
Chapter 294


Sparky watched as Sanji left with Zoro and Kuina. He waved at them as they left, uncaring of the enemy that he was about to face.

He watched them for a few seconds before looking at the slowed-down Blackbeard pirate. Sparky felt a surge of anger deep inside of him, but like always he pressed down his animalistic instincts, and smiled, trying to remain level-headed. He was going to make the bastard suffer, but he wanted to do it in a way where he had all the control.

"Why the fuck am I slow?" Laffitte growled as he slowly came out from his crater. His voice breaking Sparky out of his thoughts. The man's half-zoan form had burns thanks to Sanji, along with having a few other wounds. The man's feathered body was now a bit charred with blood along his form.

"Well, I ate the Slow-Slow Fruit," Sparky said shrugging, "If it wasn't obvious, I can slow down anything. Currently, you are ten times slower than before."

Laffitte didn't speak as he had already ran from his spot to attack him. But he was too damn slow for the monkey to even bother with him as a threat. Heck, he was 'running' even slower than a snail. It looked quite comical, as the large griffon-man was struggling to move toward the monkey.

But that didn't mean Sparky would let the Blackbeard pirate get near him. Everyone had an ace up their sleeves, and it would be unwise to think otherwise. Also, for now, Sparky needed to play the waiting game.

Laffitte was smarter than he looked and after getting kicked by Sanji he covered his whole body in Armament Haki. So even though he was slow, he was well protected, attacking him now would be useless, even if he was comically slow

So Sparky just jumped to the side, hanging off from a tree, when Laffitte got a few feet near his location.

"Ho, aren't you a fast one," Sparky mused as he pointed one of his hands at him again, and a yellow wave came out, affecting his opponent yet again, "Don't worry, I was just extending your time. Bahahahaha…"

"Agh… fucking monkey, come back here!" Laffitte growled as he looked at Sparky.

"How about a no?" Sparky said, giving a smug grin to the man.

For a while, Laffitte just glared at him, "Why the fuck aren't you doing anything?"

Sparky scratched his head with one hand before using his other hand to open his backpack and taking out a banana. He started peeling and eating the fruit as he answered, "Eh, why would I?" He asked as he ate the fruit, he then pointed at Laffitte with his half-eaten fruit, "Your body is still covered in Armament Haki. And attacking you now would be useless. That's why I'm waiting…" he shrugged, before finishing the banana and throwing the peel at the man's face.

Laffitte was, of course, too slow as the fruit attack landed on his Armament-covered face, resulting in him giving Sparky an angry glare. "You think I can't keep up my Armament Haki for the whole day? If so you are…"

But Sparky cut him off, he already had another banana in his hands, "I know you can't keep it up for a whole day." He said, "Luffy has better Armament Haki than you… and he had a lot of creative ways to experiment with his Haki. It's flaws, it's drawbacks… while Full Body Armament gives you full body protection, its quite stamina-draining. By now you should start feeling weak… I would give you another minute before you have to drop the Armament."

Laffitte gave out a growl at the fact that the monkey knew about his bluff.

Sparky gave the Blackbeard pirate a smug look, before tossing the banana peel at the pirate. Laffitte was able to dodge the waste just barely this time and it made him glare at him more.

"If my Armament Haki has a timer, then so does your slow powers. If I'm not wrong it's similar to Ace's right-hand man's powers," He snorted as he started to shrink back from his half-zoan form to conserve stamina, "You will find that I can last more than a minute."

Sparky gave him a three-arm clap, "Wow, you are the first man I saw that's proud of lasting more than one minute. I wonder how you woo ladies with that short-timer… But, eh… I'm not one to judge."

"Why you…!"

Sparky laughed, cutting him off, amused by his reaction, "You are right, you might last for more than a minute, but I can speed up the process." Sparky said, giving the Blackbeard a smile that made the man feel a bit of fear, "Bahahaha… don't worry you will only feel like you are drowning."

The zoan user unconsciously took a step back as his senses warned him of a danger.

Sparky laughed at him, before grinning, "Luffy said using Full Body Armament too long feels like clenching your butthole to hold back poop." Sparky chuckled, taking out an apple from his bag, and biting into it. "Not a very good explanation, but a relatable one. So why don't I increase your struggle a bit?"

With that, he extended one of his arms, and his slow beams again attacked the Blackbeard pirate. The pirate wanted to jump away, but he was, again, too slow. This time, the moment Sparky's slow beam affected Laffitte's body, he turned a bit blue.

"What the… what did you do…?!" he coughed, struggling hard to breathe. He took a breath full of air, but it didn't help much, the man even started to cough. Laffitte glared at him, "What the fuck did you do, monkey?"

"Only if you say please," Sparky said perking up at the show, taking out an apple from his bag, and started eating it as he explained, "But I'm feeling rather kind today, so I will tell you. What I did previously was slow down your movement, what I did now was slow down the rate of your rate of breathing. It's a bit straining on my powers, but is much more straining on you. Be careful, if you don't do anything then you might die of air loss."

Sparky by the end of the explication had finished the apple and threw the waste at the struggling form of Laffitte. The monkey grinned, seeing the enemy struggle to catch his breath. He would have loved to slow down his heart rate, but that had a certain drawback.

Masked Deuce's powers could stop the heart or the brain, completely killing the opponent. And Sparky had learned the trick as well, as his powers were similar.

But stopping the heart or brain was a bit difficult, and only was possible for weaker opponents. Mainly because it was closely linked to one's willpower and they had a good chance on completely breaking off from the effects with Haki.

The Blackbeard pirate coughed, straining to take in air.

"What, out of breath?" Sparky asked, "Drop down your Armament Haki for a second and I might drop my 'slow'… Bahahaha…"
