
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 1 . That Girl

A beautiful girl was standing alone on a stage, she was surrounded by thousands of people all around, they were all men.

The girl stood in critical condition with only a piece of cloth covering her crotch

The area around was soaked in blood, thousands of dead bodies were lying there.

It seemed that these people had killed all those people and there was only one girl left whom they wanted to tear apart and quench their lust.

That girl was standing as if there was some life inside her as if she was a stone statue in which only breathing was going on.

There was a man standing in front of the girl who was tearing her clothes and insulting her, but the girl was standing there like a dead .

As if that girl has lost all reason to live .

Thousands of people standing near her were looking at her with ferocious eyes as if they would swallow that girl and tear her to pieces.

Their lust was dripping from their eyes .

The man who was standing in front of that girl was probably the commander of those people, he was stripping that girl naked in front of everyone .

He wanted to rape that girl and later wanted to give that girl to all those people.

It seemed as if that girl was the queen of this country who came into the hands of these people due to deception.

Suddenly that commander takes off the last clothes of that girl, that girl becomes completely naked, but there is no reaction on that girl's face, she was standing there like a dead body, there was noise all around.Everyone wanted to pounce on that girl but stayed because of the commander.

As soon as the commander was about to hold the girl by the hand, a hand came from behind the girl and pulled the girl towards him and held the girl in his arms.

Everyone was suddenly scared. The commander was also suddenly scared.

That girl also got scared suddenly, she did not understand what happened. The man who had pulled the girl in his arms suddenly took off his shirt and put it on the girl's body .

The girl was very surprised, she turned her face upwards and started looking at the man. It was a handsome young man who held the her in his arms

The boy smiled at the girl and said " are you fine ?? "

The boy was Yao Yan who mistakenly came to this world instead of the other world .

She nodded in yes That girl could not understand what to do in the crowd of demons where all of them wanted to satisfy their lust on her body. A stranger boy suddenly comes and hugs her and covers her with his clothes.

Seeing the smile of that boy, suddenly that girl felt a tickle in her heart and suddenly without knowing it, tears started dripping from her eyes. her first time in many years She felt like when she was little her father used to pick her up and sit on his lap then she felt safe .

The girl felt safe in the boy's arms, as if they couldn't even touch her as long as he was here.

Suddenly the commander shouted, "Who are you, how dare you touch the prey of this king. You wanna die " after saying that,The general suddenly started attacked Yao Yan

Seeing the sudden attack, the girl grabbed Yao Yan tightly and buried her face in Yan's chest.

Yao Yan smiled when he saw this and put his hand towards that commander and started his skill "Touch of Void " .

Suddenly the commander got up in the air and slowly his arms and legs began to bend and there was a sound of breaking bones, blood was coming out of his eyes, hands and feet, he was moaning because of pain, he could not even make a sound.

Seeing this horrifying scene, all the people got scared and started trembling, as if they had provoked God and their death was certain.

When the girl took her face out from the chest of the Yan and saw the commander suffering in the air, she was also scared but seeing the Yan smiling at her, she calmed down.

Yan said to girl "You haven't told me your name yet .

Hearing that the girl suddenly frowned, then whispered "Sang Xuya " .

" What did you say , Speak louder, I can't hear you "

" Sang Xuya , i said my name is Sang Xuya " she said

" Sang Xuya " Yao Yan muttered "nice name"

Hearing this, suddenly Sang Xuya's heart started beating fast and she started blushing.

Yao Yan again asked him, "Tell me, what should I do with them, should I kill them all?"

Xuya said without changing her expression, "Please, if you kill all of them, I will be your slave for the rest of my life."

Yao Yan made his pinch and suddenly everyone who was cowering in fear turned into a dust of blood.

Sang Xuya was horrified to see him, but she was happy that she had avenged the death of her husband and her people.

She suddenly fell on her knees and started laughing loudly and started shouting "I have avenged you".

And suddenly started crying.