
Chapter 411


A bit earlier,

Franky and Groot hid behind a building watching the world government agents and marines. They numbered in hundreds, all of them having rifles and swords. Going through them normally would be a lot tough, especially since both Franky and Groot were injured. 

"It's time we use our trump card," Franky whispered. 

On his side the little Groot nodded, "I am Groot," he said pointing to a certain someone who was tied with roots and was foaming from his mouth.

Franky grinned, "Yup, it's time to wake him up." He said, grabbing his new hostage by the legs and shaking him awake. 

"H-huh?! Where am I?!" Spandine said, finally snapping out of it. Before looking at both Franky and Groot, "Wait? Why am I upside down…"

Both Franky and Groot smiled at the previous chief of CP9, making the cowardly older man gulp.

"W-why am I tied up?" Spandine said, more like shouted, "Release, me pirates!"

Hearing the commotion, the few world government agents and marines that were near looked at the spot where the sound was coming. 

But it wasn't needed, Franky and Groot stepped out, holding the Spandine up as a hostage. 

Seeing that every marine and agent pointed their weapons at the criminals. But no one dared to shoot.

"Damn, criminals!" one of the marines said, "They have an old man hostage!" 

"That's not just any old man," One of the agents, who was high in position recognized, "It's the previous CP9 chief, Spandine. Everyone! Don't shoot!"

"Now, isn't that SUPER convenient, eh Groot?" 

"I am Groot." 

"You can't get away with this pirate!" Spandine threatened, upside down.

"With you by my side, I'm sure I will…" 

With that both Groot and Franky ran through the buildings of Enies Lobby, holding Spandine hostage. Around them, marine soldiers and world government agents pointed guns at them, but couldn't do anything because of the hostage. 

In this situation, the only solution they could think of was to somehow take down that big oaf called Franky, then maybe they'd be able to save the previous Chief.

Although none of the agents wanted to admit this, but in reality the most effective way would be to fire bullets through the previous chief. Then again, doing this would not sit well with the upper ranks. So they did the only thing they could, chase after them, with swords. They couldn't just let them leave. "Marines! After them!"

"Oi, let go, you stupid pirate!" Spandine cried out, getting nauseated due to being upside down. 

"W-what should we do?" One of the marines asked as the criminals ran away in front of their eyes. "We can't just let them go?"

"But if we shoot. Then the chief might get used a meat shield." 

"The criminals are so cruel!" 

As if Franky heard that, "I say we are SUPER cruel!" 

"I am Groot!"

"Ouch, watch my head. Bastard!" Spandine complained as he accidentally got smashed into a trash bin when Franky crossed an alleyway. As they ran, they saw the destruction the pirate crew was creating in order to save them, and Franky was impressed.

Buildings were flattened, and agents and marines lay unconscious. And before long, they finally saw some faces that they could recognize. 

"I am Groot!" the little on cheered, pointing at Cricket, who was clashing blades with someone. 

"Oh, it's one of your crewmates. Cricky right?" Franky said, not knowing his real name, "He's doing very well against Kaku… who knew both of them were this strong." 

Above both of the fighters clashed mid air, before jumping back into a nearby rooftop to catch their breaths. 

"I thought I made my point clear, but guess it is not enough, eh?" Kaku said, "Just give up already, we have a Vice Admiral on the island and there is no escape!"

Cricket responded to it by swiping at Kaku. And, missed by millimeters as Kaku jumped back, just in time as a bullet brushed past him. With his cutlass sword in one hand and gun in the other, Cricket wasn't holding anything back against Kaku. 

As both the fighters were about to clash, they suddenly turned their attention towards Franky and Groot who were running through the streets.

Groot looked behind and saw the dozens of agents and marines following them, he called out, "I am Groot, I am Groot..."

"Yeah, what he said!" Franky called out, while he ran, "Don't mind us! We are on our way!" 

Seeing Kaku and Cricket who were up on a building rooftop, stared at them for a couple of seconds before Cricket said, "You were saying?" 

Kaku's eyes narrowed, but his lips curved into a smile, "This day can only get worse," he said before jumping up and using multiple Tempest Kicks. Sending wind blades at the targets. But they were stopped by one of Cricket's own attacks. 

"Hey, there buddy. No cheating," Cricket mused, getting to a low stance, "It seems our work is done. So let's finish our little dance, shall we?" He said before dashing forward at great speeds.

Kaku nodded and replied, "Fine by me." With that, both of them went all out. Ready to finish this. 

As Franky and Groot ran, Spandine had seemingly stopped complaining and was trying to bribe Franky into letting him go. "Do you want money?!" he said, "How does a hundred million bellies sound?!" he tried.

"Hmm, hmm. Nice try," Franky replied, "But I have more than a billion already."


"Yeah, I can shove em, up right up your ass, right now, if you don't stop squirming!" Franky said laughing. 

"I am Groot!" The little one complained. 

"Oh, sorry!" Franky said, cringing a bit, "I forgot I had a kid by my side. Eh, don't tell anyone that, kay?" 

"I am Groot! I am Groot!" 

"Fine!" Franky pouted, "I will buy you a bunch of cola..." 

While they ran, a building next to them exploded. And the rubble was going to fall on top of Franky. He managed to evade it, thanks to his cyborg reflexes, even shielding Groot in the process and Spandine was unfortunately used as the shield. Getting almost knocked out in the process.

As the marines and agents followed, the ground rumbled a bit. And everyone had to stop as they had no balance.

"What the...!!? What now?!" Franky groaned.

In front of them, two others were fighting, and they weren't just any fighters. 

"I-is that Lucci from CP9?" One of the marine soldiers asked. "He's using his devil fruit powers. He's like a giant leopard beast!"

"That's not the main concern," One of the agents that also followed Groot and Franky stopped, "Somehow the pirates are able to fight him for that long... going in any further will be a death sentence!" 

Right as he said that, the ground shook, cracks formed out of the pavement, and dust flew everywhere. Two fighters were battling each other, sending massive shockwaves across Enies Lobby, cracking the concrete floor, and destroying everything in their path.

Their forms were literal blurs to the onlookers. 

Franky whistled, "Your crew really has some strong fighters, huh, Groot." He said, while the little one just nodded in wonder. Even Spandine was silent, terrified at what he was seeing. 

Unlike Kaku, if he made any noise and got noticed, Lucci wouldn't even hesitate to kill him along with the criminals. So he stayed shut. 

Franky looked on as Archy (Anchor) fought Lucci with everything he got, and it was looking like he was winning. "No wonder, he beat me in an arm-wrestling match." He said, before looking at Groot. "Well, we can't go from there… they are too much into it. They might kill us without even trying." He joked.

Groot nodded and even Spandine sighed in relief, as all of them took a detour and this time the soldiers and agents didn't follow them. Afraid in getting caught in between the destruction. They valued their lives more than duty. 

With nothing to stop them, Franky and Groot soon found themselves near the main island gate. And as they came, they finally saw some good news. 

It was Yotaro (Yosaku) who was standing over the fallen Jabra along with Hatchi. Franky was about to call them, when it happened. 

Suddenly Jabra who was already on the floor, in his zoan form started to grow in size. Jabra's body began to swell, muscles bulging and thick grey fur sprouting rapidly across his skin. His spine cracked and popped as it extended, adding feet of height in seconds. Claws erupted from his fingers and toes as his limbs stretched. Jabra threw back his head and howled as the zoan-drug took effect, primal bloodlust filling his amber eyes.

Towering over almost twenty feet tall, Jabra had become a hulking wolf zoan hybrid, that roared with power and rage.

Seeing this Franky only had one thought, 'Out from the frying pan into the fire.'

------ [Yo, I have put a vote in my Pa-atreon. It's about the new story, you can vote there, it's accessible for all. Please go there and vote, two more days before I decide.

Option are:

1. Shanks

2. Marco

3. Sabo (cause one of the readers suggested it)

You will find the details in my pa-atreon page. Anyone can vote, so leave your thoughts behind.]

Shameless Pa-atreon plug. I've got one, goes by the username (FallenCrown) on there. 

Support me if you want, but don't feel pressured, I'll be uploading my stuff outside it regardless and not keeping it all behind a paywall or anything like that.

Read my other fics if you have the time. If you want to have a chat with me, hit me up on discord.


