
Only At Nights

When a grieving foreign exchange teacher suspects a stranger in her new home, she enlists the assistance of a medium and makes a shocking revelation.

jasonmacgregor · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter Five

With the moonlight and the sea at her back Rachel watched in horror as the men and women of the Red Isles Forensics Department came and went with numerous bags and jars containing the charred remains of dead animals, children, and whatever else had been hidden in the cellar beneath her lodging. Eliana was seated next to her with a look that suggested this was just another day in the life for her as she took swigs from a silver flask.

"You sure you don't want some?" she asked Rachel for what might've been the third time.

Rachel accepted the flask and took a sip, it was enough for her to grimace all the same.

"Fucking thing tastes like piss," said Rachel handing it back.

Eliana smiled at her remark and took another swig.

"I take it you'll be getting a call from your agent."

"Damn straight," said Rachel. "And seriously, thank you."

"Mary Ann is the one you should be thanking, she's the one who convinced me. Believe it or not I get a lot of shit in this line of work."

"It's funny. Maybe a month ago or so, if you'd told me about any of this stuff I'd have told you to go fuck off and die. Now I can't get that voice out of my head," she said.

"That's alright Ms. V. Trust me, you're nothing special," Eliana said, and took another swig.

Rachel thought about him and felt the tears rising at the corners of her eyes. She made no attempt to wipe them away, allowing them to stream down her face as if she were a child again.

"You're gonna be alright Ms. V," said Eliana, hunched forward and taking an interest in the police at work and wondering just what did the Great One have planned for the island.

Rachel felt a faint and somehow familiar breeze blow by her face like a warm hand and turned towards the sea.