
One Piece: The Strongest Man

This is the story of a man's journey from being the weakest to becoming the strongest man in the world. . . . . . . . (author's warning: no harem, no dark MC) (If you find any grammatical mistakes or any other mistakes, please bear with it. I have no editor)

G_SoulKing · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Devil Fruits

A whole week has passed and Michael has to add another 7 days into his resume as a slave. His relationship with the boa sisters has gotten a lot closer especially with Boa Hancock as she is the one who chats with him the most among the sisters. Michael has high hopes for the future.

This week is a normal week for Michael but for the boa sisters, it's a nightmare. On the first day they were assigned to the kitchen which is not a bad job but in the middle of work someone came to choose some girls to serve World Noble's guest at the dinning table. You don't know what wierd order those idiots will give you. It is always safe to stay as far away from them as possible. Fortunately they followed Michael's advice and covered their faces with ash from the kitchen so they were not chosen.

On the second day they were assigned to wash clothes. Their hands were trembling when they returned. Those idiot dragons seem to like slaves doing their chores instead of machines. If they want, they have the greatest mind, Vegapunk, he can easily create washing machines, automatic running track and many more.

On the third day was cleaning Pangea. Any mistake will be awarded with heavy whipping. They have whip marks on their bodies when they come back. Michael strengthens his resolve to teach the world government a painful lesson. The following days weren't any better but they are beginning to adapt to this place with the help of Michael.


On this day the sun is already brightly hanging in the sky but he is still not called up for daily work. The same goes for the girls which makes him a little uneasy.

'I hope it's not one of those surprise moments' he thought.

"Michael, why are we not working today. Is today a rest day" Hancock asked with a happy face. Hancock has become more cheerful from the first time they met, at least when they are together.

"I don't know Hancock but it should not be a rest day. There is no rest day here. It is very likely that today we will be assigned together. You have to follow me when the time comes Hancock." He has more experience than them in surviving at this place.

"Finally we can work together, Michael" MariGold said with a hint of joy.

"Ok, we will follow you, Michael" Hancock and Sonia also agreed.

Michael's hunch came true and at noon a person in a white suit came to call them. This person doesn't look like the regular jailor. He must be one of those CPs working for the celestial dragons. They followed him to a huge mansion with white walls and blue pointed roofs. He led them inside the building where there were already 6 slaves standing in front of a table covered with cloth.

Michael starts to get nervous. He hated these kinds of surprises but in this situation he has no choice but to be prepared to be surprised. They stood silently waiting for whatever to come and after standing for some time he heard heavy footsteps coming from outside. When it reached the room he saw that it was a huge bull with a child sitting on its back. On both sides there were CP agents guarding.

'A little Celestial dragon, huh!! It shouldn't be too hard to fool, right!! Or is it my arrogance making me think this' Michael breathed out and tried to calm himself down. He felt someone pulling his shirt and gave Hancock a reassuring look. When he calmed himself down the child with a running nose was already on the other side of the table.

A CP agent walks up to the table and removes the white cloth covering it. Michael suddenly held his breadth at the magnificence in front of him. On the table there are 10 devil fruits lined in a row. On the sea where finding 1 devil fruit is already a luxury, seeing 10 at a time is a shock. Not only him but also everyone else is in shock.

"These are unknown devil fruit and your job is to eat them and truthfully record what abilities you have got. And those whose abilities Lord Saint Charlos is interested in will be able to follow him. You can eat good food, have a room of your own and no need to work like those lowly slaves. This is an opportunity to change your miserable life so cherish it" The CP agent announced

Not all devil fruits can be recorded even by the world government. Even if someone owns a powerful devil fruit power the world government may not know the appearance of the fruit. Most pirates don't even remember the appearance of the fruit they ate. So it is necessary to record devil fruit abilities if they want to find out more potential ones among them. The second reason may be the main reason why the world government is willing to let the slaves test the devil fruit. What kind of reason is more convincing than a Celestial Dragon who wants to enjoy?

Whatever the reason maybe, this is an opportunity for Michael. But it may also be a disaster if he eats some useless devil fruit. The only devil fruit he recognizes is the mero mero no mi which belongs to Boa Hancock. It is a pair of heart shaped cherries one pink and one purple with a connected stem.

' Don't try to attract his attention' Michael shoftly whispered rear Hancock's ear. Hancock nodded a little to show that she heard.

" You! Come here and eat the first fruit" Saint Charlos pointed at the biggest man in the group. This guy is almost 6 metres tall. At first Michael thought his height was awesome, it was only after coming out of his room that he realized he is just an average Joe in this world.

The big man walked up to the table and took the first fruit in his hand. The fruit looked like coconut without the husk, brown and furry. The man bit down on the fruit and showed an uncomfortable expression. He was dazed for a few seconds and then changed back to normal as if he had received sudden enlightenment.

"Show me what power you get" Saint carlos ordered impatiently.

The big man falls down on his knees, he begins to grow bigger and brown hair starts growing from all over his body. Finally he changed to a huge bear 10 metres tall.

"Great, Great!! From now on you will be my new mount" Saint carlos was happy to get such a good mount. The big bear also showed a big smile as if to please Saint Charlos but it instead frightens him into taking a few steps back.

A second slave was also called up and ate a devil fruit and he got the power to turn himself into an egg and produce some eggs everyday. Saint carlos didn't even look at him. Sonia and MariGold also ate their own devil fruit which is the same as in original.

At the sixth turn Hancock also ate her devil fruit, mero mero no mi. But she did not report the correct ability of the devil fruit. She just said that she can turn people who like her into stone. It sounded like a curse. She did not report that this fruit can make 99% of people irresistible to her charm.

The seventh person was also selected by saint Charlos. This person ate the clone clone fruit which enables him to imitate anyone. Lucky guy, both the CP and saint Charlos like him, so he was given special treatment. Maybe this is the reason this fruit is eaten by Bon Clay in the original work.

It was finally Michael's turn. There were only 2 devil fruits left on the table. One looked like a white grapes with swirls and the other looked like a green mango with dense marks. His turn is to eat the grape-like fruit. He did not delay anymore, he picked up the grapes like fruit and plucked a piece from it and threw it into his mouth. He directly swallowed it, he knew it must taste very bad from the expressions of his predecessors. Before waiting for any response he quickly plucked all the remaining pieces and swallowed them all. He thinks it's safe to eat the whole of a devil fruit then just a bite.

After a few seconds he started to feel his body a lot lighter as if he could just lift off and some information also appeared in his mind. He closed his eyes and after digesting the information he was wild with joy. If not for the occasion he would have laughed out loud. This fruit might become the key to his escape. He waited for a few seconds longer than others and then opened his eyes.

The CPs and Saint Charlos were looking at him impatiently. He dares not show his happiness, he showed a slightly disappointed expression and said

" My ability is to generate small electric currents in my body which I can pass on to others through contact."

The CP showed a slightly interested expression and asked Michael to demonstrate it. Michael walked up to a slave who ate an animal devil fruit rodent form and patted him with his palm. Almost instantly electric light flashed on the rodent's body and all the fur on his body stood straight but his body was not harmed in any way. The slave was just stunned for a second but Michael was already panting. He used all his strength in that attack otherwise it will be bad if the CP suspects anything. It may be because he has just gotten the power, it can only be used as a hair straightener.

Seeing his performance the CP agent also lost interest. He doesn't think a slave will lie to him and the thunder fruit is already recorded so he knows that the fruit Michael ate is not the thunder fruit.

The last one also has no surprises and this sudden event ended in this way. Saint Carlos got two great toys, CP has collected more devil fruit information and Michael also ate a very potential devil fruit.

The CP agent sent them back to the building. They were also not handcuffed with seastone handcuffs. The world government has enough confidence in their exploding collar and the flying dragon hoof mark. And more importantly the slaves will become very weak after wearing seastone handcuff and will not be able to work.