

Veldanava D. Howard was on his way to his house, when all of a sudden a falling truck appeared on top of him killing him instantly. When he thought he had gone to the afterlife he finds himself naked in front of an execution platform surrounded by people looking at him weirdly, and that execution platform looks kinda like the one where the pirate king was executed in his favorite anime "One Piece".

Rin_Mori · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 3 ~ There were Quest?

[Duplicate-Duplicate Fruit]


"The Host completed the quest, 'Collect Three Devil Fruits'."

"Quest Reward: summoning ticket, 5,000 SP"

Howard: "Eh quest?...I totally forgot about that!, why didn't you remind me system?"


"You didn't ask"

Howard: "...", 'that sounds reasonable, let me see some quest'


[Collecting Three Devil Fruits - Rewards, summoning ticket, 5,000 SP]

[Defeat a Pirate Group - Rewards, (Depends on the strength of the pirate group)]

[Defeat a Marine Base - Rewards, (Depends on the strength of the marine base)]

[Defeat a Pirate - Rewards, (Depends on the strength of the Pirate)]

[Defeat a Marine - Rewards, (Depends on the strength of the Marine)]

[Create a base - Rewards, devil fruit, summoning ticket, character template, 10,000 SP]

Howard: "I see, seems like I have another way to gain some SP, I'll find some pirates later to test it out, now that Ive got the devil fruit here, onto the next destination, Gecko Islands!"

He flew and arrived at the Island within 10 minutes. He then took out the Devil Fruit Finder and scanned the entire Island.

Howard: "Devil fruit is really rare, there's only one devil fruit here, now I'll take it and leave"

[Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Hercules Beetle]

Howard: "This one is a very strong devil fruit, it not only raises your strength but also defense, one of the strongest species of a beetle, now onto the next Island, the island with weird animals, the island where the talking treasure chest lives."

On his way to the Island Howard stopped as he saw a pirate ship. The pirates on the the pirate ship didn't seem to notice his presence.

Howard: 'Let's complete one of the quest'

He thought before coming down to their ship, making the pirate aware of his presence as they pointed their weapons at him.

Lin Feng: "Who are you? Don't you know this is the ship of the great master Lin Feng, the captain of the Huaxia Pirate Group!"

Howard looked at the person talking and checked his status.

~Lin Feng~

Strength - E+

Speed - E-

Durability - E-

D.F. - Hito-Hito no Mi, Model: Chinese

Bounty - 10,000,000 Beli

Lin Feng: "Hey! Are you listening? Don't ignore me! You are Courting Death! I Captain Lin Feng is a person that should never be ignored. I ate the devil fruit, Hito-Hito no Mi, Model: Chinese. This devil fruit grants me the ability to turn into a Chinese and solve some hard math equations with ease."

Howard: 'This guys so noisy, I have to shut him up fast seems like there are 15 people on this ship.'

Howard thought as he jumped to the sky and prepared his attack.

Howard: "Secret special technique: Road Roller Da!!"

Howard yelled his move before taking out the road roller he got from his newbie gift pack, and press it against Lin Feng crushing him along with the ship making them sink in the sea, creating a huge splash.

After that was done howard put his road roller back to his system space and left the wreckage.

Howard: "How frightening, Road Roller is truly a weapon of mass destruction, I should at least have a hundred in my system space, in case I have to go to war, just imagining 100 road rollers falling from the sky frightens me."

He said with a serious face.


"The host completed the quest, 'Defeat a Pirate Group'."

"Quest Reward: Chicken Egg x30 (Minecraft)"


"The host completed the quest, Defeat a Pirate'."

"Quest Reward: 350 SP"

Howard: "As expected the rewards are not that good after all those guys seems to only have great mouth and not great strength, now that that's done I'll continue my journey to gather devil fruits."

But after arriving there, the devil fruit finder did not detect any Devil Fruit so he went to another island, Organ Island the Island where buggy once ruled before being defeated by the Straw Hats.

Howard: "There's only one devil fruit here huh, its better than none at all"

After a few minutes he finally saw it

[Sugar-Sugar Fruit]

Howard: "Nice a Logia, Now onto the next Island and the Island where I'll probably create my first base Sixis Island the Island where ace got the Mera Mera no Mi."

While on his way he encountered yet another ship but this one looks like it belongs to a noble man

Howard: 'I'm getting some strange feeling from that ship, if I have to describe it, it should be what one might call as malice, I guess the reason why I can feel it is because of my devil fruit, should I go there?, now I may not be a saint but I'm no demon either.'

Howard thought before going down the nobles ship now that he was on the ship he could hear the sound of children crying and asking for help

Guard 1: "Who're you?"

Guard 2: "Where'd you come from?"

Guard 3: "This is the ship of the king of Goa Kingdom, unauthorized people can't come here."

Howard: "20 people who are probably sent as guards to protect the ship and an unknown number of children below the deck"

Howard stopped the loud noises of the guards by launching spears made of light at their chest thus creating some iconic holes.


"The host has completed the hidden quests, 'Kill slave traders'."

"Quest Reward: Large Flying Nimbus, 10,000 SP"

Howard: "I should be happy because I got a reward but I can't feel anything but sadness right now.'

After finishing off all the guards he then entered the cabin of the ship, and saw some children locked up in a cage a total of 18 children,11 boys and 7 girls, with some bruises but no fatal injuries, after seeing him the children were scared, but were soon relieved as Howard healed them.

Howard: "Light of Healing, who is the oldest one here?"

He asked as he could see that none of them have even reached 18

Zegion: "That should be me, my name's Zegion, 16 years old, who are you Mr?"

Howard: "Im Veldanava D. Howard the bad guys at the top are taking a nap so let's get out of here, do you guys have any place to return to?, your parents house perhaps?"

When the children heard the word parents they seemed even more sad

Zegion: "Our parents are already dead, they were killed by the people who on the top."

Howard: "I see, wanna come with me then?"

All of the kids eyes brightened and all of them answered without delay

18 Kids: "Yes please"

Howard: "Well I saved you guys so you're my responsibility now, form a line and hold each others hands while your eyes are closed were going up"

They did as he said and he then took out his Nimbus cloud, the Nimbus cloud will let anyone ride it if they have permission of the owner, he let the children sit on the Nimbus cloud, and continued his journey to Sixis Island now with some company.