
Chapter 109


"Look what we found!" Johnny called with a huge smile on his face. "You'll love this, Big Sis Nami!"

"Will I?" She asked. "Why?" On cue, both men lifted the chest open to reveal glittering gold coins and Berry notes.

Nami squealed happily as she jumped up and down like a child, before jumping and snatching the chest of the duo's hands. The orange head snuggled the money as if it was her boyfriend who came home safe from a war zone and sighed happily.

"Looks like we found some extra funds for Loguetown," Sanji said with a smirk. "After all, we all need something I'm sure." Of course, Sanji figured out that Luffy was only trying to miss direct the marines, with his earlier words.

Luffy smiled. With this, all of the marines would think that Luffy and the crew left for the grandline, while they would doc at the opposite side of Logue Town.

The Logue town was situated on the Logue Town Island. Yup, stupid name. But he didn't decide it.

Anyway, it is an island where, there was a forest on the other end, and a town front end. So Luffy told the crew to set up the ship there, near the forest, rather than in the port… it won't hide the ship fully, but it was the best they can do for now.

Smoker was still in Sakura Islands, and with their ship's speed it would take at least one day to get here. More than enough time to get out of here. That was more than enough time for what Luffy was planning on doing here.

And just like that the Island came into the view… The last island before the grandline. Now they only had to sort out the small-time commotion that was happening on the ship.

"Distribution?" Nami demanded, still hugging the chest from a few hours ago. "These schmucks don't know the first thing about money!" she said hissing, while she hugged the money.

Luffy sweatdropped, "Nami, I will bring you a city of gold, but I'm damn sure it won't change your act."

Nami pulled down her tongue and eyelid in protest… very mature.

"Don't be greedy," Kuina replied, "If they need the money then they simply need the money. Simple as that. Also, I need some cash for testing the fine desert on the island anyways," she said with an open palm, to give her some of the money.

Completely ignoring how shamelessly Kuina was asking for money, Luffy agreed with the swordswoman.

"I'm going with these two to find a sword shop," Zoro said, referring to Yosaku and Johnny. "I need two more swords thanks to Mihawk, and they need better swords in general."

"Six swords," Nami replied, gulping a bit. "How much do you think you need?"

"I dunno. three or four hundred thousand?" Zoro ignored the hissing sound Nami did. But the girl didn't protest much, digging through the chest. Once she'd stacked all the bills, she handed them to the swordsman.

"Hey, if it's short on money, don't forget to come back to the ship and ask Sparky… we do have more than enough cash." Luffy pointed out.

Nami shook her head, "No, you will get a good deal, okay?" grabbing the green-haired swordsman by the shoulder and dangerously eyeing him.



Zoro just nodded. Luffy helplessly shook his head, but made a note to tell Sparky to hand over some extra cash before the boys left for sword shopping.

"Now…" she said. "Who else?" she said looking over to Coby.

The boy shook his head, "I will go with Zoro… he might get lost otherwise, and I don't need anything anyway." Nami sighed, and nodded happily, before looking at the next one.

"We need groceries," Sanji said. "And with how everyone eats, I'm really not sure how much I'll need. But give me as much as you think I need, Nami-swan!"

Nami again flet a good amount of weight reduce from her bag of bellies.

Gin also requested some money for both him and Usopp, so barely anything was left.

"You do know, we still have around a hundred million in Spakry's bag right?" Luffy deadpanned, but Nami ignored them.

After joining the crew, Nami had gone through Spakry's bag a few times, but didn't take out much from there. As that was the best place to store cash anyway, being safe on Sparky's shoulder and all.

Who needs a personal safe to store cash when you can have a super-monkey carry it around? Though, Nami really wondered how Sparky could fit all that much stuff in his bag… a mystery that she didn't question.

"What will you understand… for you it might be glittering gold but for me… they are much more than that." She cried, and Luffy rolled his eyes. It seems that Nami was in love with all the money.

"Usopp, you're coming with me," Gin said, now that he had the money.

"Huh?" The sniper asked, looking up from the chemistry set in front of him. He wasn't exactly paying attention, as he was more focused with his own stuff. "Where are we going?"

"Shopping, *caugh" Gin said, he was still affected by his previous injuries. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine. Let's hope I don't end up half-dead like the other time." He laughed.

Usopp looked doubtful, but he didn't say more. "Now, where's Luffy?"

"About thirty feet ashore already," Yosaku replied, looking off the ship. Turning, the others watched the Captain running through the forest ahead of them.

"I guess we're good then," Nami said. "Return to the ship once you're done. And for the love of God, don't start trouble. I know saying that without Luffy here might make no sense, but God knows he'll find it anyway."

With this the crew's meeting adjourned, everyone, moving off in their own separate way. Gin left with Usopp, the former Krieg pirate in search of a certain type of shop. He could tell from the look the sniper was giving him that he was confused, but he'd see what they were doing soon enough.

"Did you want to stay on the ship or something? *cough" Gin asked him, clearing his throat, "You… *cough… you look confused."
