
Online Game: Virtual War

On the colony spacecraft, 10 million volunteers embarked on a new journey. This book explores farming in the early stages, as well as the struggle for dominance in the later stages.As an online game of dominance, famous officials and generals from Chinese history play crucial roles. Furthermore, remnants of non-human intelligent races from prehistory are active in this era, adding a touch of splendor to humanity's new era. It all begins on the virtual world. I DONT OWN THIS BOOK (none of this belongs to me got the cover from font snap) JUST REALLY LIKED IT BUT BECAUSE IT WAS UNFINISHED I WANTED TO FINISH IT

Amyri_11 · ゲーム
37 Chs


 Lei Jiu glanced at the three elevated platforms, then checked the sun's position, estimating they had around 6 or 7 hours left.

To be frank, he was clueless. After all, he had never utilized the skill of infinite parsing before. He had no idea how fast the parsing skill operated. If it took several days to parse... They'd be in trouble!

Imagination was futile. Now, all he could do was gather as much information as possible and then devise a solution. Unless it became a last resort, he wouldn't choose it, as it held the lowest hope and the greatest risk.

Examining the three platforms closely, the smallest one on the left held two statues, one black and one gray... stone statues? The gray one stood just over a meter tall, while the black one was about 1.5 meters. It resembled a large bat somewhat, though the stone statue boasted larger wings and more human-like limbs.

Compared to large bats, calling them flying little devils seemed more fitting.

Could these be gargoyles?

The gray one seemed rather ordinary, while the dark, shiny one exuded a more intimidating aura, likely a more advanced Heiyao gargoyle.

Though unable to fly long distances, these creatures were incredibly agile in the sky, with potent anti-air capabilities. Judging by their gleaming fangs and claws, Bracada's mages had spared no effort in their creation.

On the middle platform stood several puppets, or golems.

Like the gargoyles, the golems differed mainly in their construction materials. From left to right, the material quality improved: stone golem, iron golem, gold golem, and the last one, a diamond golem or a crystal golem?

The last golem's body was mostly translucent, emitting a light blue glow in the sun. Lei Jiu recalled Brakada's golems from the original game, where diamond golems were relatively rare. Could this be one? With blue diamonds, it seemed extravagant!

Former Bracada was remarkably wealthy!

Whoever designed the golden golem and the diamond golem must have had an opulent mindset. Lei Jiu wondered if he'd have to sell a kidney to afford one. Accidentally breaking one would surely cause him to keel over in distress.

Forget about admiring them for now; even glancing at them tempted him to take one home.

Among the three platforms, the one on the far right was the largest and most eye-catching (though, in terms of allure, the diamond puppet took the prize).

Two robust men with exposed chests and loins stood quietly, showcasing their muscular physique, their lower bodies draped in animal skins.

Lei Jiu's face flushed, though not for the reasons some might think.

The true cause was the overwhelming pressure he felt upon gazing at the towering figures, nearly causing him to buckle under its weight. It was suffocatingly intense.

What was this pressure, and how did it affect him?

Lei Jiu pondered quickly while struggling against the intense force.

He was certain that before his attention turned to the giants, this pressure hadn't existed at all—or, it hadn't affected him in the least.

Observing Luo Zheng's solemn expression, Lei Jiu suddenly remembered that the patriarch was likely underage and had never encountered a similar situation. Meeting Lei Jiu's gaze, Luo Zheng confirmed this.

Attempting to step back to shield the island owner from the sight of the giants and alleviate the pressure, Nangong Dian, who had previously retreated to Lei Jiu's side, unexpectedly stepped forward, extending a hand to halt Luo Zheng.

Disregarding Luo Zheng's displeased glare and refraining from blocking Lei Jiu's line of sight, Nangong Dian drew closer, whispering:

"Island Master! Maintain your composure and relax your body. This is the spiritual intimidation of high-level creatures, targeting the mind. Resisting physically is futile!" Although closing his eyes would provide instant relief, Nangong Dian refrained from suggesting it.

Following Nangong Dian's advice, Lei Jiu found the pressure gradually diminishing. However, the weakening process plateaued before dissipating entirely. This pressure seemed to reach a minimum threshold and persist.

Lei Jiu realized this was likely the extent of its weakening; spiritual intimidation from higher creatures couldn't be completely nullified. It was terrifying; merely standing before such beings could halve one's combat prowess. Were these high-level creatures?

Lei Jiu always felt awkward calling them high-level creatures, as if he were belittling humanity. Hence, he opted for "super-level beings" instead.

A giant humanoid, a super-being, native to Bracada, embodying the three elements. Their identity was about to be unveiled: were they Titans?

"Oh? Human, you're familiar with Titans?" Nicotine, observing with crossed arms, appeared surprised.

"I've encountered records and speculation in the documents I've perused, but I don't possess extensive knowledge. There are two theories about Titans: one posits them as enhanced giants, while the other suggests they're a distinct species—top-tier magical constructs. I'm uncertain which is correct!"

"And now, you've encountered Titans firsthand. So, which theory do you lean towards?"

"The former!" Lei Jiu responded decisively.

"Why? Human, do you doubt Bracada's ability to create such magical constructs?"

"Hehe, not at all. It's simply my intuition!" Lei Jiu said, though he truly believed the Titans weren't of Bracada's making.

Intuition aside, Lei Jiu had received a system prompt moments ago.

"Ding! Players can endure residual spiritual intimidation from high-level creatures—Titans (remains), with a 10% increase in resistance to spiritual intimidation from high-level creatures."

Lei Jiu could only look out for himself and his comrades. As for the system's refusal to acknowledge "super-life" and continued reference to Titans as high-level creatures, he could only shrug it off. He felt helpless about the system's stubbornness!

In this gaming world, system prompts were always accurate.

If Titans were constructs, even if they were considered creatures during their existence, in death, they could only be deemed remnants, not corpses. Just like the floating lamp deity over yonder—magical when alive, reduced to a mere relic in death.

Additionally, Lei Jiu speculated that the gargoyle on the first platform and the four golems on the second platform might still be functional, but these Titans had undoubtedly perished. Otherwise, a mere lamp deity wouldn't stand a chance against two Titans, even with superior combat prowess surpassing 90.

What was a super-life? In conversation with Nangong Ding earlier, Lei Jiu learned that to be classified as such, one's combat prowess must exceed the limit attainable through human cultivation—100, at least.

It was doubtful that in former Bracada, any Djinn would dare converse with Titans while hovering.

Of course, Lei Jiu kept these speculations to himself. This blue-skinned uncle might not be a match for the Titans, but he could easily obliterate them. When in a tight spot, it was best to keep quiet.