
one side love story ,

Realistic Fiction
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  • 2 章
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What is one side love story ,

WebNovel で公開されている、Kavita_Singh_8060 の作者が書いた one side love story , の小説を読んでください。...



El asesinato del 14 de Junio

El casi anciano Arthur Chandler, planea un viaje de verano con sus sobrinos en un radio de 100km a las afueras de Shecklerville. antes de hacer el viaje, Arthur habla con un viejo amigo que conoció cuando era joven y estaba en un regimiento. Este amigo es el coronel Jhon Sandler, le dice que la primera parada la pueden hacer en su mansión un poco a las afueras del pueblo de Howardville, cuando llega a la mansión de su amigo en papel de visita, tanto ante la insistencia de todos, él y sus sobrinos deciden quedarse unos 10 días por lo menos; lo primeros días todo va bien hasta cierto 14 de Junio cuando el coronel recibió una visita de su amigo y abogado Alvin Cooper, mientras todos están en el jardín conversando, el coronel y el abogado están en la habitación de trabajo de este, todos pierden la noción del tiempo debido al bello día que dibujaba el verano, al pasar los minutos llega la empleada de servicio gritando en busca de todos para ir dónde se encuentra el coronel para al fin encontrarlo muerto por asfixia por herida en la medula espinal causada por una fuerte apuñalada en la parte trasera del cuello. Ante un caso de asesinato y siendo su amigo la víctima, Arthur decide optar por retomar su papel como detective y resolver junto a sus sobrinos Matthew, Sarah y Steve esta enredado misterio a través de aventuras y experiencias que los llevaran a la solución del caso.

11_05_WilmerD · アクション
11 Chs

x Love Will Lead You Back x

He looked at Ji An and she can sense something was wrong with him 'What is wrong with people today? Everyone seems off.' "Where have you been?" He asked coldly. Ji An was taken aback by his question and by the tone of it. "Do I have to report to you what I'm doing and where I Am?" She replied sarcastically. He moved closer to her and he put his left arm on her side resting on top of the bonnet of his car and his right arm on the other side. She can't go anywhere, he basically trapped her in between his arms. He moved his face close to hers and his lips hovered on hers, it was dangerously close. "Yes, you should. Since I'm your husband, I should know where you are and what you are doing and who you are with." He inhaled her sweet scent and he let out his cool breath on her lips "I'm the jealous type of husband, I don't want that Eric near you." He still didn't move. Ji An's heartbeat beaten erratically, she's struggled to think for a comeback for what he said. But she can't think of any, all she knew was his cool breath was so inviting, his lips were so close that a simple movement from her will seal a kiss. 'Why am I like this?' Her body temperature rose rapidly her behaviour was uncontrollable. She tried to pull herself away from her shameless thoughts of him. Cheng Ze can feel the heat coming from her body. 'Is she unwell?' He moved away from her and saw her flushed cheeks. Her breathing was different from normal. He touched her face and her forehead "Are you unwell? Do you have a fever?" He asked in a very concerned voice. His touch felt cool against her warm skin. But instead of cooling her down, her body temperature rose even more. He became more worried than earlier. She was incredibly warm. It's not normal. Ji An has no control over her body now, her desire and her lust for him has taken over her. She knew she shouldn't but her body knows different. He asked Ji An for her key but she didn't respond. He looked on her bag and he found it. He carried her up to the door and he opened it. Before he can carry her again, to take her inside, she grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him to her. She kissed his lips like she really wanted it as if it belongs to her. He doesn't know what's going on with her, but her kiss was making him lose all senses. He pinned her against the door and he held her waist, he responded to her kiss very passionately, full of love and admiration. His lips then travelled to her neck and he gently gropes her breast with his left hand while his right hand was still on her waist holding her in place. He wanted her, all of her 'She's giving herself to me voluntarily.' With that thought, it made him want her more. "Baby" he whispered in her ear, while he kisses and nibbles her earlobe. "Not here... we have to get inside first." His whisper somehow turned her on even more. https://chaptail.com/Novel/tp3rHlJYRvSJGo2rIjx8 https://discord.gg/A33fHxA

MiszYumi · 現実
21 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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