
Online Game: Virtual War

On the colony spacecraft, 10 million volunteers embarked on a new journey. This book explores farming in the early stages, as well as the struggle for dominance in the later stages.As an online game of dominance, famous officials and generals from Chinese history play crucial roles. Furthermore, remnants of non-human intelligent races from prehistory are active in this era, adding a touch of splendor to humanity's new era. It all begins on the virtual world. I DONT OWN THIS BOOK (none of this belongs to me got the cover from font snap) JUST REALLY LIKED IT BUT BECAUSE IT WAS UNFINISHED I WANTED TO FINISH IT

Amyri_11 · ゲーム
37 Chs


 Lei Jiu's feet had just touched down on the land he temporarily named Island No. 1 when the system announcement sounded once more.

"System Announcement: Emperor Island's owner, Fujiwara Misan, eager for quick success, provoked the Thunderbirds inhabiting the island during the merger. The enraged Thunderbirds slaughtered all the islanders of Emperor Island, leading to its destruction!"


Lei Jiu instinctively took a step forward.

"System Announcement: Cha Taixiu, owner of Big Cosmos Hando Island, has been possessed by a deceased spirit. A small goblin tribe resides on the merged island. The struggle for island sovereignty failed, resulting in the destruction of Big Cosmos Hando!"



The consecutive announcements of six islands' destruction stunned Lei Jiu for a moment.

So, the world beyond the island is this perilous?

With his next step, Lei Jiu subconsciously slowed his movements, fearing he might disturb powerful creatures or forces on the island, unknown to him.

Luo Zheng and Nangong Ding exchanged glances, puzzled by the island owner's behavior.

Noticing his subordinates' perplexed expressions, Lei Jiu's face flushed. "Ahem! Well, do you both know about Thunderbirds?"

They nodded, and since Luo Zheng remained silent, Nangong Ding spoke up. "Thunderbirds are formidable large-scale flying beasts. Adults boast a combat power of around 70, reaching even 80. Notably, Thunderbirds are gregarious, with some populations exceeding ten!"

Amitabha! Donor Fujiwara, your demise wasn't in vain. Provoking at least ten flying monsters with combat power surpassing 70, even reaching 80, is akin to courting death. As the Buddha said: If not to hell, then where?

Initially, each island owner possesses two exceptional combat powers. The fact that a small goblin tribe managed to wipe out all the inhabitants of Cha Taixiu's Big Cosmos Hando Island indicates considerable strength.

For now, Lei Jiu dare not assume Huanghuang Island is much stronger than Cha Taixiu's Big Cosmos Hando Island.

Ah~! I once believed that red-haired, black-haired, and silver-haired species comprised all intelligent races in the world. Alas, it seems I am still naive. The world's depths rival the vast blue sea before me. Let the journey begin!

"There may be dangers on the island. Proceed with caution, everyone!"

They nodded, seemingly prepared for any eventuality.

Lei Jiu ruefully smiled. Communication had been lacking. Though his men knew the world outside was perilous, he had neglected to extract more information from them. The six unlucky island owners from the previous announcements likely made the same mistake.

Upon reflection, Luo Zheng and Nangong Ding, at best, knew the exterior world wasn't safe. However, the system would not divulge specific dangers. It's possible these hazards are temporary or unknown.

With Luo Zheng leading the way, Lei Jiu and Nangong Ding in the middle, and the soldiers flanking them, the exploration team maintained formation, heading towards the island's center where a building stood.

The island's terrain wasn't intricate, devoid of dense forests or towering mountains, affording them clear views of the central area.

Progress was steady, ensuring Nangong Ding's combat readiness at all times. As a silver-haired mage, physical exertion was taxing for him.

Ten minutes later, they reached the ruins' center, spotting the shattered walls.

"Ding! The player discovered a prehistoric ruin, level 65! A level 66 archaeologist is present, allowing direct exploration!"

With the system's announcement, a film covering the ruins dissipated. Lei Jiu hadn't noticed it earlier, but it likely would have hindered their progress without Nangong Ding. The film's attributes and strength remained unknown.

"Leader! This is a prehistoric ruin, exercise caution!" Nangong Ding warned, indicating his familiarity with such sites, suggesting conversations with the system regarding prehistoric times had transpired long ago.

Lei Jiu nodded, urging Luo Zheng and the others to stay vigilant as they entered the ruins.

The brick and stone structures lay in ruins, with Lei Jiu noticing their unique materials—distinct from those used on Huanghuang Island. Despite its dilapidated state, the ruins exuded architectural finesse comparable to 21st-century Earth.

Civilization's advancement requires significant population support, implying few intelligent races have left such relics.

Presently, this information proved limited in usefulness.

Before long, they reached the central square, towering higher than the surrounding structures.

Gee! Why build a square so high? Strange inclination.

Upon climbing and surveying the area, Lei Jiu found no intact buildings, somewhat disappointed given the ruin's level.

Although aware that returning empty-handed or encountering danger during ruin exploration was common, experiencing it firsthand felt disheartening.



Lei Jiu looked up to see Nangong Di, who seemed to have discovered something. Standing in the square's center, Nangong Di gestured toward a stone statue. Numerous similar statues dotted the square.

Could there be a mechanism on the statue? Lei Jiu couldn't discern anything.

Approaching with curiosity, Lei Jiu scrutinized the statue. Standing at roughly five meters tall, it resembled a human.

I wonder what scale this statue represents. If it's 1:1, this place might have been a giant kingdom.

The statue's attire indicated its occupation: a mage, evident from its robes, staff, and spellbooks—standard Mage attire!

A kingdom of giant mages? An unusual concept.

Focusing, Lei Jiu turned to Nangong Ding. Unable to discern anything unusual about the statue, he wondered if there was a mechanism at play here, perhaps revealing an underground entrance. Otherwise, why construct the square so high?

Observing Lei Jiu's puzzled expression, Nangong Ding explained, "Boss, there's a magic mechanism here!"