
Onesided Love

(Based On A True Story) A girl named Elle, a freshman in highschool going through some tough times, finds comfort with a man, who could never be hers. Drug, sex, violence, trigger warning, heavily based on true events. 18+

Elora_C · 若者
5 Chs

The Beginning

Ever since Elle was a baby she had always been different. She was a loud and obnoxious child and struggled keeping friends. Her entire life she struggled with her sexuality and her mental health. She has had many negative experiences with men, which would later determine all of her relationships with them.

In middle school Elle struggled with depression, she was a severe cutter (starting at age 10) she was very suicidal and rarely ever happy. She tried being okay, she really wanted to be, but nothing helped. She started dating a boy in 7th grade, he loved her, she... was happy to be loved. She was a very self conscious girl and would always wear very revealing clothes because she enjoyed the attention. She lost her virginity to him when she was 14. She thought she may have loved him, but she just loved that someone liked her enough to fuck her. He was kind, but manipulative. She just wanted to be a good girlfriend.

Elle gets in trouble all of the time, but in 8th grade her parents found out about her self harm, the hundreds of cuts on her legs, and the words etched in on her thighs "Fat" and "Thin". But that would be far from the worst thing she will have done. This is, Elle's freshman year, highschool might be more than just a nightmare.