"Yeah, maybe I will." He says and trails off.

"Now, back to the original question, why the heck are you calling me at-" I take off the phone to check the time. "- 12:45am?" Whoa… how many Pitch Meetings did I watch?

"Well, I can't sleep and you're probably the only person I can tolerate right now." Well, it's true. From my sources – and by sources I mean Krystal and Maika – he might be a player but he's also a lone wolf, meaning no friends and definitely no girlfriends. Wuss.

"So, what do you want me to do? Just so you know, I won't come over to yours so we can braid each other's hair and talk about your lifelong crush on Channing Tatum." I tease.

"But I know other things we can do when you're over." He suggests in a sultry voice.

"Keep dreaming, playboy." I tell him. We stay hours on the phone talking about random things until I yawn, exhausted.

"You sound tired. Maybe you should get some sleep.��� He says.

"Oh, really? I definitely did not know that." I say sarcastically with an eye roll and he chuckles. Did anyone ever tell him how wonderful his laugh sounds?

"Nice to know that you still have sass even when you're sleepy." I giggle at this but it's covered up by a yawn.

"Get some sleep, princess."

"I will."

"Try not to dream too much of me."

"I won't." he lets out a low chuckle that turns my insides to mush.

"Goodnight, princess."

"Night, playboy." I say and hang up. I glance at my phone to see the time. 4:06am. Bloody bastard. We have school tomorrow. I roll my eyes in the darkness. Slowly but surely, my eyes flutter shut and I drift off into a dreamless sleep, thinking of ocean eyes.




Heyyyy guyyysss….he he…funny story, actually. There was a problem with the electricity where I live so I couldn't update last Saturday because all my devices were dead. But it has been resolved now so… here I am! I'm sorry. Here's some digital ice cream and chocolate for your troubles. I know, I know, you love me and I'm awesome. If you still feel that way, please vote and add to your collection.

Ilysmmmm <3


Vida <3
