
Only Guy In A All Female Dimensional Chat Group

A relatively normal guy dies and gets transmigrated in the body of someone else in another world.

The_Great_Sage69 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 10: High School

Today's a normal day like the rest. Nothing changed except for the fact that I am now going to high school and todays the first day.

I met up with Nene, Kaori and Shizuku along the way and we went to school. Every day was the same.

First was the boring orientation with the principal's speech. How do the teachers don't find it boring? They dont even look like they are sleepy.

After the speech hell we wnet to our classes and I was in the same class as them too including along with some of the other characters from the story like the bully Daisuke and his cronies, Kouki, Ryuutarou etc.

There were some other students as well that I know of like Marin Kitagawa from that one anime about cosplay or something like that which got really popular back in my old world and Yukana Yame and her best friend Ranko Honjou from the same anime as Nene.

Marin is a slim and above average height girl with dark pink colored contacts in her eyes and light skin. She has silky blonde hair, tipped with pinkish-red or citrus orange, reaching down around her pelvic region. Her bangs cover a majority of her forehead and eyebrows, reaching around the start of her eyelashes. Two locks of hair also flow over her shoulders and end around her chest region

Yukana has similar colored hair but tied in a top pony tail on the side of her head with a small hair accessory along with two locks of her hair reaching till her shoulders. She has beautiful green eyes along with a sexy figure.

Ranko has beautiful chocolate skin with dark silver shorghair that fades into green along with one bang of hair being longer than the other. She has purple eyes and a figure no less sexier.

The three of them were sitting together and talking to each other. Hmmm, so beautiful gyaru looking girls do group together.

When I entered the class most of the people looked towards me and while almost all the girls blushed at my apple, some guys did too. Welp, I am staying the fuck away from them at all. Most of the guys showed signs of jealousy, except from those who know me and the few who blushed before, but didn't say anything. Well, I cant blame them. I have certainly changed a whole lot in the past few years.

I have grown alot taller, atleast 6'1 and I am still growing. My hair has grown a little too and I have started wearing some earrings on my left ear and my face gives a bad boy kind of vibe. I am mega handsome if I do say so myself.

I moved towards an empty seat in the row second from the window. It was the second last seat. I got used to these stares from people because of it happening alot in the past and it doesn't bother me anymore.

Behind me was sitting the main protagonist of this world, Hijiri Nagumo. Nene was sitting in the seat next to mine and next to mine on the side of the window was Marin. Kaori and Shizuku were sitting together in the first row from the door.

"Hello Nagumo-San how have you been?" I asked politely.

"H-Hello Kurokami-San Its n-nice to see you again. I-I have been fine." She stuttered out while blushing alot. I guess her shy personality is the same as her male counterpart. "Akira-Kun, do you know her?" Nene asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I met her in the market once and I saw her trying to save a granny and her grandkid from some thugs so I helped her out a little." I saod to her. Nene looked towards Hijiri and said, "Whoa, you are really brave."

Hijiri blushed in embarassment and replied " N-No it w-wasnt really that much. If Kurokami-San didn't come I don't know what would have happened."

"Is that so. Well, All of that aside, my name is Nene Fujinoki. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself. Hijiri too introduced herself in a similar fasion and we started talking.

A few minutes later the teacher came and introduced himself and told the class to introduce themselves. The rest of the lecture went in students introductions and the actual classes started from the next lecture.

Due to me having mega high intelligence along with [Thought Acceleration], I had already memorized all the books thoroughly so the classes were really boring for me. Not like it wouldn't be if I didn't know anything.

The rest of the classes went in a similar way and I don't know how or when I fell asleep, but I did and when I woke up it was already break period. At first I felt sleepy so I tried to resist and stay awake, after that everything slowly became blurry and boom, its break period. Sleeping on the first day, is that something I should take pride in?

During the break Marin approached me as she was sitting right in front of me. "Heya Kurokami-Kun! It looks like we'll be deskmates so take care of me will ya?" She said in a cheery and energetic voice.

"Aah Kitagawa-San, take care of me too okey?" I said woth the same amount of energy. She smiled brightly and said "I totes will!". We chatted a little and then she went with her friends yo eat her lunch.

Soon Shizuku, Kaori and Nene came and we ate lunch together while talking about random things.

After school we went home together and when I reached home I relaxed for a bit and checked my phone for any updates. Guess what, almost all of the world is talking about Naruto. People are just loving it and since the anime started airing a few months back the people are literally going crazy. I am also thinking to start publishing the AOT manga. This should get an anime fairly quickly in my estimates, around 6 months of good reviews and bam, you got yourself an anime.

I have nothing to do right now and its so fucking boring. I played some video games for an hour or two but with my body it feels like a childs play. After that, still feeling bored, I started to write a new manga. This time I chose Demon Slayer.

Man I just hope that I dont die of boredom before we get summoned. Talking about that world, is it different from the canon too? Like there could be new stronger enemies or the overall strength level of the world got increased. I hope something like that happened over there. I don't want to fight people I can beat in a punch or two.

Well, only time will tell what happens.