

Gray was with Law and Eneru in a bar. Other members were present as well.

"He'll be our newest member of the crew. His name is Eneru and he has memory loss. You know him from somewhere."

'It's from the series, to be honest.'

Eneru had no idea what was going on. He'd just been kidnapped against his will, and now he'd turned into a pirate.

"I not low enough to join a crew, so I refuse."

Gray gave him a death stare, and Eneru's heart skipped a beat when he met his gaze.

"But you all are not a lowly bunch, so I will amuse you all for the time being." "Hahaha, " Eneru was sweating profusely, as Gray gave him a death stare.

Gray chuckled a little. He was prepared to kill him if he dared to betray him, and he knew Law would not betray him.

"Let's eat a lot to celebrate our new crew member."

Everyone ate and partied that night. He arrived in the evening at Water 7 while traveling at full speed.

Before leaving, Eneru asked Gray about himself.

"You are Eneru, nothing more and nothing less. You grew up as an orphan."

"How did we meet, then?"

"Oh! We first met in a bar. You liked drinking, so I lent you money and promised to give you as much booze as you wanted if you joined my crew, and you gladly accepted."

"How can I be such a person? This nonsense does not hold water with me."

"Every thief says the same thing, exactly like you, and I still get the impression you still have not lost your memory." Gray regarded him with suspicion.

"Believe me! For certain, I lost my memories, and I promised that I would join your crew."

"At the very least, that's encouraging."

Gray went to nap, while Eneru continued to believe in his miserable reminiscence.

Eneru was still deep in concentration after hearing his fabricated flashback.

"I loved drinking so much, I can't believe such nonsense, but I have to accept myself for who I am."

Eneru drank an entire jar of booze in one go.

"Perhaps what he said is true. This is tasty."

Another day,

Ryu and the crew members were on a ship that was recently built.

"Is this the ship I ordered? It appears to be so. "

"Yes, Captain!" While you were away, I took care of this ship. We watched the entire construction." Gray received a cool response from Beppo.

"Great job. At the very least, the ship appears to be in decent condition. It turned out better than I expected."

The ship was medium-sized and had four white sails that were all trimmed in purple. The ship's design was inspired by a gold eagle. The flanks were brimming with canons. The final section included an electrically driven booster.

"Let's move through the calm belt to East Blue. We have a business to attend to over there."

"What's the use of going to East Blue and through the calm belt when the calm belt is swarming with Sea Kings?" "We're going to get eaten before we get there." Law posed a logical question.

"This ship is extremely expensive; you will understand why."

"Are you certain about this? I will not suggest it."

Gray gave Bepo an eternal pose, and Bepo understood he had to get to the destination.

"Aya, Captain! We will move right on. "

Eneru was busy charging the ship's batteries for later use, his role was critical to the crew. He was a walking powerhouse.

"Are you through with the charging? Having your power is helpful for sure. "

Eneru was flying in the air, observing the surroundings through his Devil fruit.

"Such menial labor is nothing for someone like me. This is something I could do all day."

'He's still arrogant, but in a good manner.'

Law glanced at Gray having chatted with Eneru when he remembered.

"Captain, what is the name of our crew?" "We still don't know what the crew's name is."

"I was curious about that as well." Beppo gazed at Gray with interest.

Gray plunged into serious concentration, pondering potential names.

"We'll call ourselves the Plunderer Pirates and plunder all the wealth we can since just one thing matters: what you can do and what you can't."

"That's quite the mindset you have. It's not all that bad."

"Captain, if I may ask, where are we going?"

"We will fight Shiki. Obviously, we're headed to his hideout."

Eneru didn't get anything about Shiki, but all the others almost had a heart attack.

Eneru looked at the other's reaction with a confused expression, he didn't know who Shiki was.

"Why are you all reacting such a way when hearing about Shiki? he is just a mere mortal."

Law didn't blame eneru as he had memory loss, and for Gray, he was glad he didn't know about Shiki and Charged at him with all he got.

"He is a mortal, and an old one at that, and We are going to crush him and let the world know about our Greatness."

"I would expect no less of my Captain." Eneru started to look down on Shiki, even before meeting him.

Law didn't speak up a single word, he just went with Gray's wishes. He closed his eye and took a short nap while still on the deck.

"Beppo, How long before we reached Calm belt? We have traveled a long time."

"We are almost there, we won't be able to sail after some moments."

Gray took the charge of the steering wheel of the ship and started to steer the sip.

"Watch and learn just how we move through the Calm belt."

Law woke up just before entering the calm belt, Everyone in the sea was looking at the Calm belt.

Just ocean there was Calm and as for the sea kings living there, they were swarming like flies.

Sea kings jumped from the Ocean to high in the air, They were fighting killing one another, and hunting for food. The ship looked like an Ant compared to Sea kings.

"Captian! Are you sure about this? It looks like a bad idea to me."

Gray just ignored them and entered the calm belt, the winds never blew in the calm belt and sea kings made it suicide to travel through them.

The ship entered the Calm belt, everyone was dead silent looking at the sea kings that were visible from the ship although they were deep underwater.

"Huh! Our Ship is moving through the Calm belt but there's no wind blowing."Beppo was amazed as he saw their ship moving through the Calm belt.

Gray smirked a little and looked at Beppo who was completely amazed.

"We have boosters powered by Eneru, It works with Electricity."

Beppo also noticed that Sea kings were just Ignoring the ship like It didn't exist.

"Sea kings are just leaving us to go by, But how?"

"Our ships had Sea stones embedded in them thus our Ship gives the same energy as the Sea, that means Sea kings don't even feel our presence."

A/N: I will drop a picture of ship in the comment.