
“End of training”

Week 3 ended, and in this third week, Yamamoto raised 8 points in his devil fruit mastery reaching 56 points and surpassing 50% of the beginner level. His stamina remained at 11. His spiritual power went up another point reaching 7 in total. And finally, his speed went up 1 point, reaching 11.

His progress went up by 0.4%, from 11.4% to 11.8% this third week was good progress, even so, he knew that maintaining an increase of 0.4% was difficult.

The last week started to like the others, he only had two changes, firstly, he started fighting some wild beasts that were deep in the forest, thanks to this he was able to test his devil fruit attacks on real opponents and more powerful than the marines and even from the mercenary Nelson hired.

Although they were only wild beasts of the West Blue, he was able to make an approximation of their strength. Seeing the punch strengths of these wild beasts, he knew they had approximately 20 points in their strength, making them more powerful than Eric.

Other beasts specialized in speed, reaching a great speed that Yamamoto could not keep up with, as his speed statistic was only 11. To defeat these very fast beasts he had to rely on his intangibility.

If he had the strength he had with the cards he could defeat these beasts with a single finger or a snap and turn them into ashes, but that was not yet his strength, so he had to keep training to be able to reach that level and even more.

To his bad luck he didn't have much time on his hands to train, first of all, he had the emergency mission of the system that if he doesn't fulfill it he will lose everything. And the most dangerous thing is that the World Government and the Marine must be looking for him everywhere.

The moment they find his location they will again send an admiral and who knows how many troops to assassinate him. So he has to get strong quickly. By training, he knows it would take too long, maybe long enough for the Marines to find him.

The second change was that he started with the 2nd phase of the training 'Awakening of the Inner Spirit', this phase is called Emotional Awakening, something that made Yamamoto a little hesitant, even so, he did it following the manual to the letter.

This second phase has two points. Yamamoto started with the first one called: Self-knowledge and Reflection, in this point the person must know himself and reflect deeply on his emotions and past experiences to release emotional blockages that may be affecting his connection with the spiritual world.

Yamamoto started with the first exercise which was a simple meditation, closing his eyes and visualizing a bright light within himself, representing his spiritual essence. And while meditating, he should reflect on his purpose, desires, and goals to find answers to inner questions.

In his meditation, he recalled the conversation he had with Saul on the ship as they headed to Warship Island, about the dubious justice of the Marine and how radical the World Government is. As an anime fan, he knew that in the world of One Piece, there was a lot of injustice and it was a very dark world.

In this week with this simple meditation, he connected with his true self, feeling a deep connection to the spiritual essence and energy that flows through all things. As his connection strengthens, a clear image of his goal is projected in his mind, a world where true justice reigns, although making it encompass the world as a whole is a very difficult task.

Minimally he wants to achieve such a goal on several islands, plus he has Yamamoto's template from bleach if he completes it it will be easy to defeat the World Government.

A kind of society where people can live peacefully without fear of being raided and killed by pirates, captured by world nobles to become slaves, or not starved because of the corruption of a kingdom.

He remembered that there were many kingdoms, where poverty and misery reigned as in the Kingdom of Goa where the Gray Terminal was located, and the noble families treated the commoners like ants. Even many towns where there were marine bases were like dictatorships led by a crazy marine who, because he had a high position, did whatever he wanted. Remembering Morgan

Yamamoto knows that not everything in the world is like that, but in most of the islands, such things happen.

To achieve such a goal, he needs to improve his strength and not only that, he needs to find reliable and powerful allies, as he cannot handle everything by himself, so his goal in this world was already clear.

This objective was due, on the one hand, to his former life in which he lived in a modern society, although there were inequalities and poverty, it could not be compared to this world, where you can be killed at any time and slavery is normal. And on the other hand, Yamamoto's template. Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryūsai had a proud and honorable personality who took on the responsibility of not only protecting the Soul Society but the Human World, as he understood it was his obligation to shoulder such a demanding task.

Another no lesser goal was to protect his loved ones who, although he was only 1 month in this world, he made dear friends like Clover, Olvia, Robin, etc. In addition, he had memories of the old body and felt familiar with most of the archaeologists.

When he managed to establish his goal, his will became much stronger, the emotional blocks that he had previously were gone. Thanks to all this he achieved that his spiritual power in this last week increased by 2 points, reaching 9 points.

Thanks to his new objectives and his mind being much clearer than before, his training was much more effective and this last week he achieved much greater progress compared to the others.

His mastery in Devil Fruit was up 10 points, a record high, reaching 66 points out of 100 and getting closer and closer to surpassing the beginner level. As for his endurance, it went up 1 point again, reaching 12. And to his surprise, his speed also went up 1 point, reaching 12.

*This last week was the best of all* thought Yamamoto satisfied while he looked at his stats, which looked like this:

[ Name: Fudo D. Yamamoto

Template: Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryūsai

Progress: 12.5%.

Merit points = 600

Skill points = 0

Devil Fruit: Mera Mera no Mi

Devil Fruit Mastery = Beginner 66/100

Physical strength = [18]

Endurance = [12]

Defense = [20]

Intelligence = [10]

Speed = [12]

Spiritual Power = [9]

Time of life = 16 years...

Skills: [

-Hohō = [1/50 basic]

-Hakuda = [1/50 basic]]

-Kidō = [1/50 basic]]


In this last week, it went up 0.7% improving its previous mark of 0.4%. If he manages to maintain an average of 0.4% per week in one month he would get an increase of 1.6%, in two months that would be 3.2% plus what he already has currently would progress by 15.7% achieving to complete the mission, and have 0.7% more.

Even so, the first month's progress had a lot to do with the elixir that raised his defense by 3 points. As for the points he got with his training, he got 8 points counting speed, stamina, and spiritual power. And his devil fruit mastery increased by 33 points.

In this month Yamamoto kept a close eye on each percentage increase and was able to conclude that 10 points in his devil fruit mastery would be equivalent to 1 point in one of his other stats. So he obtained 11.3 points in this month of training without counting the 3 points obtained thanks to the elixir.

At first, he saw it as very difficult, but thanks to getting the elixir, and that he achieved a kind of enlightenment in his meditation to increase his spiritual power, he sees it more feasible to get 15% in the remaining 2 months.

However, his training may stagnate and he may not have any enlightenment or anything like that. On the other hand, he knows that the World Government and the Marine must be looking for him and his priority must be to increase his strength quickly.

And one of the easiest ways to increase his power quickly is by accomplishing side missions and killing powerful enemies, but for that, he will have to leave the island in search of adventures to trigger these missions, *He who does not risk does not win...* thought Yamamoto deciding his head, although this was very dangerous he knew that the marine could find him at any time since even Nelson and his marines were able to pass through the fog.
